Yup. I was going to try it for the incest tag but after reading that, fuck it, not even going to dl it. This an example of why I've went back to doing things the old way: I'll pay $10-50 when it's finished (depending on quality and length), not before with half-baked crap that may or may not ever get debugged and completed. I don't even give money to early access games on Steam anymore either, and most of those devs (emphasis on most) have their shit together with a real game studio and a dozen or so employees rather than a 1-man-show with a day job and 6-12 month updates (ie go all in and get a business loan and start a studio and make that your day job or don't bother = no risk, no reward, and it's stupid to expect subs/customers to assume the risk). Paying money for that is just retarded, like paying $1000 for a new phone when last year's model still works perfectly fine just because Apple or Samsung made it and slapped a bigger number on the name, since even when it is finished it roughly takes 3-5 years and by then you've paid $200 (or more) for it.
That dev-mentality is driving me away from legit games as well (ie paying on Patreon/Itch/etc).
Hell, just look through this site. .1, 0.1, .1, .001, .0.1, 0.1, <complete> (Japanese with MTL), .1, 1.0 (not really), 0.1, etc
For every hundred devs that make a first version, only 1-3 actually get their game to a point where it is "over half done", and fewer ever polish to a level that would constitute a finished game (even among porn games).
And Patreon/similar are the absolute worst. You have 1-person "teams" that have this dream of making a game, but they don't want to collaborate about it at all, and it's going to take them 6 years to make a game. But they "need to put food on the table", so they ask for $10/month to see the latest version. And each month they release 3.8 minutes of new content, because they have to wait for their potato to finish rendering the 350 MB of images that the update includes. They get a couple hundred people to buy into their dream, and spend 5-10 hours/week doing actual work on the game, and the other 30-35 hours/week their spare computer is rendering while they go off to their real job. But 200 people is enough to be earning them $2000/month, which *should* be enough to let them work on it at least part-time. Or buy extra computers/etc to render more/faster. Or pay someone else to help out! But they trudge along, alone in the development. Each month, losing their own interest as the process of making the game is absolutely boring when you spend most of it waiting on renders. And then a year later, when the game is finally up to having a couple hours of playable content (if you read slow), they just kinda vanish. And Patreon keeps charging their supporters for another 4 months. And their steadfast supporters, who have been with them the entire time, have now spent $160 on a game that'll never be completed.
It's an absolutely terrible business model.
And what I just described looks like a SAINT compared to what this dev is asking for. $35/month for instant access to updates? He wants you to buy his game again every month. And it's just using generic 3DCG models. If he was hand-drawing it (plug for Oni who writes Rogue-Like for that), he'd at least have SOME justification for charging so much. But no, this is just paying $35/month to let him render images on his PC and write a bit of story.
I really wish the devs here separated out all the "I just started a new game, come support me" posts. We really do need a separate forum for games that are version 0.1 to 0.3 (no matter what version the dev SAYS they are). Come back and join the main games subforum once you've been putting out monthly game updates for 6 months.
Patreon has killed my desire to pay for games 95%. Which is the main reason I actually spend time on this site now. Everyone seems to think that THEIR generic 3DCG game somehow is worth paying for, even though it's not even halfway completed.
Back when I was young (before 2000), adult games online were text only, and they had WAY more work put into them than just firing up Renpy and writing a visual novel with computer rendered graphics. And "get paid for this" was something only the absolute cream of the crop considered. Shoutout #2 for BBBen who is still plugging away at game design, now with graphics (Pervert Action: Timelapse) - one of the few old guard from the era of AIF.