i did notice. waiting on a public release. wont buy or support something so early into development, especially with my doubts as to whether or no the dev blew his whole load on the demo story wise. like when you see an awesome movie trailer only to go see the movie and realize the only things of interest were in the trailer. thanks for the heads up though.
I kind of feel the same right now, don't get me wrong this looks like it might end up being a really awesome game that has both really hot sex scenes and what looks like a story that might end up being really interesting that I would love to see play out, it also looks like the developer might also be rather good at writing both humorous scenes mixed in with some more serious tones, which would be really cool to see.
Having said all that, I've seen way too many games that end up getting abandoned or a 'very' slow development time that makes me think it's being milked, so going to wait and see and play the new update for free if I can for now before supporting him.