Ren'Py - The Last Oasis before Chastity [v1.86] [MissLizzyAnthus]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Look, the game has awesome renders and models. The practice and overall route the developer is going is discouraging to say the least. More work is done on bonus content rather than main content. Looks like the main objective here is to milk the game for as long a possible + release on steam.
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    Brok TheDog

    Update note 1.86. The game was very good, good graphics, a good story, funny and hot moments. Nothing for several months, rework corrections, no content. The developer has taken the wrong path, that of dragging out the games to win more, this will cause his downfall while he has a rough diamond in his hands.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Locked up on start up, can not progress to main menu. Just has a screen telling me to goto steam and add to wishlist. Not sure whats going on, maybe it needs internet, but I keep my porn on lock down so guess I will have to look into disabling this screen or deleting the game.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    It started off very well with all those fancy stuff & character build up than you have 2 teenagers who i accepted as daughters instead of bodyguard .
    MC is physically built as ex military or Agent . real solid.
    The story telling is great 5/5 .

    However the thing thhatt really turns me off, is those ugly wiered characters in the hotel rooms . Most ot those young girls are more less 18 which i believe will become MC lovers . [MC looks 35 or 40} does not fit into normal life. Few older women there all fatty & not appealing at all.

    i can see how the story is going to turn out and it suck based on characters added . Not interested at all unless the Dev turn his ladies model around to fit with the MC character and built .
    Likes: Wolfsen
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.

    These points aside, the game is a fairly decent start so far. It's effectively one chapter in total right now, of what is likely to be a story containing at least 10 chapters if it's actually going to get anywhere at it's current rate. Very little occurs story wise thus far in-game.
    - If I were to give it a version number based on the amount of content (in-comparison to your average game) it's actually more along the lines of v0.185b, then it is v1.85b.

    Like I said, a ton of effort is put into this, and in one way is worth checking out. However, there are many aspects that will inevitably cause the down fall of what it currently is. This dev has clearly not considered the line they have crossed with all of the copyrighted music, and the couple of intellectual properties they have infringed upon. If this game, suddenly got released and sold today, they would be sued out the wazzoo.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm reviewing the free version of the game since it's what 99% of people will play. Great game overall as mentioned in other reviews (renders, production, plot, characters, etc.) but I'm deducting 2 stars for camera angles locked behind a tall recurring paywall. This may not seem like a big deal, but the non-VIP camera angles tend to hide the NSFW bits from the player (i.e. and upskirt shot with the pussy just out of view). This happens often enough throughout the game to make you feel FOMO for not being able to see the all content from all angles, and it was enough to diminish the overall experience for me.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a masterpiece. Everything in it - the visual style, interface, music, jokes, dialogues, writing is state-of-art. I just love it. It is not for those who want a quick fap (though there are naughty scenes in it) but for those who enjoy a good story and good clever humor.
    One of the best quality AVNs that I've played (and I played many).
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    There ain't a lot there right now but what is there is very good imo. The production values are a step or two above what is average for these kinds of games and I appreciate the use of "licensed" music.

    Aside from presently lacking content my only complaint is some wonky grammar - the issue is especially prevalent in the games sex scenes.

    I don't think I'll be touching the game until a good chunk more content has been added, but I'm very much looking forward to it.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    TL/DR: It almost played like a fervor dream...and I was mostly here for it in spite of that? Because of that? It's weird. It's campy. It's cringe levels of meme. Buuuttttt....I loved this shit. Chad tier father figure takes his 'wards' on an escape into the desert and his escape plan putters out in town full of nutters. Beautifully rendered with a clean UI. Buffet type choose the routes you'd like to do harem game.

    + Lots of good one liners.
    + Tons of UI elements.
    + Lots of in game variables
    + Fun splash screen art for character intros
    + Shit is kooky in a good way.
    + Lots of hot gals
    + Great variety of gals
    + Some routes are very weird
    + MC looks great. Love watching him fuck.
    + Nice Musical score. Prob put together by someone born in the mid 80's TBH. Hadn't heard that NiN song in a long fuckin' time.

    - The meme humor and cultural references are sometimes too heavy handed to be funny.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    This is an interesting but strange VN. Which isn't bad it's just that the story is kind of all over the place and feels really short. Honestly, I laughed at the Thema and Luis reference and even appreciated that fact that the dev even thought to give the choice for the MC to go along with them and forget the two girls. So far it's a fun ride and I'm here for it. I may even purchase the game from itch.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Good scenes, interesting, weird and that is why I am checking it out.

    That said however, I find that the extras and bonus are (all to make more money to unlock more content), really a pain in the ass. The game is very short and while you can continue, it becomes totally disconnected for me from what was going on with the MC and ends up just being frustrating.

    I reckon wait for a year and come looking again at this, its not worth it right now.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Very nice renders, models and effects... but nothing else.

    You start playing something, that soon turns into mixture of senseless and foolishness.

    The H content is low and pretty vanilla.

    I really can't find any appealing on this, sorry.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    I went to test the game because of its high rating. Clearly, the creator knows how to create good renderings, code, etc. However, for those who played the beginning of the game, it seems like it's going to be a game focused on the family center, building relationships with daughters and some women who appear. But what was delivered was... strange and peculiar. A place full of bizarre people, and none of the initial expectations seemed to make sense anymore. I mean, we want to understand 'why they are being pursued, what is the group that is pursuing, the objectives,' but the game focused all the time on useless interactions with random people, with strange dialogues. I really can't understand.
    I don't know if the game's intention was to be more comedic and satirical, but if that's the case, it doesn't seem to align with the seriousness of their situation – escaping pursuers, living in fear, suffering, you know? We end up in a city where all the characters are bizarre and strange, and only the protagonist is normal. How am I supposed to be interested in a bunch of random lunatics?

    EDIT: Edited by Moderator to remove a reference of a game by a different developer, as per Review Rule 2.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    In conclusion, The Last Oasis Before Chastity is a masterfully crafted indie game that offers a unique and emotional journey. Its stunning visuals, immersive gameplay, and deep narrative make it a standout title in the indie gaming scene. If you're looking for a game that not only entertains but also prompts introspection, this is a must-play.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Animation: Wildly good, some stellar creations right here.
    Story: Seems like a fairly strange plot and an eccentric bunch of characters
    Gameplay: Right not there are choices but not much in terms of development. We need a few more updates before this becomes something big.
    This is a game that I enjoy but definitely need to wait for more content to come out before I try again. Once it's past the "introducing every character and game structure" it'll be a good game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Top notch renders with original characters, anims with different POV, already a few kinks available
    Unique atmosphere, intriguing storyline where you don't know what to except next.
    This game is definitively worth a try
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredibly high quality. The character designs are beautiful, the gags are mostly all really funny, I would like to see the lewdness turned up about 20% but I'm sure this will naturally increase the plot moves forward. This is an easy recommend for anyone who reads dialogue. Ctrl pressers might be disappointed.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This has the highest production value of any VN I have played ever bar none. Everything is gorgeous from the animations, to the renders, down to even the UI elements. The writing is also top notch (Although a little verbose at times). If I had to describe this VN simply, I would have to say it's professional. Everything about it seems to have that extra bit of flair and polish. Give this a try!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Hidden gem :love: Renders ,Story everything is amazing .Youngest daughter is so cute,her dialogues are well done cant wait to see whats adventures awaits her
    Horror elements are also amazing .
    Waiting for next update
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    strange experience.
    It's not a bad game but it's ages from being good.
    What i didn't liked:

    - from the get go Dev introduces a TON of characters. It will mean either that most of them won't be getting any content for years or content will be equally spread so the main story will be progressing slowly, but i bet both. Seriously, don't bity more than you (obviously) can swallow, stick to 3-6 characters.

    -Writing is bad. Visuals will keep this game on the surface but dialog and encounters will drag it down. You really should consider to find a redactor.
    And as others mentioned - SHOW, DON'T TELL.

    - Clichés. They look so cheap and mediocre, why don't you try to be a bit creative? Again we have naive little sister and mean big sister, again mc have a horse dick, again every woman you meet want to have sex with you with zero effort from the player, again we play as an 20 y.o. incel edgelord in a body of 40 y.o. jock, etc. I mean tropes are called tropes because they work, sure, but really? That is where you decided to put time and effort? Disappointment.

    - References, references, references. Humor in games is a good tool if you use it in the right time and place. But if you are going pun after pun mixed with easter eggs and references to modern media all the way it's just overwhelming to see.

    -Game also have redundant mechanics of "push pointless button like open eyes or knock the door to progress the scene". Like, what's the point of that ? Player have no other choice but to push it one button, in that case you can just remove it and NOTHING will change at all.
    Also mechanic with the need to click an eye icon to see extra images - just why? What player wouldn't like to see all the possible images? it's also not very handy if you use autoforward (i don't but still)

    - Minor one - if the Character can't see something there for the player also shouldn't be able to see it. So all the scenes that takes place without MC present are not helping the narrative, you just wasting your time on characters and events we don't care about. Like that armored column of guys who are chasing us - why do we need to know what they are talking about if MC isn't present? The answer is we don't.

    TLDR Pretentious game with nice visuals but narrative, dialogue and setting are currently dragging it down. It's not by any means unsavable YET, but if Dev won't tone down his ambitions and put work in fixing what still can be fixed it's safe to say that we are looking at but another "abandoned after5-6 updates" project.