Ren'Py - The Last Oasis before Chastity [v1.86] [MissLizzyAnthus]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    strange experience.
    It's not a bad game but it's ages from being good.
    What i didn't liked:

    - from the get go Dev introduces a TON of characters. It will mean either that most of them won't be getting any content for years or content will be equally spread so the main story will be progressing slowly, but i bet both. Seriously, don't bity more than you (obviously) can swallow, stick to 3-6 characters.

    -Writing is bad. Visuals will keep this game on the surface but dialog and encounters will drag it down. You really should consider to find a redactor.
    And as others mentioned - SHOW, DON'T TELL.

    - Clichés. They look so cheap and mediocre, why don't you try to be a bit creative? Again we have naive little sister and mean big sister, again mc have a horse dick, again every woman you meet want to have sex with you with zero effort from the player, again we play as an 20 y.o. incel edgelord in a body of 40 y.o. jock, etc. I mean tropes are called tropes because they work, sure, but really? That is where you decided to put time and effort? Disappointment.

    - References, references, references. Humor in games is a good tool if you use it in the right time and place. But if you are going pun after pun mixed with easter eggs and references to modern media all the way it's just overwhelming to see.

    -Game also have redundant mechanics of "push pointless button like open eyes or knock the door to progress the scene". Like, what's the point of that ? Player have no other choice but to push it one button, in that case you can just remove it and NOTHING will change at all.
    Also mechanic with the need to click an eye icon to see extra images - just why? What player wouldn't like to see all the possible images? it's also not very handy if you use autoforward (i don't but still)

    - Minor one - if the Character can't see something there for the player also shouldn't be able to see it. So all the scenes that takes place without MC present are not helping the narrative, you just wasting your time on characters and events we don't care about. Like that armored column of guys who are chasing us - why do we need to know what they are talking about if MC isn't present? The answer is we don't.

    TLDR Pretentious game with nice visuals but narrative, dialogue and setting are currently dragging it down. It's not by any means unsavable YET, but if Dev won't tone down his ambitions and put work in fixing what still can be fixed it's safe to say that we are looking at but another "abandoned after5-6 updates" project.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is great, the graphics are among the best, the plot is not boring enough for me to just skip throught it, but my major complaint is that it's too short, i beat it in a single day without even skipping anything, also an observation on this about the copyrighted songs all over it, i don't mind it at all, and even thought it does make the game better i'm still concerned that when some karen plays this and reports it to the copyright police they might try to take the game down, and that would be a much bigger crime, cause the game's among the best vn's i've played yet and it would just be a shame to have it flopped on account of some old songs, there's a lot of uncopyrighted music on youtube so might want to change them for those.
    PS: The song when reaching the very short plot end is a bit heavy, might want to change that at least.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This has to have some of the most obnoxious writing I've ever seen in one of these games. Clearly, the developer never heard of "less is more", because they've chosen to pollute every screen with these utterly moronic paragraphs that just mean sweet fuck all.

    There are some real lines from the game: "we huddled together, united against the imminent threat that had pushed us into the shadows", "you feel relief wash over your body as you realise that the threat is finally eliminated", "you are stunned by this unexpected intervention, but grateful that it may have saved your life". You are using a VISUAL MEDIUM, I can SEE why he would be relieved, or stunned, or literally any other emotion. If you are going to use narration, it is to tell me things I DO NOT KNOW.

    It's as if he thinks he's Tolkien, but doesn't realise he lacks the skill or creativity to reach even half of his talent.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a little bit of everything. It's the early game, can't wait to see where this goes. I got a feeling we'll see a lot of more new tags on this game as it develops.

    The graphic and quality of drawing are very good. It's got a lot of absurd funny moments. I like this!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A superb game, with great depth, adult content in every sense of the word: there's sex, but also complex themes, references, a rich universe... It's wonderful to see that the adult visual novel community is now capable of such maturity and of offering content more interesting than basic porn.
    The characters are detailed, human, and diverse.
    The 3D renderings are excellent.
    Some topics are tough, but the omnipresent humor helps to keep the player in good spirits.
    The introduction is still fairly linear, but you can feel that with the setting now established, there will be more choices to come...
    I hope to continue exploring The Last Oasis Before Chastity for a long time to come!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I could tell the quality of this game simply by the opening menu. Any dev that takes the time to make a menu any degree more complex than the default Ren'Py one knows their stuff. Good animations, good music, good story and good characters.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    i gave it a full 1/2 hour to work, it failed throughout. Excessive prose and text, gross delays, irrational story content - I so wished the game to live up to the story premise, the dev should however at this point enter politics given the value of their failed promises
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Over a year and still no update.
    This game was so promising, but it failed in every single way possible.
    Total cash grab.

    I loved everything about it, but the developer made it crystal clear that there won't be no update worthy of the first one.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I wish this had been a stock standard renpy game with no awful intro movie, no minigames and no extra effects. The renders are great and what little story there is is OK.
    The developer should focus their time on the most important part of the game (actual content) rather than silly "jokes", boring minigames, and tons of non erotic scenes.
    I also wonder why is there so much content that leads to nowhere? Why 5000 words about the inn's safe? The bar could be removed entirely. The fuel station could be removed. Remove the fight scenes as well.
    I don't think games should be 100% porn otherwise there is no point to it being a game. But this game is 99% boring stuff 1% porn, AND it's hard to play.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    The girls may look good, but this game is not. The pacing is TERRIBLE. Everything takes forever, the dialogue deviates too many times even in just one conversation, and the worst part for me was the horrendous blurry screens they use as a backdrop for the dialogue you're supposed to read. The writing is pretentious, characters are really was not a fun experience. I started to get a headache and quit pretty quick, because I can't imagine playing through chapters of this.
    Sorry, I'm not trying to be overly negative, but I was...astounded at the level of models vs narration. It's night and day.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game! It's a fresh and well-craft story. Good cinematics. Good visuals overall, both the characters and the scenes. The UI is outstanding as the soundtrack. In general, the game is very different from the others I've played so far.

    However, there are some issues I like to point out:
    - Gladys and Iris calling the MC by his name instead of the name we chose for them to call him. This happened all the time at the motel.
    - The MC's dick. He has like three different ones. And the red one is really weird.
    - The character's portrait by the dialog box is too big.
    - The transitions between scenes are too slow and we can't click to skip.
    - Sometimes the auto-play button keeps blinking like when it's not activated.

    Again, it's a great game, and I highly recommend it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, MC is a believable human being (for a ex special forces giga chad). But he tends to treat people and situations in a realistic way. The girls are hot and i am glad the dev made it clear that the obviously underage girl is off the menu. The story is compelling with a hint of the supernatural. The sex scenes are good but I feel could use a bit of extra spice and there is very little lead up, emotional connection or agency the player has. This minor quibble aside, this is an excellent game and I look foward to its development. One to buy on steam or support on patron if you have the cash to be generous. Thank you Lizzy and co for your hard work.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Realy awesome renders, but they quality is oversized, Game stucks with freezes sometimes and all what we see here is a 15-20minutes demo for 4Gb. At the end it must be a 200Gb game on RenPy, kek.
    Story ok, not bad, not good.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Beauty game
    the story pace is good, nice cinematic, so many points and path in the future based on the character list.
    One of the ending had me a bit teary.
    You put the sfx and music really match with the situation
    The joke in the hotel room also hilarious.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is fantastic. If you like (slightly disturbing) pop culture references you'll love this game. The renders are competently done. No obvious typos or Engrish.

    The one problem I had playing this game on android,was it would just stop randomly. However that was a minor drawback,in what was otherwise an enjoyable experience.

    5/5 stars,can't wait for the next release.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    v1.1A Special
    PSA: You do not see, touch, or otherwise get any lewd action with the not-daughters.

    The story is mediocre. Slight mystery of why they are in the situation they are in. nothing that will make you think.

    It had a lot of inconsequential side story moments and very little main story.
    If the game were normal renpy and didn't have load time (I have a good pc) I would have blazed through this in like 5 minutes.

    The editing is good. Easily the best part is the scenework and editing skills.
    But I'll say that is was over done and made the content feel thinner.

    Think of a panning shot for a scene:
    An open expanse of seemingly endless land. Not a tree in sight, and little to no greenery. The sun blazes down over the sand covered wasteland, bringing want for water even though you had no thirst.
    -adds 5 more lines to make the scene more visual-

    What did this all say? A desert.

    Same concept. Too much editing for the content it is actually giving.

    The most exciting thing was the moment they drove by that one place with the special van. Disappointed that didn't go anywhere. I'd have loved a game all about that place xD
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I was amazed by the game. It felt like watching a movie scene with choices. The characters were unique and diverse, not only in their looks but also in their personalities. The MC was not a typical superhuman, but a realistic and relatable protagonist. I liked how his power gradually faded and that showed a glimpse of his background, which added to the suspense. The game also showed that he was not just driven by lust, but by genuine emotions and motivations. This reflected the devs’ attention to detail and their ability to craft a coherent and engaging story. The UI was clean and smooth, enhancing the gaming experience. The graphics, the assets, the music, and the costumes were outstanding. They created a vivid and immersive atmosphere for the game.

    However, there were some minor issues that I noticed. One was the fade background that appeared before the narration. I understood that it was meant to create a transition, but it broke the immersion as there is a long pause with the haze background on the screen before the text appears. Another issue was the pause that occurred when opening the doors of the hotel. It interrupted the flow of the game. I think these are some QoL features that could be improved in the future and again these are my personal opinions.

    Overall, I have nothing but praise for the content of the game. I was really impressed and interested in the future release. I give it a solid 5 out of 5 stars and wish the best of luck to the devs.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    right, so this was a miss for me. with the major con being the damned blured/ black screen transitions that were somtimes worded. it wouldnt have been bad except they chose to make those things un-skip-able...

    Why... why would you do something so annoying?

    the game is pretty... but thats it. the choices are non existent and there arnt enough of them that matter. like there is a whole section that took me far to much time to get through simply because the game FORCES you to take every option.
    No. i do not want to help a murderous clown hide a fuckin body simply to meet the pycho because story reasons.

    there were more scenes in this version(v1.1) that i just dont care for, and reaction that make no sense what so ever for a man that supposedly has mercenary/military blackops experience.

    so in conclusion. its pretty... like salt flats underwater.... and just as shallow. i might try this again when the game is complete. but i have my doubts that it will be anytime even remotely soon.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Version: v1.1
    Rating: 9/10

    MC is on the run and protecting two girls who flee with him.

    This game has some amazing potential that's already observable this early in. The style is awesome and has uniqueness to it and the jokes are pretty damn funny.

    Models and animations are nice. It seems like you will also have a good amount of freedom in how you choose to play the game (like Desert Stalker).

    The biggest tell for me was the scene you get after accepting the two milf's offer. It's a great piece of storytelling and reminds you of your duties and the consequences that follow if you do stupid shit. (pretty heartbreaking)--- WE LIKE THIS! It gives you a different perspective on the characters and makes you appreciate them more.
    This isn't direct character development and it's too early for me to sing those praises, but it's a big indication that this game will matter and make you care about the characters. It's not going to be surface level like 95% of games here.


    uhhhh... shit I don't think there's any complaints here from me. Game seems to be on the right track.


    Big up yourself LizzyAnthus. The only recommendation I have would be to really meld the music with the scenes. Lots of sad vocals for emotional moments to make the player feel that emotion too. (Music seems good so far though, I recommend this to all VN's so don't worry lol)

    Give this one a go people. It's a future top rated VN for sure.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been playing games made on different game engines for a long time, and believe me, this is one of the most uniquely designed games I've ever seen. Apart from the visual quality of the content, it is a great success to be able to present this content to the player, which will distinguish it from many other games. It's too early to talk about the story, the choices, and the consequences. I hope you maintain this quality and continue on this unique path. Good luck.