In fairness to
PederSilver5, I thought much the same as him regarding the go bags when I first played the game. I literally wrote out a comment on it and the issues I had with that scene, but I held off on posting it and continued playing in case there was more to add and then ended up not posting anything.
Thinking back, I still find it odd how unprepared they seemed initially, given the circumstances.
It's weird that he didn't have a weapon or weapons himself.
It's weird that they didn't have a small go bag each with shoes, maybe clothes and/or a coat, given they have to make their way to the car park. You wouldn't want to draw unnecessary attention, you wouldn't want to run the risk of stepping on glass or something sharp, etc.
It's weird that he seemed wholly unaware of the lack of ladder on the fire escape (surely you would have done dry runs of your escape route)
The preparations were far too shoddy.