Almost every last AVN in existence has that silly disclaimer, including ones where they outright say their ages in dialog that they are NOT 18 (ie several of which come to mind and usually 10-15yo). In the majority of the world it doesn't matter anyway when imaginary cartoons have imaginary ages (they are just fucking pixels, not real). You're just incredibly gullible if you take that literally with every AVN you come across, it's simply a censorship circumvention tool and legal ass covering in some countries as I said before, nothing more, nothing less, and if censorship/lack of creative freedom wasn't so widespread it would need to be about as necessary as putting "this hot coffee is hot" on every McDonald's cup lid or other similar ridiculousness. And I'm only about 3/4 as sick a freak as those that are into fat and ugly LI's or NTR (and 100% as so for the incest crowd, since I'm one of those).