
Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2017
Is it fine if I skip normal enemies when I can and fight only the unskippable enemies and bosses?
I dont wanna go around the map killing all enemies.. but I've read you cant farm mobs, so I dont wanna risk to be underpowered and find myself stuck and forced to restart the whole game.
mob groups are finite numbers, so anyone you don't kill is lost for good. this mean not only less XP and less Sx, but there are in the game few occasion simon level (and a couple of robin level) check for calculate the outcome of side event. so every enemy group you avoid is a huge hindrance in more the one way.

if you want know the enemy of every map (for not wander aimless searching), this guide should have what you need:


Feb 19, 2018
You shouldn't be able to defeat her without cheating. You get a fake Game Over after losing to her.
Hell, I'm a massive cheater, and I couldn't defeat her without editing all my stats to literally over 9000 to survive.

Did I just play the wrong game or something? After defeating the Head Succubus (?) in the castle right at the beginning, I get a Game Over..
Just so you know, Sierra's put in a few more anti-cheat measures in the game, so try not to edit your cash or stats too much. From one cheater to another, I'd say it was safe to edit your MC's (who is NOT the Chosen) MP and maaaybe Magic Attack. Once you have a currency called ProN, then you should only edit that when you absolutely need to. Nothing else.

Zaq Reman

Jan 28, 2018
I think this game is definitely missing a NTR tag... Even if you are controlling the side characters at the time, the fact is they are fucking other people than the main character and there's nothing you can do about it.
NTR, cheating on one's SO, and an open relationship are 3 very different things and I'd really like it if they stopped getting treated as identical.

Zaq Reman

Jan 28, 2018
It's actually a harem, not an open relationship. Them fucking other people is 100% without a doubt considered NTR.
I like how later in the game there's a conversation specifically about how the succubi are using the term harem differently than most humans would. If people are in a committed relationship with each other, and sometimes one (or both) have sex with other people with the full knowledge and consent of their partner, and without any chance they'd leave the existing relationship, that's not NTR, that's the definition of an open relationship and it's exactly what's happening here.


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 27, 2017
It's actually a harem, not an open relationship. Them fucking other people is 100% without a doubt considered NTR.
There's no NTR where it concerns Simon's harem. It's a modern, western interpretation of a harem, which is basically a giant open relationship where everyone lives and sleeps together, for each other's benefit.

Simon doesn't prevent them from having sex with others who aren't him, particularly the succubi, because Succubi. He's not a young, jealous/possessive guy. He's not even a harem kind of guy, but he literally has to have one, and it's forced on him by people who are backing him with everything they have to try and make a better world for everyone.


Feb 19, 2018
NTR, cheating on one's SO, and an open relationship are 3 very different things and I'd really like it if they stopped getting treated as identical.
Holy balls, I wish I could like this more than once. Simon's not a controlling guy, and he's definitely the sort of person who'd allow the women in his life (I'm not sure we can actually call them a harem anymore) the same benefits he enjoys- if he's fucking a lot of different women on the reg, who's he to tell them they can't do the same, either with other women or with other dudes? He doesn't own them; he's their boss, friend and mentor, not their master. Neither is he their owner, nor even their husband (with two notable exceptions, and even then, the above permission still applies).

Again, the whole reason Simon's awesome is not because he's Chad Alphamale Swingdick III of the New England Swingdicks (very old and distinguished family, don'tchaknow). It's because he's a very level-headed dude who's actually thinks with the head on his shoulders, and not with the one at his groin.

Besides, apart from the succubi (who actually need plenty of sex as part of their nature, and Simon's happy to let other people take up the slack when he can't attend to matters personally), the other women with Simon generally stay faithful to each other and him. It's just that those bonds are made of mutual consent, long-term understanding and professional respect instead of base lust and mind control, which is something else that makes Simon (and by extension, TLS) so good.


Dec 24, 2019
Sorry I'm going to have to agree with the other guy in this scenario its a form of NTR and while Simon doesn't restrict the other women from having sex with other people all of the harem members only sleep with each other instead of outside the harem so I believe that makes them in a somewhat of a committed relationship just with each other so when they sleep with people outside of the harem thats a form of NTR in my opinion on another topic I dont get why people think Simon is cool with getting cucked when there are actually moments where he is uncomfortable with that example the dream with Wendis and she talks about flirting with a guy and Simon gives her a glare and Wendis has to confirm it was in good fun another example when Yarra was going to an orgy with the knights and she talks with Simon about it and hes upset and ask her if he is at fault and Yarra comforts him and limits herself at the orgy and one more example Megail said this "hes possessive but he isn't an asshole" so while Simon wont stop them from sleeping with other people he is uncomfortable with it I dont want to be an ass I just cant let NTR become normalized in this game please any other game not this one and while simon does fuck other women the harem encourages him too and supports him if there was a moment where the women in Simons harem didnt want him to fuck another person then he wouldn't
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Zaq Reman

Jan 28, 2018
First, you'd probably have a much better chance of convincing people if you used any punctuation, line breaks or other formatting to make that not just a solid block of text.

Second, I still dispute your definition of NTR. There's a reason EH even has it as a separate tag from cheating. NTR is someone being stolen from a loved one (not even necessarily a lover, there are also familial examples, and you could argue some friends count as well) who doesn't even know it until optionally the end of the story when it's too late. (I personally have zero interest in any story featuring it unless both 'victims' are female and end up reunited in slavery/sluthood/whatever, that I can find hot) That is undeniably not what's happening here. No one gets stolen from Simon, nor is he stolen from them (we'll just ignore the double-standard here, that's a topic for another time). You could argue that he didn't specifically agree ahead of time to the sex Yarra and Qum have in the Gathering, or know about it at the time, but he did know before then what succubus nature is like, he's told as soon as Yarra gets the chance, and most importantly: at no point was there even a weak implication that she might leave him. Hell, Yarra gets an incredibly badass moment standing up to an attempt at exactly that!
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Dec 24, 2019
First, you'd probably have a much better chance of convincing people if you used any punctuation, line breaks or other formatting to make that not just a solid block of text.

Second, I still dispute your definition of NTR. There's a reason EH even has it as a separate tag from cheating. NTR is someone being stolen from a loved one (not even necessarily a lover, there are also familial examples, and you could argue some friends count as well) who doesn't even know it until optionally the end of the story when it's too late. (I personally have zero interest in any story featuring it unless both 'victims' are female and end up reunited in slavery/sluthood/whatever, that I can find hot) That is undeniably not what's happening here. No one gets stolen from Simon, nor is he stolen from them (we'll just ignore the double-standard here, that's a topic for another time). You could argue that he didn't specifically agree ahead of time to the sex Yarra and Qum have in the Gathering, or know about it at the time, but he did know before then what succubus nature is like, he's told as soon as Yarra gets the chance, and most importantly: at no point was there even a weak implication that she might leave him. Hell, Yarra gets an incredibly badass moment standing up to an attempt at exactly that!
First English is not my native language i'm just getting used to the words so punctuation is hard for me but at least you understood what i was saying so it's fine for right now also after looking up the definition Of NTR there are two types of NTR and they are netorare and netori the focus of the conversation is netorare so lets see the most common definition I see for it "A fetish where one likes to watch their significant other having sexual relations with another person" though i found other definitions so netorare seems to be used rather loosely also I was not trying to intend that Simon owns anybody that goes against his character i was saying the harem is a committed relationship. Also the example of the first incubus meeting is kind of bogus because they fucked other people to save Simon not for personal pleasure which makes a big difference in my opinion. Damn succubus nature that doesn't work because throughout the game we have seen a couple of succubus in a committed relationship example that one succubus with that guy at gasmfalls there with only each other the succubus herself scares off other women so succubus nature argument is just one big generalization.Also not once at no point was there even a weak implication that I said Yarra was going to leave Simon I brought up that example to say Simon got uncomfortable with Yarra having sex with other people and yes that scene where Yarra stands up for herself was awesome It showed that she was more that what her nature would say about her.

P.S I love this game and dont want to fight other people this is a circular argument Im going say I hate NTR other people are going to say they like it and basically nobody changes their mind because NTR is a fetish and thats it you either love it or you despise it
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Feb 19, 2018
Again though, while Simon and his harem are strongly bonded in a relationship, it's not an exclusive one. I myself dislike NTR as much as you do, but this ain't it, chief (also, what you posted is apparently the cuckoldry fetish, not NTR- IIRC the latter explicitly involves the cheated either not knowing or hating the fact that they're being cheated on). I haven't seen any indication whatsoever that Simon wouldn't disapprove of members of his harem sleeping with other people. In fact, he's said very early on that (spoiling to be safe) he and Wendis have invited people of both genders to their bed, and I very much doubt that it's because he enjoyed seeing her get railed. Like Zaq Reman and Snugglepuff above have said, Simon isn't a possessive guy, and whenever he or the women with him sleep with other people, they do with it mutual consent, approval and understanding. Anyone who disapproves of that might as well disapprove of polyamory in general.


Mar 22, 2020
think I have to chime in here on why NTR isnt fitting on explaining TLS relationship

there are some factor that differentiate 3 thing that are usually discussed on the word NTR, the 3 thing are netorare, netori, cheating

theres usually an element of 'corruption' on the victim of the NTR, and the main character the story follow is usually the NTR victim being shown how they fall to the guilty pleasure of it. The result of this is usually the victim being 'stolen' from their partner.
the difference with above is the perspective of the story, in this case usually the main character the story follows are the one doing the 'stealing' and how they 'corrupt' the NTR victim.
netorare and netori are subset of the broader theme of cheating. On a story tagged with this genre but not the 2 above, theres no element of corruption most of the time, and the main character of the story is the one 'initiating' the infidelity and relish on it.

With that definition, TLS relationship almost dont have a story like that.


Dec 24, 2019
Again though, while Simon and his harem are strongly bonded in a relationship, it's not an exclusive one. I myself dislike NTR as much as you do, but this ain't it, chief (also, what you posted is apparently the cuckoldry fetish, not NTR- IIRC the latter explicitly involves the cheated either not knowing or hating the fact that they're being cheated on). I haven't seen any indication whatsoever that Simon wouldn't disapprove of members of his harem sleeping with other people. In fact, he's said very early on that (spoiling to be safe) he and Wendis have invited people of both genders to their bed, and I very much doubt that it's because he enjoyed seeing her get railed. Like Zaq Reman and Snugglepuff above have said, Simon isn't a possessive guy, and whenever he or the women with him sleep with other people, they do with it mutual consent, approval and understanding. Anyone who disapproves of that might as well disapprove of polyamory in general.
Fair thank you for not insulting me and giving a reasonable response but I want to clarify somethings what do you mean when you say the harem is not exclusive are you saying its not exclusive because the women have sex with each other in the harem or are you saying its not exclusive because they should be able to have intercourse with people outside of the harem. There appears to multiple definitions to NTR so there defiantly some confusion but NTR is closely related to the cuckoldry fetish.I have seen some indications that Simon doesn't like them having sex with people outside of the harem the best example is the knight orgy and Simon talk with Yarra. Also I dont view bringing partners in bed as NTR because as you've said Simon agreed to and also he is present for the act and participating.It seems we are having a disagreement because my version of NTR and your version of NTR are different from each other causing confusion I view the first gathering scenes as NTR while you may not.

P.S when you said they are in strongly bounded in a relationship thats why i dont want any NTR because its takes away from that experience and in my opinion would damage the overall story Also i dont know to hide text so sorry for any spoilers
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Feb 19, 2018
I want to clarify somethings what do you mean when you say the harem is not exclusive are you saying its not exclusive because the women have sex with each other in the harem or are you saying its not exclusive because they should be able to have intercourse with people outside of the harem.
The latter. As for Simon's talk(s) with Yarra, I think it's less that he disapproves of her having sex with other men, and more that he disapproves of Yarra using magic to influence people (mind you, it has been a while since I passed that scene, so I might be remembering things wrongly).

P.S when you said they are in strongly bounded in a relationship thats why i dont want any NTR because its takes away from that experience and in my opinion would damage the overall story Also i dont know to hide text so sorry for any spoilers
Well, that's the core of the argument, isn't it? I don't think it's NTR, but polyamory, because whatever sex the participants are having are done with the full consent and knowledge of all parties, which in turn stems from the absolute trust all of them have with each other. Again, the matter is one of egalitarianism- if one participant is allowed one thing (or things), why shouldn't the rest be as well? I can certainly see Simon holding the women with him to a certain moral standard, but I doubt he'd ask them to do anything he wouldn't, or that he'd do something he wouldn't allow them to do.
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