
Engaged Member
Aug 14, 2020
Whats with the game pattern when it comes to final villains, every time you think finally we're gonna get the big bad there's always a sudden reveal of an even bigger big bad. We went from Incubus Kings to Eldritch Horrors to Gods, might as well bring in Godzilla
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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2017
Whats with the game pattern when it comes to final villains, every time you think finally we're gonna get the big bad there's always a sudden reveal of an even bigger big bad. We went from Incubus Kings to Eldritch Horrors to Gods, might as well bring in Godzilla
i disagree, we know there are other shardholder and their dangerousness for sure at the start of chapter 2. after yarra's route most of the main actors are in plain sight. the existence of goddesses is hinted since from the prologue, and the interlude between chapter 2 and 3 was clear enough. the myster third party is hited from the start as well, after all someone or something must create chosen. for the abomination doesn't had a lot of hint in the early game, but it's for making her revelation more dramatical.

the only real "diabolus ex machina" is tanurak. and at the moment it seem an unnecessary and redundant character
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Mar 16, 2018
Are monsters respawning in newer versions, or do you still need to look for exp in world theoretically full of monsters, bandits or conflict ? I liked the plot, I liked the characters, but RPGM games without option to grind are not really the best idea IMO.


Apr 20, 2017
RPGM games without option to grind are not really the best idea IMO.
The whole point of the game is that you can play it without grinding and even 10 levels below an optimal save you can still proceed so it's remarkably balanced.


Mar 16, 2018
The whole point of the game is that you can play it without grinding and even 10 levels below an optimal save you can still proceed so it's remarkably balanced.
I'm not asking if I can, I'm asking if I have to. I want to obliterate opponents, not "proceed".


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2017
Are monsters respawning in newer versions, or do you still need to look for exp in world theoretically full of monsters, bandits or conflict ? I liked the plot, I liked the characters, but RPGM games without option to grind are not really the best idea IMO.
it's a clear design chioce. in the readme file
Q: Is grinding possible?
A: No. Enemies and experience are finite quantities. You can grind certain slime enemies, however, that give items and little experience.

and i approve, to many jprg (not only rpgmaker) are made and balanced with endless hours of farming in mind.
to expand, most of the power creep one gain with a widespread grinding is less about pg levels, but more i n the ability to buy the best gear around, usualy out of the reach for a normal playthorugh. but in this game you don't find many 'power up' in the equipment you can buy, so even with an infinite supply of XP and Sx you will find little gain in term of "stomping" the enemies
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Mar 16, 2018
it's a clear design chioce.
A bad one. It's never a good design to restrict the ways people can enjoy your game. Combat was probably the main reason I dropped the game - it does not make sense for this character, nor for this setting.
Oh, well, I guess I will just edit save files or something.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2017
A bad one. It's never a good design to restrict the ways people can enjoy your game. Combat was probably the main reason I dropped the game - it does not make sense for this character, nor for this setting.
Oh, well, I guess I will just edit save files or something.
i see the opposite, any game featuring endless farm must take in account that farm, or simply the game battle became dull and not interesting, this making a good amount of farming needed for progress in the game. and infinite farming is basicaly a zero challenge ripetitive content, it doesn't add any value to the game, only a time sink.

you can use , isn't up to date, but it's had most content, the save is compatible with the normal game, if you prefer.

and in the game is clear explained because you simply cannot wander and kill monster non stop.
in the merchant camp, when you talk for the first time with the weapon vendor:
aka: Damn, this stuff gets expensive.
simon: And we don't have time to slaughter endless monsters. We should choose our purchases carefully.

party time is relevant, and in most section is time-sensitive, so it's fitting you cannot do.
the real out-of-the-place thing is after simon gain some sort of control over national budgets a little "reimbursement of expenses" for his works in favor of that nation it's alwasy strike natural. after all he risk his neck for that, and better equipment is in the greater good interest.
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Active Member
Nov 3, 2018
So I'm at the beginning of Act 2 and I'm enjoying everything so far ... am I too far away from the last content added?


Mar 16, 2018
the game battle became dull and not interesting
Became ? It is dull and uninteresting! It's pretty much vanilla RPGM experience for crying out loud. It won't magically became the next DragonQuest!

The main "result" of current balance is that MC feels nerfed compared to even bandits or soldiers. Sure, if you know what you're doing it's playable (not enjoyable, mind you, not even close) but it simply does not make sense. The core of MC character should be dilemma if he "should" do something, not if he "can" do something, and while the story fits it pretty nicely, the combat does not.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2017
So I'm at the beginning of Act 2 and I'm enjoying everything so far ... am I too far away from the last content added?
you are... probably at the 25% of the release content. chapter 3 is longer of the two before together, and the 4 is even longer. we are in the last chapter (5) in early to mid part.

Became ? It is dull and uninteresting! It's pretty much vanilla RPGM experience for crying out loud. It won't magically became the next DragonQuest!
you misunderstood, i was talking about a game with the possibility of massive farming but doesn't count it for balancing purpose, even a little farm will put your party strenght so high to basicaly one shoot any enemy in the game, end game optional boss included.

for create a challenge one MUST limit the party power, or one can simply farm any amount of XP and money to overcame a challenge. a very, very, very dull thing to do.

your complain is basicaly the fact you cannot simply ignore any challenge and difficulty the game place before you with farming an imprecise amount of time for auto attack one-shot kill everything.

The main "result" of current balance is that MC feels nerfed compared to even bandits or soldiers. Sure, if you know what you're doing it's playable (not enjoyable, mind you, not even close) but it simply does not make sense. The core of MC character should be dilemma if he "should" do something, not if he "can" do something, and while the story fits it pretty nicely, the combat does not.
stenai port exist for exact the opposite, the scene in the order of silence basament it's done for the same goal.
after mid chapter 3 you never be against normal enemy, or soldier, only the elite, or single handed an horde with one character. starting with chapter 4 you will never even see normal enemy, only world powers or metaphysical entity

enjoment is a subjective thing, for me any time spend in mindless farm will shatter any enjoment of the game.
for example, now, because the game designer think an average player should be had farmed X hours had made the fight doable with a party with that power level. try to go past that barrier with near-none farm is impossibile.


Active Member
May 23, 2020
Well If I can make an opinion of the matter.

I dont think the "final boss" is revealed yet, and Tanurak with Ulrissa has something to do with it.

At this point on the universe, there is a type of natural force called "Chaos" that "rules" over the world.
It seems that "chaos" repsent some type of unbalance and his natural objective is making "everything on fire"
(In my personal matter there are two forces, but we will see)

Then in all the universe there is the"material" plane where everyone lives, and the "unmaterial" plane called "The tower" where it seems is the "core" of the universe, and what happens there, affects the material plane but not backwards (at least I didnt see something like that)

The tower has at least two "places" that represents "up and down": "If you go up, you will find me" in the "holy place". If you go down it appears to be where demons live.

In this tower it seems to be there are "gears"that works on balance and unbalance of the world, two are revealed(Ulrissa hinted that there are more than two)

This two gearsare: Ginasta and Lilith.

Ginasta it seems that represent more a balancing power, where she tries to kill the "tyrants" of the material world.And right now it seems she lost her purpose of life because she know who she is and everything what happens it is part of "cycle" between and endless spyral.

Lilith on the contraryshe seems to represents unbalance, she likes to fuck everything up and she has a lot of ties with the Chaos "force",right now what she wants is posesing "the doll".

It appears to be by Ulrissa state, that if the"gears" lost their purpose, others will appear to replace them,but one "lost gear" can regain their purpose and it is more likely(talking about ginasta).

This is a personal thought but I think Lilith know her limits and tries to posses Mestan to "break the rules" and do more than what is her mission of life.

Out of that there are shards ( that we dont know who or what created them but at least it seems they pooped out of somewhere)

This shards are like "Ying-yang" thingie one represents more of a "creation purpose" (the holy power of the goddeses) and the other more like a "destruction,domination" power (the Incubus Kings) and they are the "keys" to change the world.

This shards can be united and in an "natural order" they choses specific genders, incubus shards for males, and goddeses shards for females.

This rules can be broken in the tower as we see the empress.(And probably Lilith knows that and want to do it)

And is hinted it seems that the natural order of the incubus shards are that the shards can "posses or modify" the will of their holders like "Hug the natural force of the incubus shard" but as we saw with the MC, Simon doesnt"hug" the shard and instead he wants to "dominate" and put his will on the shard.As a result of that we can see some type of "evolution"or "next stage" of the shard ( more like the true power but it is just my opinion).

We dont know if the goddeses shards works the same way, just especulate, but in my opinion it works in the same way.

In the game it is hinted that Ulrissa and Tanurak are the opposite from each other, Ulrissa seems more an observer,not interacting with the world while Tanurak wants to put the world on fire. It is like balance vs unbalance.So I speculate that they played in the "shards game" on their past, they learned too much and one got traumatized or know the responsability of this power, and the other hugged the nature of chaos.

For this and that I speculate that Ulrissa and Tanurak are the "keys"to unlock the "final boss"(some type of embodiment of the natural force that created everything, maybe a pure embodiment of chaos, or a mix of two forces that put everything in harmony,so "using" or "figting" this type of force can break the endless spiral of cycles, something like FFX shit plot, where Sin always revive no matter what so you must break the bases of this.

If tanurak has intention of getting a goddess, having a incubus shard, and wanting to"be", "take" "supplant"(by Ulrissa speculation) a gear(Lilith). maybe his goal is more than that and the role of the gear is only an step,wanthing to be the "harmony" or "force" himself.

Something curious is that in the second gathering when he introduced himself to the other Incubus Kings, for me had some vibe of "fatherly" approach to them like he was some type of powerfull Incubus King in his prime time.

And Ulrissa acting like the other goddeses being more observant and have little or no interaction with the world, I speculate she was a powerfull goddess in her prime time.(Ivala it seems she isolated herself or was kidnapped,Tertia isolated herself and didnt want to interact with the world at all,Zelica was kidnapped and isolated by some asshole,Mythin has some interaction with her cult, but she is on some type of isolated place,protecting herself from others,Grynith is the more active goddess and the youngest,but isolated as well, letting others do her will).

I still think that the "cold light"will appear before the war, or if appeared before like "The Anak" I would bet for Alonon being that.


Mar 16, 2018
even a little farm will put your party strenght so high to basicaly one shoot any enemy in the game, end game optional boss included.
And how is that a problem ? You like the struggle during boss fights - you don't farm, you prefer to progress the story once prepared/OP - you farm. Everyone is happy.


Dec 24, 2019
And how is that a problem ? You like the struggle during boss fights - you don't farm, you prefer to progress the story once prepared/OP - you farm. Everyone is happy.
You add farming you destroy the game balance, destroy the in game economy and slow the game down with unnecessary fluff the excellent pacing of the game would be ruined. You can have your preferences but adding grinding would be unnecessary and distract players from what the game is best at the story and characters. If farming was added it would take away other players fun and worsen the experience in some ways but that's just my opinion .
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Mar 16, 2018
You add farming you destroy the game balance, destroy the in game economy and slow the game down with unnecessary fluff the excellent pacing of the game would be ruined. You can have your preferences but adding grinding would be unnecessary and distract players from what the game is best at the story and characters. If farming was added it would take away other players fun and worsen the experience in some ways but that's just my opinion .
Let me rephrase your own post:

"what the game is best at the story and characters" <= THIS is core value of this game.

game balance, game economy <= these are "unnecessary fluff", that are also very unsuited for RPGM engine, so IMHO the results... vary, mostly between bad and boring.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
And how is that a problem ? You like the struggle during boss fights - you don't farm, you prefer to progress the story once prepared/OP - you farm. Everyone is happy.
Because most gamers are completionists and IF there is an option to farm for better gear, we will do it.
Take for example the durge equipment in the Yhillin store chapter 1.
If there was a way to farm money, then I would just waste 18 hours killing the same monsters over and over and over again, and bull a full set of equipment for all party members. Which will then take away any challenge from the game and make every boss fight able to be beaten by just spamming attack over and over.

However with limited sx instead of time spent grinding monsters, you have to spend time thinking. "I only have enough money for 3 durge weapons but that would give me 0 sx. Should I go for it, or just stick to 2? And which 2 people should get the weapons? Or should I save up for something else down the line? Oh but that would make the next fights harder..."

And by god would the problem be ten times worse if you could farm Pron. I don't know if you know nothing gets people dicks and tits out more then organizing their Pron spreadsheets in the game. The Pron side of the game has you juggling mathematics, and ethics to see who gets the money and when.
TO whore or not to whore Qum. TO save Carina's men or not save the men. To allow Aram to suffer just to save some Pron on an embassy. To liquate that Pron just to buy equipment.

It's a huge part of the game, and if there was a way to grind for Pron it would ruin everything.
Same for money.
Same for xp.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2017
And how is that a problem ? You like the struggle during boss fights - you don't farm, you prefer to progress the story once prepared/OP - you farm. Everyone is happy.
farm destroy any game balance, and it does by definition. you don't want farm, you want a win button.
farm is a ripetitive dull activity, and again it is by definition. some will like it, other will hate it. but require for a game build around resurce managment, this included XP and money mean destroy the game itself.

if you want the win button there is the story mode mod. not need to bother other player with content doesn't add anithing to the game and only increase the total hours played.
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