
Mar 16, 2018
The Pron side of the game has you juggling mathematics, and ethics to see who gets the money and when.
It really doesn't. I refuse to let the story outcome be based on oversimplified "economy" part of the game. As you already know:
" most gamers are completionists "

so how many of them simply search this forum for answer which combination of investment suits them best ? 50% ? More ? :)

if you want the win button there is the story mode mod. not need to bother other player with content doesn't add anithing to the game and only increase the total hours played.
Why would having a choice bother you ?
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Apr 20, 2017
am I too far away from the last content added?
You've got about 4 major political summits, 2 wars and a few incubus kings to defeat before you can ask that.

"what the game is best at the story and characters"

game balance, game economy <= these are "unnecessary fluff",
<= THIS is core value of this game.

It's an aspect, not core. One part that makes a whole. Solely focusing on this is what will lead to the detriment of everything else and that would sour every other aspect of the game.

that are also very unsuited for RPGM engine, so IMHO the results... vary, mostly between bad and boring.

The fighting is a visual representation of how powerful Simon and his group is. You defeat 3 Incubus Kings in battles, not cutscenes. They fight in cutscenes and Robin has checks while in the armor but always fighting it out goes to show how powerful Simon has become since he's no longer fighting sentient weeds in the woods outside Feroholm. The battles for the most part are more balanced and considering the positive of eternal dead enemies, that's a point in it's favor.
The economic aspect is again another important factor in the overall story. You claim that story and characters are great yet mock the investment system when Simon's path to power is using this very mechanic in a story related sense.

The fact that you just dismiss these out of hand leads me to believe you either haven't played the game and seen their full effects on the plot or you have and are grasping at straws for criticism.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
At this point on the universe, there is a type of natural force called "Chaos" that "rules" over the world.
It seems that "chaos" repsent some type of unbalance and his natural objective is making "everything on fire"
(In my personal matter there are two forces, but we will see)

Then in all the universe there is the"material" plane where everyone lives, and the "unmaterial" plane called "The tower" where it seems is the "core" of the universe, and what happens there, affects the material plane but not backwards (at least I didnt see something like that)
Actually it is the other way around, the material plane is the core, "the Tower" is a perceived spectrum of two directions one can take to distance themselves from the material plane. Changes in the material plane greatly alter sections of the Tower, this is mentioned serveral times (when first visiting the Tak'Kan part of the tower the group discusses that a year before that section of the Tower would have looked completely different since it wasn't an orc country yet, when first visiting the holy part of the Tower Robin reminds Simon that they can't keep all areas of the Tower stable enough to re-explore them, the Fucklord tried to gain power from the Tower by causing people in the material plane to fear him, etc). There are effects that originate from the Tower and influence the material plane, but those are generally more rare and of a lesser magnitude than the other way around.

The advantage of the Tower is that only incredibly powerful people can even perceive things that come from it and it can also affect different elements of the material plane without necessarily having to affect the things that surround it (maybe not the best metaphor, but I think of the effects one can cause from the Tower as being "laser surgery").

In this tower it seems to be there are "gears"that works on balance and unbalance of the world, two are revealed(Ulrissa hinted that there are more than two)

This two gearsare: Ginasta and Lilith.

Ginasta it seems that represent more a balancing power, where she tries to kill the "tyrants" of the material world.And right now it seems she lost her purpose of life because she know who she is and everything what happens it is part of "cycle" between and endless spyral.

Lilith on the contraryshe seems to represents unbalance, she likes to fuck everything up and she has a lot of ties with the Chaos "force",right now what she wants is posesing "the doll".

It appears to be by Ulrissa state, that if the"gears" lost their purpose, others will appear to replace them,but one "lost gear" can regain their purpose and it is more likely(talking about ginasta).

This is a personal thought but I think Lilith know her limits and tries to posses Mestan to "break the rules" and do more than what is her mission of life.
I agree with most of this. I think Lilith's purpose is to be the paradox of "controlled chaos", if chaos is supposed to be an universal force that unwinds the universe into "less solid" states, someone had to put in place the system that allows the current "more solid" material plane to exist, someone designed the current system of reality and also designed the "gears" that keep it working. Lilith keeps reality "fluid" enough so that the material plane doesn't become "too solid" and stagnates, Ginasta hunts down tyrants that could gain the power to change the system.
And is hinted it seems that the natural order of the incubus shards are that the shards can "posses or modify" the will of their holders like "Hug the natural force of the incubus shard" but as we saw with the MC, Simon doesnt"hug" the shard and instead he wants to "dominate" and put his will on the shard.As a result of that we can see some type of "evolution"or "next stage" of the shard ( more like the true power but it is just my opinion).

We dont know if the goddeses shards works the same way, just especulate, but in my opinion it works in the same way.
The implication to me seemed to be more that the shards have an influence over their owner, but their owner will also imprint their own influence over the shard over time. The issue is that someone that receives a big shard will have their will completely overwhelmed by the shard's influence, Simon had a lot of willpower and only received a small shard at the start, so he was able to overcome the influence and with time the shard attuned to his personality, the other shards he has acquired since then have been "magically sealed" inside of him so that they can't have influence over him, but he can influence them into changing according to his will.

We don't know if the goddess shards also have influence over their wielders, I assume the shards we gave to the harem are too small to have an effect (like it was for Simon's original shard) and Wendis didn't absorve the divine shard in a natural way, but as an abomination, so we haven't seen if a normal person receiving a large goddess shard would change or not. Assuming they do, this raises two interesting questions:

First, did Ginasta ever consider a goddess to be a tyrant? Currently they have had less influence over the world, but would she hunt them down if they started becoming too powerful? Or is there a different "gear" designed to stop goddesses?

Second, are the natural inclinations of the shards purposefully designed to be the way that they are? Think of it like this, if someone were to hold a shard for a really long period of time, and they had a way of keeping their own personality, they could change the shard into having a different influence instead of the standard "will to dominate" that the Incubus Shards have, Simon is currently doing this with his own shards, but what would this mean for future generations? Say that Simon dies, would the people that inherit his shards be less predatory and more restrained like he is? That's something that could severely alter the balance of the system, is there a "gear" that has the job of "reseting" the original inclinations of the shards?

In the game it is hinted that Ulrissa and Tanurak are the opposite from each other, Ulrissa seems more an observer,not interacting with the world while Tanurak wants to put the world on fire. It is like balance vs unbalance.So I speculate that they played in the "shards game" on their past, they learned too much and one got traumatized or know the responsability of this power, and the other hugged the nature of chaos.

For this and that I speculate that Ulrissa and Tanurak are the "keys"to unlock the "final boss"(some type of embodiment of the natural force that created everything, maybe a pure embodiment of chaos, or a mix of two forces that put everything in harmony,so "using" or "figting" this type of force can break the endless spiral of cycles, something like FFX shit plot, where Sin always revive no matter what so you must break the bases of this.

If tanurak has intention of getting a goddess, having a incubus shard, and wanting to"be", "take" "supplant"(by Ulrissa speculation) a gear(Lilith). maybe his goal is more than that and the role of the gear is only an step,wanthing to be the "harmony" or "force" himself.

Something curious is that in the second gathering when he introduced himself to the other Incubus Kings, for me had some vibe of "fatherly" approach to them like he was some type of powerfull Incubus King in his prime time.

And Ulrissa acting like the other goddeses being more observant and have little or no interaction with the world, I speculate she was a powerfull goddess in her prime time.(Ivala it seems she isolated herself or was kidnapped,Tertia isolated herself and didnt want to interact with the world at all,Zelica was kidnapped and isolated by some asshole,Mythin has some interaction with her cult, but she is on some type of isolated place,protecting herself from others,Grynith is the more active goddess and the youngest,but isolated as well, letting others do her will).

I still think that the "cold light"will appear before the war, or if appeared before like "The Anak" I would bet for Alonon being that.
I don't think this is impossible, but I don't see it playing out that way. I really do think Tanurak is more of a distraction from the real oponents and just focused on getting more power and doing more damage, Ulrissa is just retired, maybe they were shard holders in the past but I don't think that's very likely either. Ulrissa is from the Givini realm and I feel that if the Givini had their own goddess, we would have found hints of it already.

I still think Cold Light is Ivala herself, she being a "prisoner" is something of her own design, she stays in the Tower receiving the power of the faith people have in her from the material plane, and then acts like a conduit, redirecting the power from her position in the Tower back to her church.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2017
Well If I can make an opinion of the matter.

I dont think the "final boss" is revealed yet, and Tanurak with Ulrissa has something to do with it.
ginasta words there are three power at play, simon is one, the anak is another and [probabily] the ivala's captor(s) the third.

At this point on the universe, there is a type of natural force called "Chaos" that "rules" over the world.
It seems that "chaos" repsent some type of unbalance and his natural objective is making "everything on fire"
(In my personal matter there are two forces, but we will see)

Then in all the universe there is the"material" plane where everyone lives, and the "unmaterial" plane called "The tower" where it seems is the "core" of the universe, and what happens there, affects the material plane but not backwards (at least I didnt see something like that)

chaos is a piece of the wheel of time, it's goal is stop any possibile reality's stagnation.

The tower has at least two "places" that represents "up and down": "If you go up, you will find me" in the "holy place". If you go down it appears to be where demons live.

In this tower it seems to be there are "gears"that works on balance and unbalance of the world, two are revealed(Ulrissa hinted that there are more than two)
xerces obviously lied in that part. going up you will reach the divine, the goddesses, but he don't want simon's know it, so he obfuscate the true. (and think, 'down' you find demons, basicaly a race of sort, and going up you will find a person with a certan birth date e a possibile one date for is demise? it doesn't make any sense)

This two gearsare: Ginasta and Lilith.

Ginasta it seems that represent more a balancing power, where she tries to kill the "tyrants" of the material world.And right now it seems she lost her purpose of life because she know who she is and everything what happens it is part of "cycle" between and endless spyral.

Lilith on the contraryshe seems to represents unbalance, she likes to fuck everything up and she has a lot of ties with the Chaos "force",right now what she wants is posesing "the doll".
as my post above ginasta e lilth are tool to keep the roll of the ages, they are in place to avoid two pitfall for the wheel, one absolute rulrer blocking any future generation to rise in power, or all apathetic power leaving the reality languish in an infinite static present.

It appears to be by Ulrissa state, that if the"gears" lost their purpose, others will appear to replace them,but one "lost gear" can regain their purpose and it is more likely(talking about ginasta).
gianasta is a person, it's not born by whim of reality, but she is the most suited to embody the force stopping an assolute ruler to appear [mostly IK's becasue they cannot die by old age], it's not the same, but teria said if the wolrd is unbalanced something wil 'born' to fill te gap, if ginasta will lose her connection with the tower fundamental the fundamental will find another vessel. but she haven't severed her connection yet, in the moment of LL demise she regain for a split of second her old power.

I still think that the "cold light"will appear before the war, or if appeared before like "The Anak" I would bet for Alonon being that.
alonon is the apathy made manifest. he doesn't have all the form of power and trascend them. he is powerful, yes, but he don't had any drive to change a wolrd disgusting him, he want die, but he haven't stop to care the people watching him for protection and guidance, so he groom a successor before he will go.


Apr 20, 2017
I still think Cold Light is Ivala herself, she being a "prisoner" is something of her own design, she stays in the Tower receiving the power of the faith people have in her from the material plane, and then acts like a conduit, redirecting the power from her position in the Tower back to her church.
Just think, Ivalan religion popped up when the first Arclent war happened against the IK. The only one old enough to remember that time is Hester. She probably also worked closely with a certain Givini mage who ascended in power in the tower and captured Ivala. They work out the nature of the divine, form the religion around her and as a result, have a bulwark against IK.
Which also leads to my other theory in that those without shards can walk the tower if they have sufficent magical power and knowledge of it. This means Ulrissa but more importantly the Great Sage. It's my theory he also captured a Goddess, namely Zelica and used her to for his own ends, hence the Anak murdering him and taking her.


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 27, 2017
A bad one.
In your opinion.

It's never a good design to restrict the ways people can enjoy your game.
Grinding does not equal enjoyment.
Respawning enemies to farm means grinding, and the majority of people do not like grinding.

Combat was probably the main reason I dropped the game - it does not make sense for this character, nor for this setting.
Why doesn't it make sense for Simon?
Why doesn't it make sense for the setting?

Better yet, why are you of the opinion that there must be respawning enemies?
I only ask because I don't for one second believe you when you say that not having them is a bad design choice or that it's a restriction that prevents people enjoying a game, so what's the real reason?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
Just think, Ivalan religion popped up when the first Arclent war happened against the IK. The only one old enough to remember that time is Hester. She probably also worked closely with a certain Givini mage who ascended in power in the tower and captured Ivala. They work out the nature of the divine, form the religion around her and as a result, have a bulwark against IK.
Which also leads to my other theory in that those without shards can walk the tower if they have sufficent magical power and knowledge of it. This means Ulrissa but more importantly the Great Sage. It's my theory he also captured a Goddess, namely Zelica and used her to for his own ends, hence the Anak murdering him and taking her.
The religion existed before the war against the Incubus King (during the Gawnfall Council the succubus ivalan priestess can mention theology of early Ivalan missionaries trying to convert the people of Erosia when they first got there). The church of Ivala did grow a lot in terms of power and influence during the war for being able to provide holy spells and things like the Unpeople for the war effort, but the religion already existed.

It is pretty much confirmed someone with access to very powerful magic does not need a shard to enter the Tower, the Zirantian King did that and then created a fake goddess to further his motives. Capturing a real Goddess is a whole other challenge though, we never saw much of the Sage's power, but considering the Anak seemingly beat him without much trouble it is hard to think he would have been powerful enough to do that.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2017
Just think, Ivalan religion popped up when the first Arclent war happened against the IK. The only one old enough to remember that time is Hester. She probably also worked closely with a certain Givini mage who ascended in power in the tower and captured Ivala. They work out the nature of the divine, form the religion around her and as a result, have a bulwark against IK.
Which also leads to my other theory in that those without shards can walk the tower if they have sufficent magical power and knowledge of it. This means Ulrissa but more importantly the Great Sage. It's my theory he also captured a Goddess, namely Zelica and used her to for his own ends, hence the Anak murdering him and taking her.
tertia said ivala build a protection around herself between the end of the last cycle and the start of this. she is captive, but not i a physical way, her power is gathered (perhaps in theoson like xerces do) and used for big magic thing.

ulryssa is centuries old, we don't know if she was alive in the previous cycle, but she is form a time well before the 2AW, perhpas event the 1AW.

xelica was talking words of confort to wendis early after her death, but stopped after some time. this frame her sparition about one/two decades before the start of the game.

anyone with enough power can walk the tower, any skilled mage can make a quick trip to the demon real (the yhilin order of thaumaturgy even build his exams in there), and the demon realm is the shallow part of the tower. venture far from reality require power, skill and will. alonon is a tower walker without shard, like ulryssa or the late zirantian king.


Active Member
May 23, 2020
Wow, okay, I though I would be ignored but it is fine, I agree in some things and anothers I dont, but I am glad that some people have interest on the lore and history, than a grinding system or if the game gets new porn art.

I dont wanna make a book because most people will get tired discussing if we make a lot of points so I am going to start discussing the last point, I think it is profitable and new people can join too,later I will expand on more points like manscout and fulminato stated.

About the cold light and Alonon I can guess that a lot of people agrees that he has a personality of type of suicidal.

There are two coincidences about the Chosens and "him":

-He states that this "world" is some type of "joke",and as we saw in the history of the game, the "chosens" are some typè of joke that they cant really change anything, and make more bad than good in this world.

-In the second gathering, on the last day, this "evolved chosen" invaded the place,and it is curious because their type of strike is a "suicide attack" like a kamikaze.

This could be nothing, or could be a lot with the minor details that artists like to make, however it is interesting to point that the evolved chosen are basic suicide weapons, and someone powerfull in ardford, a place very tied with the Ivalanism have a suicidal personality.

At the same time Alonon is nota suicidal where he stay silent and one day or another commits suicide.He is some type of suicidal that could turn into a "lone wolf".One type of personality that with power makes an impact on the world before dissapearing.Why? because he cares of something even he doesnt find any joy or purpose in his life.The"lone wolfs" has something they care, like for example "fanatism" like we saw on the terrorist along this world that sadly take away a lot of people.

And I think he doesnt like Incubus Kings at least with Simon he expresses some disgust but he tolerated him because he wasn't infulenced by the shard, like others.The lone wolfs have something doesnt like too or hate, in the case of fanatism, another ones religion.

It is curious too that "The Anak" doesnt know that Alonon it is a tower walker, or it appears to be, and the Cold Light is in Arclent.
It is speculation of course, but it can be.
Another speculation its that he can be a shard holder but divine holder, after all we saw someone who is female with an incubus shard, it is not too much think that can be one male with a divine shard.

Another curious thing is that he knows exactly the proportions of races about purity and lust,that is more for a researcher with some purpose, like the succubus in the final eustrin researching about the birthing of the dwarves.

And the desecrationist branch of the Ivalanism created the Unman/Unwoman, and with logic for making that you need a research, in that research the most basic thing is know how many lust the humans have and how to "extirpate"

On the other hand if he is not the "cold light" it could be the creator of the descreationist branch and the idem of the unman/unwoman.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
And I think he doesnt like Incubus Kings at least with Simon he expresses some disgust but he tolerated him because he wasn't infulenced by the shard, like others.The lone wolfs have something doesnt like too or hate, in the case of fanatism, another ones religion.
Alonon did explain his cause in the past, he's asexual. Being of royalty means that it was expected of him to have to marry and make heirs, because of that his asexuality always made him feel like a freak and people judging him only made matters worse. He went into magical research to try to prove there was nothing unnatural about him not caring about sex, but ended up finding out "lust" is litterally one of the fundamental energies in the TLS world. Naturally he hates the fact a shard of pure "lust energies" gives someone the power to become an Incubus King."
It is curious too that "The Anak" doesnt know that Alonon it is a tower walker, or it appears to be, and the Cold Light is in Arclent.
It is speculation of course, but it can be.
Another speculation its that he can be a shard holder but divine holder, after all we saw someone who is female with an incubus shard, it is not too much think that can be one male with a divine shard.
The Anak couldn't identify Alonon, but he knows there are 2 Tower Walkers in Arclent he couldn't identify. We know one of them is Alonon, the other one has to be either Cold Light or someone working with Cold Light. Also worth mentioning the Anak didn't identify any of the goddesses while going through his list of Tower Walkers, nor any of the Tower's "gears". Hard to say if he omitted them for any reason and if he was lying about any of this information. We did get pretty close to Alonon twice now and no one noticed anything that could have felt like a divine shard in him, we know it isn't impossible but I do think that makes it even more unlikely.
Another curious thing is that he knows exactly the proportions of races about purity and lust,that is more for a researcher with some purpose, like the succubus in the final eustrin researching about the birthing of the dwarves.
He was a researcher with a purpose. He wanted to feel normal and so he wanted to understand how lust works across different species to see if he was alike any of them. He understood how "Lust" was one of the fundamental energies and realized no species can truly exist without it, which means his asexuality will always mean he was refusing a "natural" part of his being.
And the desecrationist branch of the Ivalanism created the Unman/Unwoman, and with logic for making that you need a research, in that research the most basic thing is know how many lust the humans have and how to "extirpate"

On the other hand if he is not the "cold light" it could be the creator of the descreationist branch and the idem of the unman/unwoman.
This actually does make some sense, I'm not sure about the exact timeline, but it could be possible he was involved with the creation of Unpeople, it is pretty advanced magic and it would be related to his research. The trial during the first summit does seem to indicate he isn't really happy with the desecrationist branch of the church or with their actions of secretly creating more Unpeople, so I think that maybe he regrets his research and people being unwilling turned into asexual golems wasn't his intention.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2017
I dont wanna make a book because most people will get tired discussing if we make a lot of points so I am going to start discussing the last point, I think it is profitable and new people can join too,later I will expand on more points like manscout and fulminato stated.
bad choice, nothing keep a thread clean like a forest of wall of texts, better thing in life, in my opinion. :)

About the cold light and Alonon I can guess that a lot of people agrees that he has a personality of type of suicidal.
There are two coincidences about the Chosens and "him":

-He states that this "world" is some type of "joke",and as we saw in the history of the game, the "chosens" are some typè of joke that they cant really change anything, and make more bad than good in this world.

-In the second gathering, on the last day, this "evolved chosen" invaded the place,and it is curious because their type of strike is a "suicide attack" like a kamikaze.

This could be nothing, or could be a lot with the minor details that artists like to make, however it is interesting to point that the evolved chosen are basic suicide weapons, and someone powerfull in ardford, a place very tied with the Ivalanism have a suicidal personality.
alonon think the wold is a joke because is build from to opposite essence, lust and purity, and anything can be explained from this. there are a lot of emergent propreties (like arcane magic), but the building block are a de facto a yin-yang duality. and he find this repulsive, expecialy because his beign utterly repel one of the two.

a kamikaze and a suicide are two totaly different thing, they come from the opposite side of the spectrum, you can say. a suicidal lose any interest to live, in one form of another, in the opposite a kamikaze put something in so high esteem to die for it a worthy goal. you pass from a null drive to a zelot drive.

the chosen are a strange thing, one of the major theory is they were create to gather power, and their death let harvest what they are accumuled. as soon the power collect is enough they lack of the primary function and thus are used as bomb for careful placed strike. the mad elf you point to the shining sword under the sickle in the elven forest say something about "harvest coming," "all be cut down" and the lustlord when binding the chosen he smashed in the village near the gathering complex said something about his power not allow to return to the source.

their aren't "evolved chosen" for sure. they are different chosen compared the old one (kai or tal for example). kalant is another piece fo the puzzle, until now he is the only one chosen be able to surrend the power without die in the process. he is the only chosen to behave less chosen-ly and more like a normal person, even in his chosen form. so perhpas he never sync very well with the power, and after the 'roll back' his body lack of any trace of divine magic, to a degree impossibile to a normal person.

At the same time Alonon is nota suicidal where he stay silent and one day or another commits suicide.He is some type of suicidal that could turn into a "lone wolf".One type of personality that with power makes an impact on the world before dissapearing.Why? because he cares of something even he doesnt find any joy or purpose in his life.The"lone wolfs" has something they care, like for example "fanatism" like we saw on the terrorist along this world that sadly take away a lot of people.
alonon want fade from the history, but he know if he do this without set any succession ardoheim will fall in chaos and a lot of bad thing will happen, he care for the people, if not for the world. the same people he defended during the war, he doesn't want watch the world burn, the opposite, so he need to put in place a lot of thing to make his death irrilevant for the world.
until that point he will keep the throne and made the modicum work needed to avoid the society to collapse.

And I think he doesnt like Incubus Kings at least with Simon he expresses some disgust but he tolerated him because he wasn't infulenced by the shard, like others.The lone wolfs have something doesnt like too or hate, in the case of fanatism, another ones religion.
alonon don't had any sexual deisre, nothing at all, and his exploration fo the tower only solidifing that trait.
the soul shard are the incarnation of elemental lust, a thing disgusting him, so is natural for him hate IKs. and respect simon a little because he had the willpower to bend the shard to his will and not the opposite. and simon is immune to the sex magic, he is immune before taking the shard, but his beign don't utterly refuse the lust interwoven in reality.

It is curious too that "The Anak" doesnt know that Alonon it is a tower walker, or it appears to be, and the Cold Light is in Arclent.
It is speculation of course, but it can be.
Another speculation its that he can be a shard holder but divine holder, after all we saw someone who is female with an incubus shard, it is not too much think that can be one male with a divine shard.
in arclent he know two tower walkers. but they are cloaking their identity so he can only sense they presence and the indirect effect or their actions, one of the two is alonon, he is aware of other tower walkers, but his words "I have not discerned their identity. Like me, they have cloaked themselves in the Tower's ambiguity." the other is the one creating the chosen and the crystal of ivala.

he holding a divine shard is highly improbable, no one of the party interacting with him had brought this?

Another curious thing is that he knows exactly the proportions of races about purity and lust,that is more for a researcher with some purpose, like the succubus in the final eustrin researching about the birthing of the dwarves.

And the desecrationist branch of the Ivalanism created the Unman/Unwoman, and with logic for making that you need a research, in that research the most basic thing is know how many lust the humans have and how to "extirpate"

On the other hand if he is not the "cold light" it could be the creator of the descreationist branch and the idem of the unman/unwoman.
create a unman/unwoman mean manipulating souls, it isn't a simple thing, but it's in reach of normal people. [think about trin, she take a piece of sould to create her copies] there are some high magic research involved, for sure, but they don't need to have deep tower understanding for doing that. the IE was able to replicate the process working only by instinct, his shard granted him power to manipulate souls, but he figured how strip any sexual compontent fo the soul without any high knowledge or understanding. {and working alone}
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Engaged Member
Aug 14, 2020
Why are the Incubus King boss fights so easy compared to some of the others? Like seriously I had an easier time beating the Lustlord than the corrupt spiders in stineford house. They just felt so underwhelming after all that hype, makes me think its intentional design.


Mar 18, 2018
Why are the Incubus King boss fights so easy compared to some of the others? Like seriously I had an easier time beating the Lustlord than the corrupt spiders in stineford house. They just felt so underwhelming after all that hype, makes me think its intentional design.
Two reasons.
1) Simon's party has grown immensely in power. Keep in mind that the Lustlord was the 3rd major shard holder they have dealt with.
2) Lustlord had suffered some injuries from the Empress, while his power and his regeneration were binded by Simon and Xestris.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2017
Why are the Incubus King boss fights so easy compared to some of the others? Like seriously I had an easier time beating the Lustlord than the corrupt spiders in stineford house. They just felt so underwhelming after all that hype, makes me think its intentional design.
Doylist: the spiders are a optional fights, the LL a mandatory one. so the figth should be doable without to much rng involved even by a underleveld/underequipped party

Watsonian: the lustlord is alone gainst two major shardholder and a lot of powerful elites (simon's party) and in the specific xestris block is regeration and simon supress any shard-derived power. he say, it take everything you {simon} have to bind my power, but i still can fight. so the fight is a non-shardholder, non-regenerative LL. the 'true' figjht against the LL is the first part, and you don't have any chance to win that.
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Jul 9, 2017
Question. Before finishing chapter 2. Will I still be able to do the other investments or will I lose them after I start chapter 3?


Mar 18, 2018
Question. Before finishing chapter 2. Will I still be able to do the other investments or will I lose them after I start chapter 3?
I am not 100% sure. Usually, if you don't invest right away, the cost goes up and/or the benefits suffer. Some crucial investments might get lost forever. Unless someone more knowledgeable provides a clearer answer, I recommend that you check the wiki page.



Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2017
Question. Before finishing chapter 2. Will I still be able to do the other investments or will I lose them after I start chapter 3?
you can make the ardford invesmtnet starting to mid chapter 4 (i think only the supplier is unaviable later, but it's utility is in chapter 3, after will be for sure skipped, even if aviable) most of the reunion-yhilin will be inaviable (to my memory only the bank can be done later). but for the whole chapter 3 the ProN system will be put 'on hold' and will be replaced by another system, in chapter 4 (well, the very end of the third) you will receive the ProN return of past investment, and in chapter 4 and 5 you will receive regular return to specific story points.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2017

TLS 0.55.4 Public Release

New update is public!

*Requires to be installed. If you don't know what that means, use the RTP link.

TLS 0.55.4
- See the for release notes, as they're quite long.

Change Notes:

New Content

- If you invested in repairing Feroholm, new maps can now be visited.

- Same with Stineford Farm, which has different versions depending on whether you chose orcs, succubi, or the poor.

- Sprite animations can now be viewed en masse via the private rooms staircase in the base.

- Five new Orcent conversations: Yhilin Guard Bar, Denlak's Bar, The Tower's Backdoor, Orgasmic Cafe, Feroholm (rebuilt only)

- Four new illustrations: Riala Relaxing, Trin Double Team, Wendis Reunion (x2)


- Megail has an "investment finder" event in her office, specifically for new investments not in Rodak or the Orgasmic Empire

- Tertia has a new conversation/investment that affects the price of Rodakan Agriculture.

- Stenai now includes a new event with Feremina.

- Gathering Complex Refurbishment price now scales with collateral damage.

- The Rodakan Order investment likewise scales with collateral damage.


- A new conversation with the Erosian harem leader now grants an Erosia point.

- The Helvanna "Succubi in Rodak" investment now grants character points.

- Ryoken receives a greater number of cosmetic changes as it improves, including new NPCs, new dialogue, and empty houses receiving doors or occupants.

- Two Erosian NPCs have new dialogue with Ginasta.

- Herin has moved from the Bloody Spire to Cee'Kan, if she became High Priestess.

- The Impaler has a new line of dialogue.

- Doors in Theltiar now animate (thanks to Decanter).

- Minor new dialogue for the Helvanna Lustlord temple.

- Minor additional dialogue to map succubus.

- Truly minor fixes, like typos or tileset corrections, are not listed.

I've done something weird with this one, a sort of half update. It includes new illustrations, new investments, new Orcent conversations, etc... but not the amount I'd normally put in an update. What I can say is that it's all content I think makes the game better, and that I felt doing an update like this was the best way to keep momentum.
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