
Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2017
So I dunno if this has been suggested by anyone before, but I wanna put forward High Priest Hester for my guess at who is holding Ivala. My reasons are as follows: During one of the chapter interlude scenes a conversation between Ivala and someone else (can't remember if it was Mithyn or Tanaruk) I got the impression that whoever was holding her was female. It's been mentioned that whoever is manipulating the tower to create the chosen is using tower magic but only on a real world level (I'm not saying this well. Only to effect shallowly at the real world?) and I feel this is because whoever it is doesn't care about the tower or great magic, they only care about the real world (and faith in Ivala). After Estevan's worldwide announcement about fucking all the goddesses, Hester in particular was mentioned as looking furious. And shortly afterwards the crystal appears in Ardford (where Hester was at the time of the announcement) and the number of Chosen significantly increases. Hester keeps going on about retiring once she has got the church and it's future in order (and using Ivala's magic to accomplish this?). Plus it's fairly obvious someone high up in the church is behind the chosen anyway and quite frankly, none of the other high priestesses seem intelligent enough.
hester as the last tower walker (and thus ivala captor) is a speculation roaming around for ages. i'm not convinced, but after the detail xestris give us after the second gathering it become very believable. if one high priestess is the culprit is hester for sure.

the wall of ivala during the war was create by the ardford church, the crystal of ivala is in ardford, etc... but all this event are very recent. the previous war (the original invasion of the IE) was laking any high scale magic, and the chosen are another recent development. so the ability of ivala captor to use her power is a thing developed only in the last couple of decades {based on wendis death}.

the most dissonant thing in this scenario is the reason hester want an increase in monster attack and strength. we know the source is the same, but i don't think any good reason for hester she want this.

So that leaves overall motive. My guess would be that, like King Alonon, Hester has taken a peek through the tower at the fundimental nature of the world. Perhaps even she did it with him. And my guess is that, like Alonon, the experience left her somewhat broken. Most likely for Hester it would be the realization that Ivala wasn't all powerful, and that goddesses as a whole were petty little powerholders. And so she has chosen to take that power and try to make it what she belives it should of been.
this don't make realy any sense to me. alonon is disgusted by the world, hester is only weary, we don't have any prof of her faith falter (at the contrary ad example for esmera) and anyone beyond chosen program is very interesred in gaining the upper hand against other rival parties.

On a side note, if what was stated earlier about Xerces holding Zelica is correct, and with Tanaruk hunting Mithyn, then we seem to be heading for a divine shard nuclear stand-off. We have Tertia, Xerces has Zelica, Hester* has Ivala, Tanaruk will get Mithyn. Only the Mother will be free to upset the balance or wait for a 5th major player (Lillith or Mestan?) to enter the stage.
you cannot destroy the shard, not in a permanent way. they will return early or later. you cannot make a permanent change of reality throught this way, and he/she/they want make a permanent change, like xerces or simon.

lilith and mestan aren't big player, there are side characters, relevant, but not in the main focus of the story. they will be relevant in some fashion, the dev isn't keen to waste so much world/character building. but don't think will be a straightforward resolution.

I think that the deal with Ivala is that she's being held intentionally, I think she figured out a way of achieving some greater form of power, but it requires her to stay hidden deep in the tower away from reality, which means that for her plans to work she needs a representative on the real plane to wield her power. I think originally Alonon was the one fulfilling that role, but as he grew apathetic, Hester then became her new "captor", sometime after Chapter 2 if I had to guess (she was still mostly normal during the summit, only during the war and the synod that she seemed to grow more cryptic and concerned about a "bigger picture").
every bit and scrap of information we have go in the opposite direction. ivala shield herself with a powerful and subtle barrier after the last cycle end, someone trapped her, but not in a physical way, and they find in recent time a way to harvest and use her power. (chosen, wall, crystal)

in the interlude between chapter 2 and 3 mithyn say to ivala:
"I'm afraid I bring bad news. All those things I said, about using my power to save you... I cannot."
"Finally, your captors. You know how close they are, Tower or no Tower."
"Don't say that! You should focus on freeing yourself!"

they are totaly incompatible with a voluntary captivity of the goddess.

Mostly just how calm Ivala's demeanor has been about this entire thing, and how she tells Mithyn things had been in motion for ages now.
a plan to free her from her captiors.

Also I can't imagine how anyone could have entrapped Ivala without her consent, the lore has shown that people that can master the Tower are just on a whole different level of power, Ivala is among the goddesses that survived the last great conflict and she is the goddess of the most widespread religion in the world, with the whole "goddesses draw power from faith", its hard to think there wasn't a point where she was the most powerful being on the planet.
goddesses are mere shardholder, likewise the IKs, they aren't the only source of power in the world, or the strongerest. an powerful enough entity can capture and bind them, soul shards are expecialy adept for this job. tertia is probably more powerful of ivala. yes, she is nearly forgotten, but she had a fuckton of time to build her power, and she speak of countless captivity in her past.


Nov 11, 2019
2 minor comments to Fulminato's post, when I said divine shard nuclear stand-off I wasn't referring to anything that would destroy a shard, merely that all the major players had control of a divine shard holder to use against each other. And while I agree it's a little flimsy, a possible reason for Hester to boost monster strength would be to push people to the church for protection.

Zaq Reman

Jan 28, 2018
2 minor comments to Fulminato's post, when I said divine shard nuclear stand-off I wasn't referring to anything that would destroy a shard, merely that all the major players had control of a divine shard holder to use against each other. And while I agree it's a little flimsy, a possible reason for Hester to boost monster strength would be to push people to the church for protection.
The monster attacks could also be an unintended side effect. People seeking to remake the world have accepted far worse collateral damage, even just in TLS.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
every bit and scrap of information we have go in the opposite direction. ivala shield herself with a powerful and subtle barrier after the last cycle end, someone trapped her, but not in a physical way, and they find in recent time a way to harvest and use her power. (chosen, wall, crystal)
The last cycle was a very, very, long time ago. Ivala would have had to either stay voluntarly shielded in the tower for ages (why?) or her captor would have to be nearly immortal (can't really be any of the major political powers we already know since all of those had known lifespans).
Furthermore, I think it is very wrong to associate the recent uses of Ivala's power as being the only uses people have made of her powers (although I agree that your examples would be uses made by the captors trying to manipulate her powers in a more direct manner).
The main thing to me, is that Ivalan faith predates the 2nd arclentian wars and other recent conflicts, for centuries now the church had existed with priests and healers, yes the church became a much more important institution after the IK invasion, but it had been a gateway to holy magic before that (I know faith in Ivala isn't a requirement to use holy magic, but it seems that, at least for lower level usage, the faithful in Ivala had an easier time getting started than other mages, who would need years of training and study to start mastering holy magic). My hypothesis is that, if Ivala was locked away deep in the tower, shielded from reality, how would she create and guide the Ivalan faith? Immortal captor aside, she would have to know her presence could always be felt and it could be widespread enough that people would maintain a religion around it, almost like a force of nature.
in the interlude between chapter 2 and 3 mithyn say to ivala:
"I'm afraid I bring bad news. All those things I said, about using my power to save you... I cannot."
"Finally, your captors. You know how close they are, Tower or no Tower."
"Don't say that! You should focus on freeing yourself!"

they are totaly incompatible with a voluntary captivity of the goddess.
Not totally, the one focusing on freeing Ivala is Mithyn, Ivala doesn't really say a word about it herself. The dialogue could be compatible with a scenario where Ivala's plan involved the risk of her in the end being trapped forever and she accepted sacrificing herself for it, but Mithyn, being her best friend, made it her life mission to find a way of making Ivala's plan work without the need for her to sacrifice herself, which sadly she failed at.
a plan to free her from her captiors.
Not necessarly, I think the intermission between chapter 4 and 5 made it clear Ivala's goals are much higher than her own freedom. The only other person who seems to have a plan as far reaching as Ivala's would be Xerces, which we know is one of the big 3 final players.
goddesses are mere shardholder, likewise the IKs, they aren't the only source of power in the world, or the strongerest. an powerful enough entity can capture and bind them, soul shards are expecialy adept for this job. tertia is probably more powerful of ivala. yes, she is nearly forgotten, but she had a fuckton of time to build her power, and she speak of countless captivity in her past.
We've seen that extremely competent shardholders are the strongest people still anchored to reality, the only things we have seen that come close to them would be abominations (which can only develop far from reality) and the fundamental forces of the tower (which seem rather slow to act), if there were any stronger forces in the universe, then why does every great cycle ends with a conflict between shardholders (Incubus Kings versus Goddesses)?

Also I really doubt Tertia is stronger than Ivala, even if you are right and Ivala's captivity isn't part of a plan to develop her powers, Tertia's mind is rather confused, and her faith has already gone through many transmutations and is now only practiced by a dwindling population. Even if her longevity could have been the source of greater mastery of her shard, it seems she stopped applying herself to it a long time ago, and the difference in faith between her and Ivala is far too great for me to think she would stand a chance in a direct conflict if Ivala were to return to reality.


Nov 18, 2017
Ivala is weak though that is part of what Tanaruk mocked her about. How she was too weak to do anything to him despite how at this point the Sage who the Anak crubstomped could of killed him.

I do think that the church at the very least is part of the Ivala prison and has been actively draining her of power though they seem to be limits of how much at once could go through, If you notice in the leadup to the Crystal quite a few people mentioned how it became harder to Feel her( the Priestess sanctifying the stones in ardford even brings up how it became harder to do for a while)


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
Ivala is weak though that is part of what Tanaruk mocked her about. How she was too weak to do anything to him despite how at this point the Sage who the Anak crubstomped could of killed him.

I do think that the church at the very least is part of the Ivala prison and has been actively draining her of power though they seem to be limits of how much at once could go through, If you notice in the leadup to the Crystal quite a few people mentioned how it became harder to Feel her( the Priestess sanctifying the stones in ardford even brings up how it became harder to do for a while)
I don't disagree, Ivala's personal power is limited right now with her trapped in her little corner of the tower, and the church is getting their power by taking it from her. My point is just that this is still what she wanted, this is all part of her plan.

I said she could personally be much more powerful if she was still a normal goddess within range of reality, but she's not just after raw power (in the same way Xerces could have taken out most other IKs up to this point if he just wanted to be personally more powerful), but her plan is to change something on a more fundamental level, and it required her to forsake her freedom and most of her power, at least temporarly, to achieve whatever she is trying to achieve through the church and whatever she wanted to do when she first trapped herself in that corner of the tower.


Nov 18, 2017
I don't disagree, Ivala's personal power is limited right now with her trapped in her little corner of the tower, and the church is getting their power by taking it from her. My point is just that this is still what she wanted, this is all part of her plan.

I said she could personally be much more powerful if she was still a normal goddess within range of reality, but she's not just after raw power (in the same way Xerces could have taken out most other IKs up to this point if he just wanted to be personally more powerful), but her plan is to change something on a more fundamental level, and it required her to forsake her freedom and most of her power, at least temporarly, to achieve whatever she is trying to achieve through the church and whatever she wanted to do when she first trapped herself in that corner of the tower.
Except Tanaruk ran from her captors like a littlie bitch implying they could kill him after Ivala called them, It is also Implied that she has been helping Simon and has faith in him even though she has littlie ideal what was happening until Tanaruk showed up

though I do find it interesting how it is implied that her captors don't use the tower and are still one of the strongest groups around


Dec 24, 2019
I think its Fheliel *sips my contrarian wine*

But seriously There is some credit to the theory I'll summarize since I already stated it before. The killing of the great sage of Ghenalon by Xerces so killing the great sage had a purpose. The great sage worked with Fheliel so its not a reach to say she is aware of the tower and was exerting influence on the tower through The sage causing Xerces to act. During the first interaction between Xerces and Fheliel she states "you dont Strike me as a person who cares much about queens or kings*(I think? Its been a while and I lost my save but I do think there was a implication she knew about his activities) and xerces reaction he is silent and quickly leaves . Not to mention the magic powerful enough to drain and potentially kill some Incubus kings and level the whole palace maybe the people she said helped create it were the same group who helped capture Ivala.

Few weaker points Fheliel interest in adford and her influence over it for example Ghenalon having a seat at the summit that even the Aram diplomat points out why Ghenalon has a seat at the table and Fheliel Investment in the adford bank. Also Fheliel was the first to call the doom king after the capture of yhillin to ensure he didn't have plans to attack adford. The reason adford is important is that it contains the crystal and had suspicious magical activity happen there. the reason These are weaker points are because there isn't a strong connection and her influence over Adford can be explained away. Oh shit I forgot I also find it suspicious how she appeared during the first gathering but didn't appear for the second one and that gathering was attacked.

Now for the arguments against this theory
1. she is part of the harem: yes correct but as stated by SL Harem members can be subtracted or added as time goes on.
2. Why would she have a sexual relationship with Simon if she was the Tower walker?: My guess that she wants to control Simon to a certain degree and remove some suspicion away from herself while also getting some info.
3.All this could be explained by her just being a ruler and wanting to protect Her kingdom: Absolutely All my points could be explained away by this. But SL isn't going to drop some hard connections on who the tower walker is so we have to use vague hints that could go nowhere I'm 80% sure I'm wrong :ROFLMAO:.

Quick list on requirements for being the tower walker
Female: check
Influence over Adford: check
Resources: check
Knowledge of tower: check

Fheliel checks these requirements Welp that's it sorry for the long post I'm gonna pass out...
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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2017
The monster attacks could also be an unintended side effect. People seeking to remake the world have accepted far worse collateral damage, even just in TLS.
alonon spoke of some "malicious intent" beyond the monster rise effect. yes can be an unintended by product of some other change, but don't think is the case here. the increase in monster strength is a recent thing too. a redlight mercenary in the devil's pass was able to recognize the effect, so can overlap with the start of the chosen program.

the chosen are another puzzle, we don't know their purpose, only they are empowered with tower-grade magic and they need to be a "flawed vessel". and well, their power is returned to the source after their death (the LL was clear about it when he binded the dead chosen power in the frozen grove)

one of the most widespread speculation is they are magical battery, in their short live they gather an impressive amount of power, then the power is returned to the source, and with this pool they have create the wall and the crystal. after they reach the amount of power required by the plan they switched the chosen to suicide bomb for target strike.

The last cycle was a very, very, long time ago. Ivala would have had to either stay voluntarly shielded in the tower for ages (why?) or her captor would have to be nearly immortal (can't really be any of the major political powers we already know since all of those had known lifespans).
for the same reason mithyn go hiding too. avoid beign imprisioned and dominated by an IKs.

Furthermore, I think it is very wrong to associate the recent uses of Ivala's power as being the only uses people have made of her powers (although I agree that your examples would be uses made by the captors trying to manipulate her powers in a more direct manner).
a shard power are world-changing. even involuntarily they change the world around them. [after the shard gain enough power, and ivala shard reach that point a long, long time ago] we should have seen some effect prior of the last two decades in this case. but they none to see.

The main thing to me, is that Ivalan faith predates the 2nd arclentian wars and other recent conflicts, for centuries now the church had existed with priests and healers, yes the church became a much more important institution after the IK invasion, but it had been a gateway to holy magic before that (I know faith in Ivala isn't a requirement to use holy magic, but it seems that, at least for lower level usage, the faithful in Ivala had an easier time getting started than other mages, who would need years of training and study to start mastering holy magic). My hypothesis is that, if Ivala was locked away deep in the tower, shielded from reality, how would she create and guide the Ivalan faith? Immortal captor aside, she would have to know her presence could always be felt and it could be widespread enough that people would maintain a religion around it, almost like a force of nature.
ivala is old, perhaps young compared an planet-size live like tertia, but not younger of virtualy any other alive now. tertia had some memory of her, so her church can be old as she is. but goddess and their church are complex thing. like the GoM, she is the same age of ivala (more or less) but her whorship isn't recorded in history. so making any extensive theory based on how old a religion is... shaky at best. and keep in mind some divine shardholder can use pre-existent religion to acquire a large flock in little time. (as the elf mother did)

Not totally, the one focusing on freeing Ivala is Mithyn, Ivala doesn't really say a word about it herself. The dialogue could be compatible with a scenario where Ivala's plan involved the risk of her in the end being trapped forever and she accepted sacrificing herself for it, but Mithyn, being her best friend, made it her life mission to find a way of making Ivala's plan work without the need for her to sacrifice herself, which sadly she failed at.
if ivala captivity was allowed by ivala herself, you think she said nothing to the sister. and in the dialogue with tanurak she said nothing at all in that direction. thanurak was moking her how powerless she is in her captivity state.

Not necessarly, I think the intermission between chapter 4 and 5 made it clear Ivala's goals are much higher than her own freedom. The only other person who seems to have a plan as far reaching as Ivala's would be Xerces, which we know is one of the big 3 final players.
"ivala plan" is simon. so it's the tentative to broke the cycle of the world. probabily she will sacrifice herself for that goal. but again, we don't have any proof supporting your hypotesis, we don't have any explicit proof against, but a lot of hint in that direction. occam razor dictate the simplest explanation.

We've seen that extremely competent shardholders are the strongest people still anchored to reality, the only things we have seen that come close to them would be abominations (which can only develop far from reality) and the fundamental forces of the tower (which seem rather slow to act), if there were any stronger forces in the universe, then why does every great cycle ends with a conflict between shardholders (Incubus Kings versus Goddesses)?
wendis is an abomination because she is a coumpound of many thing, including a soul shard. tanurak isn't anything close to "anchored to reality" and tertia for example is a manifestation of the tower itself. like lilith. (and other i think). sabitha is a demon, and demon come from the tower (the demon realm the mage interact with is the shallow part of the tower, dev words). your words are simply untrue.

Also I really doubt Tertia is stronger than Ivala, even if you are right and Ivala's captivity isn't part of a plan to develop her powers, Tertia's mind is rather confused, and her faith has already gone through many transmutations and is now only practiced by a dwindling population. Even if her longevity could have been the source of greater mastery of her shard, it seems she stopped applying herself to it a long time ago, and the difference in faith between her and Ivala is far too great for me to think she would stand a chance in a direct conflict if Ivala were to return to reality.
tertia power is the power of the world. she is bound to the planet, so it's power isn't free to be trow around, but is massive. divine shard gather slowly power and she is old as the planet itself. so no, ivala is probabily a lot less powerful of tertia, but she is more free to use her power (or well, after we free her) because isn't bonded to a core force.

though I do find it interesting how it is implied that her captors don't use the tower and are still one of the strongest groups around
xestris say a thing little different, they use the power of the tower, but not in the tower, but in the material plane (so to speak), avoiding any attemp to monitor their work any other tower walker can make.


Apr 20, 2017
the church became a much more important institution after the IK invasion,
And who's country during that initial invasion was swallowed whole that resorted to them walking the tower, uncovering the captive Ivala and then with the help of a High Priestess form a faith around her to push back IK in the first war? Hmmm. If only there was a way you could predict their sudden yet invertible betrayal. But nobody sees the wolves circling till it's too late.

Quick list on requirements for being the tower walker
Female: check
Influence over Adford: check
Resources: check
Knowledge of tower: check

Fheliel checks these requirements
There's someone else as well.
From a former country on Arclent: Check
Has an alliance with a High Priestess:Check
Ascended into the tower when powerful enough:Check

To be honest, she's been "helping" for awhile and while Tanurak is a threat, she's hidden so closely it is suspicious.

I've also got a theory for the little girl. I think she might be a fragment of possibility or something along those lines. Simon feels comfortable with her and she says to not look too closely with the major decision of her having a touch of the divine shard.
Little girl -> Carina -> Ivala, it's like pokemon, all three have blonde hair and blue eyes so it's not a coincidence. That fragment of possibility given the divine power could grow through the ages into Ivala then guide Carina to Simon. But since in my game I gave Carina part of a shard, she could also be sent back before the IK invaded and become Ivala in the tower. Still too little info known.
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Active Member
May 23, 2020
Well it is interesting saying possibilities that are not confirmed but welp if you want some things confirmed I can give you some for example:

-Xestris gonna be part of the harem, there is animation chibi sex for them(so there are two seats open to theorize)

-You, as the player gonna fight in the next war to Nyst, in it is called an Incubus King(some people theorized that he is only a construct and not a real incubus King)

-At the same time you gonna fight to the Lord of Blood(you, as the player)

I dont think the sage of ghenalon is dead. Years and years of Xerces monitoring the world and their tower walkers,harvesting and growing in power.
Watching how other IK and tower walkings changing the world, even asking Simon to help with Wendis, to know go and kill the sage of ghenalon in offscreen because dips!
Knowing that the cold light is monitoring him too, waiting to strike in the best moment.
Sure, it sounds solid and intelligent.
What the Cold light could do while Xerces is fighting a powerfull tower walker? Sending living bombs of energy? Invade his country while their defenses where low? Take the opportunity to strike when the sage of ghenalon and Xerces are weak because their fight?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
for the same reason mithyn go hiding too. avoid beign imprisioned and dominated by an IKs.
And yet her plan ended up with her being easily captured by someone else?
ivala is old, perhaps young compared an planet-size live like tertia, but not younger of virtualy any other alive now. tertia had some memory of her, so her church can be old as she is. but goddess and their church are complex thing. like the GoM, she is the same age of ivala (more or less) but her whorship isn't recorded in history. so making any extensive theory based on how old a religion is... shaky at best. and keep in mind some divine shardholder can use pre-existent religion to acquire a large flock in little time. (as the elf mother did)
That is a good point, Ivala could have hijacked a religion from the previous cycle (maybe that's what the golden Ivala statues in the holy plane were related to?). It just feels weird to me that if both Mithyn and Ivala just wanted to hide, then why one of them ended up being a basement cult goddess, and the other one ended up being the largest religion on the planet?
if ivala captivity was allowed by ivala herself, you think she said nothing to the sister. and in the dialogue with tanurak she said nothing at all in that direction. thanurak was moking her how powerless she is in her captivity state.
When did I say she said nothing to Mithyn? I said that Mithyn was trying to find a way of preventing Ivala's sacrifice without disrupting her plan. She probably knows what Ivala's plan is and respects that she's willing to sacrifice herself for it, but why wouldn't she want to try to find a way to accomplish the plan without Ivala's sacrifice.

And I read Tanurak's taunt as being like "poking a caged bear", Ivala could be strong, but because she is trapped she is now powerless and that's why Tanurak is taunting her. Considering the "order vs chaos" elements of their argument, if we consider the possibility Ivala allowed herself to be trapped as part of her plan, then Tanurak's taunts sting even more: "you wanted to support order and look where it got you, look what it reduced you to"
"ivala plan" is simon. so it's the tentative to broke the cycle of the world. probabily she will sacrifice herself for that goal. but again, we don't have any proof supporting your hypotesis, we don't have any explicit proof against, but a lot of hint in that direction. occam razor dictate the simplest explanation.
Ivala has Simon in her plans, I agree with that much. I do not agree that there are a "lot of hints" against what I'm saying, I am not trying to deny that someone is using Ivala's powers and that she has "captors", I am just theorizing that Ivala has more control over the situation than it is being shown and isn't just some maiden to be rescued. Whatever hints you are referring to sound inconclusive to me, so invoking occam's razor seems rather innapropriate (your theory can't be considered "the simplest" when it also has holes in it).
wendis is an abomination because she is a coumpound of many thing, including a soul shard. tanurak isn't anything close to "anchored to reality" and tertia for example is a manifestation of the tower itself. like lilith. (and other i think). sabitha is a demon, and demon come from the tower (the demon realm the mage interact with is the shallow part of the tower, dev words). your words are simply untrue.
How is it untrue if you are agreeing with what I said? I said that shardholders (both IKs and Goddesses, I don't know why you keep acting like I'm only talking about lust shards instead of divine shards) are the strongest things anchored to reality, and everything else that is of comparable power needs to come from deep in the Tower (and usually struggle to exert their power over reality).

Wendis could only transform into an abomination because she was far from reality and deep in the Tower where you can bend the rules (similar to Esthera with her IK shard). She couldn't exist if her transformation hadn't occured deep in the tower, and to return to reality she had to give up a considerable ammount of power she had as a Tower delving abomination.

Whatever form of apparition Tanurak is, he came from very deep in the tower and, despite his skills, had very little raw power when he returned to reality (several times he could have been destroyed if he was caught). And now he acquired a lustshard, presumably to get himself a much needed power boost.

Sabitha is a powerful demon that came from deep in the Tower, she has stated multiple times she doesn't feel comfortable in reality with how "blocky" and "well-defined" things are, and why are you bringing her as an example of someone stronger than a competent IK or goddess? She got defeated by the Fucklord before the game even started (when he was still far from his apex).

Lilith and Ginasta are manifestations of the Tower itself, but they haven't been very impressive, only thing Lilith did up to this point was potentially boost Mestan so he could survive the fight in the Lustlord's Tower palace if you abandoned him, and Ginasta has just been on a losing streak since the skullpounder, sure she was getting stronger everytime but she wasn't beating any of the IKs.

I don't really know why you are saying Tertia is a "manifestation of the tower", last I checked she is a goddess, a very ancient one and her worship has been associated with the worship of the earth itself, but she's still just a goddess, and if you associate her with a lot of power then you are just reinforcing my point that competent shardholders are among the most powerful things in TLS.
tertia power is the power of the world. she is bound to the planet, so it's power isn't free to be trow around, but is massive. divine shard gather slowly power and she is old as the planet itself. so no, ivala is probabily a lot less powerful of tertia, but she is more free to use her power (or well, after we free her) because isn't bonded to a core force.
I don't really agree with the idea that divine shards are "old=powerful", they take longer to master and their power comes from faith, which takes longer to acquire than sexual satisfaction, but I have read nothing to imply that they will just keep charging power infinitely. I can agree that the type of faith is important to how the power manifests, but again, Tertia has very few followers, if the Stone had as many worshippers as Ivala has, then maybe Tertia would be stronger, but it is not even close.
And who's country during that initial invasion was swallowed whole that resorted to them walking the tower, uncovering the captive Ivala and then with the help of a High Priestess form a faith around her to push back IK in the first war? Hmmm. If only there was a way you could predict their sudden yet invertible betrayal. But nobody sees the wolves circling till it's too late.
Both Ulrissa and the Ivalan church predate the IK's invasion considerably, I don't doubt that Ulrissa knows more than she's letting on about Ivala and/or her captors, but I don't think she could be the mastermind


Mar 22, 2020
I think its Fheliel *sips my contrarian wine*

Now for the arguments against this theory
1. she is part of the harem: yes correct but as stated by SL Harem members can be subtracted or added as time goes on.
Interesting speculation..
But I agree with the argument against it on no 1. The Harem List seems like a list of 'locked ally' you have, and indicates the side of 'the good guy'.
Although if there's a member in it that have recently shown signs to defect *wink wink*, and could defect in the future through a series of player decision... Then maybe the Harem List isnt exactly a list of allies you have gained absolute loyalty from.
The Fheliel theory then could have some ground xd

There's someone else as well.
From a former country on Arclent: Check
Has an alliance with a High Priestess:Check
Ascended into the tower when powerful enough:Check

To be honest, she's been "helping" for awhile and while Tanurak is a threat, she's hidden so closely it is suspicious.
This is referring to Ulrissa? Which High Priestess that have alliance with her again..?


Nov 11, 2019
There's a little mother on daughter, plus some father on adopted daughter (so not real incest in that instance)


Mar 22, 2020
how much futa/trans content is in the game?
the succubus race have spell so they can grow a pseudo dick to do penetration sex to other female race, but they're not pure futa, as succubus is a female-only race.

idk about trans... how do you define trans content you want in this game?
off the top of my head, there's minor NPC that are male orc but dressed up as female maid. That one is purely for comedic purposes and no sex content for it.


Active Member
May 23, 2020
Well Grubbak is gay,Vhala is asexual and there is a lot of characters that are bisexual as fuck, even there is lesbians on it.

Maybe and just maybe Mestan when he is possesed by Lilith will have a transformation( at least the developer told me something about it) and we see a full transexual plot character or hermafrodite who knows.If you want some gay scenes there is the mestan train where Mestan have an orc cock in the ass while he fuck a succubus


Dec 24, 2019
So what's everyone's favorite antagonist in the game Because Imo its no doubt the incubus king. Guy had stage presence :ROFLMAO: a huge asshole you want to beat but also the most hilarious character in the game while also somehow still being intimidating. I even noticed a potential sad side to him which is probably just me because I over analyze shit just a few moments like him breaking the wall in stineford showing intelligence(so not a complete idiot), mentioning his mother died(before he could fuck her so bit of yikes but I'm guessing that's just shard influence that corrupted him), and even seeming genuine near his death About saying he wanted to bring everyone together before the shard forced him to say something stupid. Probably just my over active imagination but neat idea that he was a decent or even just a normal person before the shard changed him(not a theory could be true but I'm just gonna say its my head canon not enough info for a theory). Overall pretty great villain I hope the other antagonists reach the same level or even surpass him.
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