- May 15, 2018
- 102
- 127
Full art for chapter 1 scenes, art for about a third of the chapter 2 scenes, plus some art for random scenes in later parts of the game (at least 1 art for every woman in the harem).how much artwork is in the game now? Last time I played it was completely text based
You can try, but no one can assure you that gonna works, there is no official patchs to android.can i play it on joiplay??
She started to work on the TLS full this week, make your guessnext update is probably very late June or early half of July huh?
need my next injection of TLS update xd
Very interesting theories!The chosen pretty much act like the Incubus King. They seem to be look more like a experiment of what happens if you stuff a bunch of divine power into a human. Seems like the end goal of the research was to create an artificial incubus king. I think the goal of whoever has Ivala's divine ability is to stuff all the incubus shards into one person. At the very least they never killed her right? I think we can use the same assumption if they killed her they could have absorbed her ability. Unless they aren't female in that case my biggest suspect is still the Anak.
For someone who wants order the fact he got rid of the great sage is pretty sus. Makes me wonder if Tanurak is really Tanurak and not something Anak created or brought back to life. Didn't Ulrissa swear Tanurak was dead? Either that or as a tower walker Tanurak is the legendary cockroach that never dies. I wonder what happens when you kill another tower walker though. Do you get their insights?
Makes me wonder if Simon was at one point in time the Incubus Lord of the armor set we've been collecting. At the very least the little girl was giving some weird hint. Maybe that incubus lord was also a tower walker that went pretty far. The fact the little girl mentions Trin specifically. Trin might play a larger role than we think.Trin is actually a clone of the person controlling Ivala this whole time.
Or maybe it was Wendis.The second person Ginasta mentioned is actually Wendis true self!Yeah I'm pretty lost as who the second person in Ginasta warning is. I'm pretty sure SL has given a subtle hint somewhere. The fact tower walkers or beings in the tower can create new life though...
What if the Incubus King whose armor we've been collecting was actually in love with the goddess Ivala. The fact Wendis managed to survive in the tower is pretty weird too. The little girl wasn't scared of Wendis. She was only scared Wendis would actually destroy her if she touched her. The little girl gave a small hint that Simon and the women around him has had their fate manipulated right? What if Wendis was actually something Ivala created? Wendis is actually Ivala's pent up sexual frustration.![]()
Speaking of shining swords. Wendis says the shining swords have weird divinity in them. Maybe they can melted down for more shards for Simon's harem or something.i wonder if the shining swords will taken somewhat similar role as the contorted stones from desecration of wings for the "true ending"
I'm still banking on the idea it's the Anak who had a hand to play in this. He could of easily breached Esthera's defenses. I mean he fucking teleported himself out of the capital during the chaos. He's had a subtle part in ending every major Incubus Shard holder so far. Chosen blowing themselves up don't really accomplish anything. They aren't Ginasata and shards can't really be destroyed they'll just pop up somewhere else. If anything the chosen blowing up caused the Lustlord to fight with Esthera. Thinking Esthera was scheming to kill them off. If everything went to original plan. Simon would have consumed four major shards with only the Anak's shard remaining. If you consider how the King Alonon pretty much gave up on living after discovering the truth of the world and Anak is considered to be one of the longest tower walkers. He's extremely suspicious.Very interesting theories!
To figure out the chosen we have to view what's the Unknown tower walkers possible motive. Which is easier than you might expect Xestris mentions (or Xerces maybe? lost my saves) that every reaction has a opposite and equal reaction and since Xerces been concerned and tracking this tower walker it appears that this tower walker is the opposite and equal reaction to Xerces motives. Xerces motive is to protect the balance and keep the system in place so This tower walker motive must be the opposite, the destruction of balance and breaking the system which lines up with the actions of this tower walker for example taking Ivala captive instead of simply taking the shard, the tower walker doesn't want to be a shard holder since that would bend that person to the systems will since shards are part of the system and influences their holder (not confirmed for divine shards). So knowing a possible motive I'm guessing the chosen were created to hold a Incubus shard. If the creator wanted to more easily use divine power then the chosen would be female and not act like a corrupted incubus kings so My guess their creator wants to combine divine and incubus power by making a flawed vessel which results in one being which allows the tower walker to bend the system to their will by hijacking a shard that now she controls through the chosen. It explains why the chosen attacks incubus kings and the attack on the second gathering which was caused by the tower walker because if you remember in the beginning Xerces is talking about chosen and he says "its business as usual" but during the attack he says "business has changed" decent implication that the tower walker is the one behind the attack. This also fits in nicely with my Simon is a chosen theory which would explain why they help Simon and is sacrificing chosen I mean think about it the gathering attack mostly benefited Simon who got a major shard they want to use Simon somehow.
Also bit of side note but After the second gathering the harem mentions how the attack happened and rule out magically teleporting them in and also rule out them just appearing from the land so the attack must have been done covertly Which means they had to be sneaked in so is it possible that they were sneaked in using Fheliel's air ships since they have an airship trade with the orgasmic empire. I know the Fheliel theory isn't wildly accepted but man she's been suspicious.
I could go into a bunch of theories like how If xertris is made does that mean more Xestrises could be made? or that The incubus king will be brought back and a bunch of theories in theories but Nah I'm content to see how the game will progress so this is probably my last theory posts I want to thank everyone for being respectful and actually bring forth good info your welcome to disagree with my theory or agree with it Peace. I'm very excited in how things play out in the game!
Ginasta prophecied 3 individual that might change the world completely.Or maybe it was Wendis.The second person Ginasta mentioned is actually Wendis true self!Yeah I'm pretty lost as who the second person in Ginasta warning is.
It is Mentioned a few times that Ginasta is the Towers Anti Tyrant system aka she is there to prevent any single being from overturning the Order of things. Lilith is the one who prevents the world from becoming too Stagnate.
Alonon did tell us the exact thing that made him give up that everything is made up of lust and Purity and that had no real effect on our group moral for the most part, Robin took it the worst.
The Anak minion seemed to think different thou that is no guarantee
there are major hints the Divine aka Chosen Spammer is not the Anak since he fits another of the big three powers better
A Cold Light is their power it Rooted in the Divine and they would be A sterile and Dogmatic Tyrant
Xestris described the Anak enemy as the one behind the Chosen and the Crystal and fittingly says that their efforts focus on our and ignore the Tower Proper, as Rilla also says that it is tower class magic without actually drawing off the tower
Which also fits with what the Goddess of magic said about Ivala captors how close they were Tower or no Tower Implying they might not fully know of it
The Anak Enemy( can't be Tanurak been active longer and they don't really seem to use the tower like a tower walker)
A Peaceful Grey was described as coming from deep in the Tower and she fears they would cause a world without chaos, without life
Most likely the Anak
The Anak tower race area he Built was described as Similar to the Core part aka the 'real world' in that definitions crush from all sides and nothing can be Chaotic and ill defined why our demon who originally live in the most chaos part of the tower hates it, add in the name fits his stated Plan of reducing suffering aka Lowering Chaos( though I suspect he plans to go further than his Minion knows) and of course he is one of the best tower walkers around
A Terrible Warmth aka Simon mostly because he has such insane social control and he does posses all the powers even if he is the weakest person who could upturn the order of thing
tough it is brought up skilled tower walkers seem able to Predict the future to a degree, Ulrissa straight up says she can't do that anymore and Alonon seemed to know we were going to meet Wedis again since he gives us the True stone we need for her body before we meet her again.
Also on the death of the sage not being Balance that is the biggest thing that we know the Anak did that Tanurak could of seen and we have no clue they Talked since he arrived after Tanaruk was ejected and Mr no face seems to think the Anak became obsessed with Balance.
Besides Lustlord Order, Simon Order, Sage Order, Anak Balance, Lilth Chaos, Tanaruk chaos, Ulrisa Observer, Mystery 1 Order, Mystery 2 his enemy, does seem at a glance that the tower walkers were leaning too much towards Order so someone who Believed in total Balance is Required to go Chaos or remove some Order.
i think this is what you needHowdy! I was taking a look at this game and wanted to try it, but the link in the OP for the requiredYou must be registered to see the linksappears to be outdated. My search-fu skills suck, so I apologize if it's an easy find, but would some kind soul please be willing to direct me to an up-to-date link for it?
Yup, that led me to it. Thank you! =)i think this is what you need
You must be registered to see the links
Erosian last stand isn't as hard if you know who to target first. You want to use Vhala for her anti-sex aura and defensive rain to reduce their attack. Then bring a healer and offensive. Hilstara with Carina and Holy Shield can boost your defense up enough to survive the first few turns. Having Qum and either Altina/Riala use Quake/Fires of Lust can clear them out quite quickly with AoE.I am stuck in the last battle against the Fucklord’s special girl army