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Our dearest supporters,
It is immensely unfortunate for us to inform you that the next release of The Legend of the Goblins has been further delayed until the month of April. The good news is that we have managed to fill out the vacant roles in the Mad Rabbit Works team, with new members recently having joined us. However, we all felt that it was best if the script for the upcoming TLotG update. Additionally, our new writer has also brought in some very exciting and intriguing new ideas, which you will have to wait to discover as they are gradually incorporated and revealed in the next couple of releases we have planned.
Here at Mad Rabbit Works, we believe in being fair and transparent. Therefore, none of valuable patrons and supporters is going to be charged for the month of March due to this unforeseen and unplanned delay. Despite this, the wallpapers for the month of February are going to be delivered as promised in the next few days, and so will those of March. We just humbly request all of you to remain patient and supportive, while staying on board this ship of goblins and granting us this time to complete the next TLotG release.
Besides this, as an additional step towards improvement, a few of the animations from the very first release of TLotG are also currently in the process of being updated. There had been a fair bit of negative criticism towards the quality of those animations and we have taken them into account, so they are being improved and re-rendered, and shall consequently look much better and sexier.
We are forever grateful and obliged to all of you for your gracious support. The upcoming release of TLotG shall definitely be here for you to play and carry on with the story of our goblins and victims.
Kind regards, MaD_Rabbit_Works.