I played a decent amount of your game and here is what i found as bugs or errors or things that are best to replace or remove :
1) The female voice is obviously sampled from different resources and is awkward in many places
2) Game crashes from time to time and i didn`t notice any similarity in the cause (once when i talked to the weapon seller goblin , once when i was farming in the jungle , once when i was watching the scene when one of goblins were finding a wench and once when i clicked on the state button and one of my in party goblins were dead)
3) Some of the animations were sloppy but even so you get a plus from me because at least you have it
4) The " hide the text box" button is SHIFT and its the same key to run when always dash is off , so if someone want to walk and run from time to time (with pressing the SHIFT button ) the text bar is constantly turning on and off so when you talk and nothing appears you have to remember that text box is off and there is no bug so you have to enable it again .
5) In the fights when you are selection someone to receive the spell or the attack you can also select your self and your team and we will take damage
I enjoyed your game and will keep watching it so keep up the good work and good lick