a quick report about some changes:
- now is easy to avoid enemies when you "escape"
-added content to the old update: some houses,dialogs a bank in tredda,etc..
-limited the best cards of triple triad players for more difficulty( I had planned to do a tournament but for now it has to wait.)
-the world is open now once you progress through the main quest.
- I tested the game again and I didn't have to grind to buy upgrades,just weapons : earned 60k of gold at the end of the current version, so I didn't changed anything about that., just quest reward slightly increased (it's an rpg afterall

and a lot more, I just finished 3 dungeons(1 of them is pain in the ass xD), I won't be able to work in the game in a few days but I'll see if another update is ready soon, but I make no promises xD