Ok, this is weird.
The news feed only reloads when its opened manually, or when going to the main menu if the news were open last time.
If you keep the news section closed, it will stay like that until you open it again (even after closing and reopening the game.)
I will make an extra layer of "protection" for these cases on the next update (Adding an option in the settings to disable the feature completely).
But well, we aren't even sure if that's the problem, in special when this lag appear is not the rule but the exception.
What's your device's OS? It is Mac or Linux by any chance?
Hey man. I'm sorta jumping into this without having read the prior pages, but I am assuming this is about the game lagging for a very small minority of people. I reported the exact same issue when the live2d stuff was introduced along with some other peeps, remember? We thought it might have been Live2D as the cause. The patch afterwards didn't really fix it for me.
So since then I've played null hypothesis which also just got Live2D and it just didn't lag at all. Like at all.
But here's the kicker. Due to F95 getting a lot of malwared games lately, I started sandboxing games...when I run lewdest house without allowing it an internet connection, it doesn't lag...for whatever reason. So the lag might not be caused by live2d at all. The same update that introduced Live2d also introduced your newspaper thingy. Might be the cause...but I doubt your code that queries for the internet would run in the background while playing the game normally after the main menu, which is where it continued to lag back then.
Of course, I'm just talking out of my ass here, but I hope any little bit of info helps. For what it's worth I run windows with a 3080 and 5600x. Hardware was never an issue.