Hello friends!
Today, after a long correspondence and demands, we finally got a part of translation from a paid translation agency, that we decided to work with to meet deadlines ... Well, we thought it was impossible - but these guys exceeded all expectations. This translation turned out to be worse than Google translation((. Awful. In total, at the moment we have in general new texts more than 60,000 words long (this is the size of a small book: yes, some storylines have really significant development) for version 0.95, of which only about 30% are translated decently. Obviously, it can't be serious.
Honestly, we are confused. We'd never have thought that translation would become a stumbling block. We planned to release LS 0.95 now in any form it will be at this moment ... But we just can’t release 30% of the game right now (furthermore, these 30% are mostly parts of different quests) or release the rest with a Google translation (we can do this for free without help of a "translation" agencies, thanks). We have invested a lot of time and effort in these texts and in this version of LS as a whole. Therefore, to spoil everything with such a “release” - no, we believe that it's unacceptable(.
What will we do with this now? Recently, we've received a number of new offers from other translators (including the ones with good translated test passages), we are really grateful to all who responded! So, these days we will try to work with them and choose the most suitable interpreters among them. So soon some of translations will be sent to the proofreaders in the nearest days, cheers.
In general, it was an unpleasant but rewarding experience. With a huge delay, but we've still set up work on translations in the form we planned from the very beginning. And we really hope that in the future we will no longer have such difficulties with this aspects.
Dates of release. We understand that the next postponement of the release dates is a very bad thing((. But there is no other way, so we have to postpone the release for patrons for a month, which will be fully devoted to preparing the English version of 'The Library Story' v.0.95.
The release of v.0.95 for patrons: March 15th, 2020
Public released version: April 5th, 2020
In addition, a small FAQ (the sponsor of this FAQ is Binkertell, who leased a magic ball of predictions).
Q: Do you understand how bad this is? Why set deadlines that you are not fulfilling?
A: Yes, of course, we understand that. And we've already had a number of discussions on this topic: force-majeure happens, and each postponement always causes a negative reaction. Mayby it would be easier to set deadlines approximately and answer all questions like: "immediately when it will be done!" But we believe that setting deadlines in our work on LS primarily helps us focus on the work and keep track of how fast preparation of the next version should be. Each postponement is a big stress for us, so, believe us, we really try to prevent this (well, yes, now it is probably hard to believe, but it is). This time we prepared most of what we planned for version 0.95, but the problem arose in completely another area (translation, yes).
Will we continue setting exact release dates for future versions of LS? Yes, we will. Will we postpone them? We'd like to promise that we won’t for sure, but we don’t, because some issues like a bunch of unexpected bugs or problems like happened with translation are not always predictable... This time it was quite unexpected and unpleasant , because our texts are an advantage of our game (at least we hope so), therefore we don't want to worsen this part of our game because it can make it less entertaining and thrilled.
But we will try to avoid such issues in further vesrions. In addition, we understand that every postponement negatively affects your credit of trust, and now we've definitely gone too far with these translations. We will take this into account. Something like this.
Q: And what will stop you when the new deadline approaches, to move the release date to April for example? Suddenly, the new translators also wouldn't cope?
A: No, we won't postpone this time, unless, of course, something from the category of the fall of a huge comet, either invasion of the Martians or the zombie-apocalypse happens... On the other hand, who said that Martians don't like adult games? So, okay, we cross the invasion of the Martians from the list of force-majeure.
But seriously, we understand very well how much these postponements put us in an unfavorable light.

. Therefore, if we see that something is wrong with the translation again, and the middle of March is approaching, then we’ll just do the Google translation of all new content and will hope that our wonderful proofreaders might be able to refine these texts to at least some sane level
In fact, this is a very bad option, because with such translation all jokes, idioms, puns are lost, and in general, you get a text that only approximately resembles what we, the authors of the game, wrote for you. But this time, there is no longer any talk of any further postponements of the release, so if necessary, we will do it.
Q: Why do you announce postponements so late? You didn't see five or ten days ago that you didn't have enough time again?
A: Firstly, it is unpleasant. This is stupid, but you always want to postpone such news for later. But secondly, the main thing here: we don't translate, therefore it is an area where our game depends on other people. So now, for example, there was a possibility that we would still recieve a high-quality translation from the agency. Then we would take just some days for adding translated texts and testing the English version 0.95.
Q: The picture in this post is the same pic from 0.95?
A: This is a collage. But if you remove Gaston with a book, you get a picture from LS 0.95. ^__^ As we've already said, some storylines have been significantly developed.
What else do we want to add to all of the above? This is very sad. We apologize to you, our patrons. We will do our best to prevent this from happening again (well, or as rarely as possible). We perfectly understand your discontent. Nevertheless, we ask you to wait additional month for the release of 0.95 and we hope that despite of these postponements, you will be satisfied with the new version and the plot of the game as a whole.
Thanks for your support guys and stay in touch. There is nowhere to retreat, so now the release of 0.95 is for sure very soon.