When you acquire the gloves use them via your inventory - After that talk to Binker.
1. Then go to Belle's house and wait for her to be there, then via the inventory use "drop off" - Watch.
2. Go there again until she use the gloves again - It happens randomly, typical 1-2 days later - Watch.
3. Repeat - Go there again until she use the gloves again - It happens randomly, typical 1-2 days later - Watch.
4. Talk to Binker - Choice: "Take the gloves away from Belle or not"
If you choice "NO" to remove the gloves.
1. Go to Belle again until she use the gloves again - It happens randomly, typical 1-2 days later - Watch.
2. "Bad End"
If you choice "YES" to remove the gloves.
1. Go to Belle again at night - Get in - Click the chest in the bottom right corner - And grab the gloves.
2. End for now( I think)
I Think it stops there for now - Will update If I find more, since I cannot remember all these side quest.