The carpet does match the drapes, so are all good. Also she just has that one tattoo, it is meaningful but not discussed. If anyone is familiar with the table top rpg game vampire the masquerade it is a clue to her actual clan. Not that I can use those terms in the game at all.
Thanks for the insight. I thought it was a snake, but now I'm guessing it's a dragon.
I'm not a "gamer", so I wasn't aware of that. I took a look so I could understand the reference.
As for my tat preferences, one, even a larger one, there wouldn't be a big turn off for me - it's "on the edge". Those enormous tats under the tits, spider webs on the throat, things covering the face - those get to me. Then again, if I meet a woman IRL that I find otherwise interesting, intelligent and attractive, I wouldn't kick her out of bed if we're getting busy for the first time and I discover her entire torso from the collar bone down is covered - I'd probably trace the patterns to raise goosebumps as part of the foreplay....