I think you have a point here. The relationship with Kaija isn't handled/exposed in the best way.
- Our first choice with her: love tap, or say hello. We have no idea that Kaija actually hates being startled with the love tap, and first-time players could think a “hello” is too Platonic. At the same time, Alex would know this, he's been with her for years.
- There's very little framing about how the relationship is already in a bad place at the start of the game. We see both Kaija and Alex at their worst. This biases the player against Kaija (Alex makes some passive-aggressive remarks, even sighs when Kaija calls, is tired of her being messy, and annoyed when she doesn't keep her promise of letting him know when she arrived.)
- Only after shit has hit the fan, do we get actual exposition about their relationship.
This is honestly one of only a few criticisms I have of the game. I would love a bit of framing that describes the relationship going through a(nother) rough patch, and that it's up to the player to decide if Alex puts in effort to support Kaija regardless, or if he's just done with it. I also think that the first choice needs a bit of framing as well, maybe with the MC thinking "She hates being startled, but that ass is just too tempting."