Pretty interesting so far. Has me intrigued at least.
Didn't get the point of the sex scene though (dream sex... ugh). I guess it was to just have a sex scene in the first release. If your story is good enough, you don't need that, and the story is pretty good so far. Save the sex scenes for when they actually matter, instead of just tossing them in to check a box.
On that note, I hope sex/relations won't be forced in the future. I get why you forced the dream sex (to check a box and show you have sex), but I hope it won't be that way throughout the rest of the game and we'll be able to choose who we have sex/relations with.
But otherwise, it was good. Writing was good (minus a few typos), renders were alright, even music (though it's the same song on loop basically) and animations (during the sex scene). Can't really say if the characters are going to have uniqueness to them or not, as we pretty much just spent this whole v0.1 with Alice the whole time. But I like her already, so that's a plus.
So yeah, thanks and best of luck with your game.