
Sep 14, 2018
I'm going to take a stab at this question for you. It's been answered before, but this time I'm going to add some more context to everything so that hopefully future readers can see why the Devs are working in the manner they are.

Unfortunately for them to add a new girl it costs money because of the amount of art that is needed.

You have a body, a head, and limbs. Then you have their brows, eyes, and mouth. Add on to that any garment (each of which has at least two drawings). Currently there are ~250 images that go into making a single girl's standing actions. This is before then including their bedroom background, their bedroom items, and any gifts which are displayable which is an average of ~50 images.

Since they are already expanding on the poses of the existing girls to have more dynamic poses, this count is already going up. But we'll go with 250. Obviously some drawings are more expensive than others. A single set of eyes isn't going to cost the same price as the bedroom background. So we'll just go with an average and assume that the artist is dirt cheap - so the average is only $2.00 per image. (I am 99.99% certain this is way lower than actual.)

300 images @ $2.00 = $600.

And that doesn't include the sex poses. Adding in all of those adds several hundred more images. (Average is ~750). There are some which might be able to be recycled, so we'll be really generous and call it just 300.

So now we're at 600 images @ 2.00 = $1,200.

600 images per girl to add means that the artists are going to be swamped adding new girls. With only 30 days a month to do it, that's 20 images they would have to knock out a day on average just to get one girl done. The artists are good, but that kind of production level is a full time job at nowhere near a full time pay. And that assumes not going back and expanding anything for the existing girls on that time table.

Up until the patreon launch everything had been self-funded. Now that the Patreon is starting to collect money they can create a pipeline to get art done regularly, but that still takes time.

If they try to push the plot ahead too much they are going to need more rooms than we currently have, which means needing new backgrounds at minimum and that puts us back into the Time/Money loop discussed above. If they try to add all the girls art immediately, they again are in the Time/Money loop.

So instead the Devs are balancing what they can and adjusting based on how the Patreon performs. The better that does, the faster they can commission art and do both improvements for the current game as well as order art for future scenes (be it girls, backgrounds, etc).

When they can't work on pushing the story forward, they instead work on addressing things in the existing build. This includes taking the feedback from the players and tweaking things. This is why v0.3 is so focused on some of the system overhauls to help reduce the feelings of grindiness, expanding on some of the existing expressions, and otherwise working to fix more of the little things that didn't quite land right.

Hopefully this explanation helps better illustrate why the Dev team would be working in the manner they are as they try to budget their resources of time and money to produce the best quality product that they can.
That's cool and all, but like ... Where are the head pats tho ... (jokes aside the art is reaaaaally good) I was wondering, since I don't remember much about the source material, what made the team decide to go with each girl's kink is it their personality in the show or ?

Also, it may be just me, but i think that a different art for the kisses/make out would improve and break away more from oni's game,(which you already to a great job at don't take me wrong), like a side view of the kiss (and more tongue if make out) to just show a duck face from the gals a tad weird (and it would at least make the skin choice in the beginning have a minimal impact), if you don't want to show our character's face (which i wouldn't mind but whatever) just cut under the nose and give each girl a different body language. Just an idea i have but i understand it adds more art as well.
Last edited:
Aug 15, 2021
That's cool and all, but like ... Where are the head pats tho ... (jokes aside the art is reaaaaally good) I was wondering, since I don't remember much about the source material, what made the team decide to go with each girl's kink is it their personality in the show or ?
Headpats have been requested and are probably coming soon. At least that's the impression that came from the Devs when its come up.

As for the other kinks. From what has been said before.

Rogue and the submission felt right. She wants somebody to make her feel safe and protected.
Laura's is just a heightened sense of her protective nature, taken to an extreme.
Jean has always been something of the "team mom", this just plays on that and takes it in the kinky direction.


Sep 14, 2018
Headpats have been requested and are probably coming soon. At least that's the impression that came from the Devs when its come up.

As for the other kinks. From what has been said before.

Rogue and the submission felt right. She wants somebody to make her feel safe and protected.
Laura's is just a heightened sense of her protective nature, taken to an extreme.
Jean has always been something of the "team mom", this just plays on that and takes it in the kinky direction.
My bad for the edit of the previous post, the thought crossed my mind and i just wanted to give an opinion lol
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Apr 7, 2020
ok, my mind is spinning...
You and me both brother.

Hopefully this explanation helps better illustrate why the Dev team would be working in the manner they are as they try to budget their resources of time and money to produce the best quality product that they can.
This is the financial reason. Thank you for breaking it down Panda.

The story production reason is that we're following the comic books. Each girl is tied directly to the main plot.

Ya' guys gotta remove yourself from the mindset that we can just randomly plop a girl into the sandbox and leave it at that.

Heck, even Oni has time delays and special introductions for each girl. You don't meet them all in one day.

It's not because you're getting wet, it's because a wet Nightcrawler smells like a wet dog.
In the comics he had fine blueish black fur and was often called "fuzzy elf" by Wolverine in spite of the later movie portrayals making him look like it was just blue skin.
I don't remember which comic, but Kurt actually does get wet and end up smelling bad. The guy just smells bad in general because of the bamfing. Smells like brimestone.

But yeah anyone who grew up with Evolution knows Kurt calls himself fuzzy.

Where are the head pats tho
Headpats have been requested and are probably coming soon.

what made the team decide to go with each girl's kink is it their personality in the show or ?
First off. Comics, not show. Secondly. Yeah, it's based off of their personality. We find an interesting aspect of a character and go "How can we make this sexy?" It's that simple of a process.

Rogue and the submission felt right. She wants somebody to make her feel safe and protected.
Laura's is just a heightened sense of her protective nature, taken to an extreme.
Jean has always been something of the "team mom", this just plays on that and takes it in the kinky direction.
I'm running off fumes right now and kept reading that as "teen mom" and I got confused lol

But yeah for some examples-

Rogue has repeatedly mentioned that she dreamt of a simple life where she could settle down and be normal. Pretty much all versions of the character have her wanting to get rid of her powers so she can have that "normal." Null comes into her life and has the ability to provide that. So not only is it sexy, it's wholesome.

Laura outright stalked people she felt protective of in the comics. There were scenes of her spying on people through the security cameras of the X-Mansion and her abruptly popping around the corner to surprise Null was something she id to more than one person. Some people found that hot.

Yeah, Jean was always "the girl" who took care of the boys. We just "modernized" it by framing it as a college senior looking out for the freshman. Jean just takes a particular liking to Null and because of his struggles, she begins to feel protective of him which leads to her quirk.

Also, it may be just me, but i think that a different art for the kisses/make out would improve and break away more from oni's game
We have plans for kisses. :whistle:


Jan 10, 2021
Rogue has repeatedly mentioned that she dreamt of a simple life where she could settle down and be normal. Pretty much all versions of the character have her wanting to get rid of her powers so she can have that "normal." Null comes into her life and has the ability to provide that. So not only is it sexy, it's wholesome.
Exactly! She's always wanted to be normal so she could have normal relationships like other girls her age do, nothing about that suggests being a submissive. Shy and unsure of how to proceed at finding herself possibly attaining that relationship, for sure. I've been responding with the choices that sound like they would lead away from the dom/sub kink but so far the interactions with her still make her seem meek and that doesn't fit with the portrayal of her personality I remember from the comics, as if taking advantage of her naivety is the only actual path available with her.


Active Member
Apr 7, 2020
nothing about that suggests being a submissive
To be 100% transparent it's mostly for the kink.

Shy and unsure of how to proceed at finding herself possibly attaining that relationship, for sure. I've been responding with the choices that sound like they would lead away from the dom/sub kink but so far the interactions with her still make her seem meek and that doesn't fit with the portrayal of her personality I remember from the comics
You probably haven't seen earlier depictions of her character. When she made the switch to good, she was incredibly self-deprecating, insecure, and often meek.

When she did start acting tough, it was mostly bravado used as a front.

It wasn't until like the late 90s onward that she genuinely did become the tough badass. Even then she had doubts all the way until she finally learned how to actually control her power.

We plan on depicting this evolution.

as if taking advantage of her naivety is the only actual path available with her.
If the writing comes off as taking advantage of her then that is entirely unintentional.

Again early on she was insecure and meek. The reason why she allows Null to become a dom and her a sub is because Null proves that he can protect and take care of her.

I'll remind everyone that activating quirks is not 100% healthy for the girls' mental state. The quirkless and quirk routes are just two different methods of coping with their issues.


Jun 10, 2020
hi, im curious about that, does these " bad quirks" have some kind of repercussions on the story? (I couldn't play the game so cant check myself)


Active Member
Apr 7, 2020
hi, im curious about that, does these " bad quirks" have some kind of repercussions on the story? (I couldn't play the game so cant check myself)
They're not harmful so no.

Normally a girl will behave like she did in the comics. Or to the closest approximation because we have to update characters written in the 60s and 70s to fit within the mid-2000s.

However, there are specific parts of their personality we have labeled quirks. As in personality quirks. You as the player have the ability to encourage these quirks or discourage them.

If you encourage them, these parts of their personality are exaggerated.

Laura borderline stalks you to protect you.

Rogue becomes co-dependent, more comfortable letting you make decisions.

Jean's need to be the best and in control reveals her "Big Sister" personality. Which does a little faux-incest play.

We are actively working on retooling things so it's not a binary. Like you can have Jean be your big sis but draw a line in the sand saying you won't let her dictate your life. Same with Laura, she can stalk you but you can confront her and make it clear that she can't act like she's your dom.

For the initial girls, I'm not 100% on future girls, these are coping mechanisms that aren't exactly healthy but they're not all too harmful either. It's all just kinky fun.


There are no punitive repercussions for encouraging quirks.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2019
They're not harmful so no.

Normally a girl will behave like she did in the comics. Or to the closest approximation because we have to update characters written in the 60s and 70s to fit within the mid-2000s.

However, there are specific parts of their personality we have labeled quirks. As in personality quirks. You as the player have the ability to encourage these quirks or discourage them.

If you encourage them, these parts of their personality are exaggerated.

Laura borderline stalks you to protect you.

Rogue becomes co-dependent, more comfortable letting you make decisions.

Jean's need to be the best and in control reveals her "Big Sister" personality. Which does a little faux-incest play.

We are actively working on retooling things so it's not a binary. Like you can have Jean be your big sis but draw a line in the sand saying you won't let her dictate your life. Same with Laura, she can stalk you but you can confront her and make it clear that she can't act like she's your dom.

For the initial girls, I'm not 100% on future girls, these are coping mechanisms that aren't exactly healthy but they're not all too harmful either. It's all just kinky fun.


There are no punitive repercussions for encouraging quirks.
hey buddy. quick question. is 0.3 still on schedule or will it be pushed back due to holidays?


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2021
So, it's cool that you guys are reducing grind and stuff, but does that mean I'll have to start again to experience these new interactions and other content?


Active Member
Apr 7, 2020
hey buddy. quick question. is 0.3 still on schedule or will it be pushed back due to holidays?
The Dev team hasn't suggested to me any delay issues or mentioned any holiday plans getting in the way. We'd let you guys know far in advance. Unless something unexpected happens last minute that's impossible to plan for. Like if Grandma slipped and broke her hip.

So, it's cool that you guys are reducing grind and stuff, but does that mean I'll have to start again to experience these new interactions and other content?
For most of the content, you shouldn't need to. However, some random sandbox events are season-specific. Some side content also makes more sense to experience it throughout the chapter rather than last minute.
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New Member
Jan 28, 2021
I left for a bit but rejoined the patreon but the discord link seems broken. Did the Devs delete it? and if so, is there a new place to follow em? Peeved at paying for discord access to follow game only for it to seemingly vanish


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2019
The Dev team hasn't suggested to me any delay issues or mentioned any holiday plans getting in the way. We'd let you guys know far in advance. Unless something unexpected happens last minute that's impossible to plan for. Like if Grandma slipped and broke her hip.

For most of the content, you shouldn't need to. However, some random sandbox events are season-specific. Some side content also makes more sense to experience it throughout the chapter rather than last minute.
what if Grandma got run over by a reindeer?


New Member
May 24, 2022
I left for a bit but rejoined the patreon but the discord link seems broken. Did the Devs delete it? and if so, is there a new place to follow em? Peeved at paying for discord access to follow game only for it to seemingly vanish
I got mine along with the game, in the TXT file
Here it is:


New Member
Jun 28, 2017
Activating the console gives an error when trying start the game
Who thought that changing False to True can be that hard?


New Member
Jun 14, 2017
Activating the console gives an error when trying start the game
Most common issue with utf-8 is when editing 00console.rpy, your text editor default converts it to ANSI on save rather than preserving the utf-8 encoding. Literally makes it choke on startup because it can't read.


New Member
Jun 28, 2017
Most common issue with utf-8 is when editing 00console.rpy, your text editor default converts it to ANSI on save rather than preserving the utf-8 encoding. Literally makes it choke on startup because it can't read.
Aaaah gotcha, wordpad isnt good enough

Kingdom 84

Aug 1, 2021
Can someone please drop a save file with Jean already dated 3 time? I tried to text her multiple times of the day but the option never shows up no matter what I try.
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