Aug 15, 2017
Correction, they're not fine with Null sleeping around. You have to ask them permission to date another girl.

Girl Motivations: Rogue is just happy to be loved and as long as she feels that way she's willing to share. Laura just wants it clear that she's top bitch. She doesn't consider the others as competition for that position. Jean is going in with the mindset of "I'm so awesome in the end he'll pick me."

As why they're open to polyamory to begin with? There is an in-universe explanation that my OCD ass demanded to happen. I won't spoil it, but for comic book fans, it involves James Madrox.
Rogue and Laura come across fairly well, but the vibe I got from Jean was more along the lines of: I've spent my whole life overthinking things, and look where it's gotten me, so this time I'm not going to overthink things and just go with the flow. I suppose that just shows how little I pay attention to subtext.
To be 100% transparent, we just want to get the foundations and Chapter 1 finished.

We really don't want to go to work on chapter 2 only to have to come back and fix things later.
Sounds wise.
Thank you. This is why the game can "challenge" you.
Fair enough.


Feb 24, 2021
As shown in other scenes, he has a limited range. Doesn't require skin-to-skin.
That is actually unclear. Yes, he has limited range to nullify effects (the tennis balls dropped at about 2 feet), but it was implied (or was it stated?) that to nullify a power completely required contact (which is why he would grab Jean's hand, and she made him hang on, when her powers got away from her).

Specifically it has Laura helping him up, and then yanking her hand away, but she's wearing gloves.

I'm not suggesting a major rewrite or anything. Just a little more explicit clarity, especially with what is going on with Laura.

This is why the other girls weren't even allowed in the room while Null was draining Laura's vitality during his second coma.
Oh I get that, but his draining power has much longer range than his nullification power, something like 6 feet IIRC, although staying away entirely is good during training.

We have several reports of people forgetting this fact.
Why does this not surprise me?

Congrats on again being the first person to claim something.
Being the same as everyone else is boring. :)

I have pages of complaints about how slow it is.
Slow? Seriously?
Have they never been with a real woman? Or is it just they want it over fast in the game (which kinda seems to defeat the purpose of a porn game...)
As we said above, we don't want 20 minutes, but not 30 seconds either.

Heck I was just thinking it was reversed that the MC takes too long to orgasm, and the girls too short a time.
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Jun 22, 2017
There is indeed. Good job, stud!
Under the current system, more actions is the key.
Pft, I'll have to try this out when I next play... Or wait for the update. I had a feeling A+ was possible but I never tried...
Also 34 unique actions?! I feel like I top out at 12... Hmmm... Yeah trying to rush things (get em to orgasm quick), much like in the real world is not a good idea.

Correction, they're not fine with Null sleeping around. You have to ask them permission to date another girl.

Girl Motivations: Rogue is just happy to be loved and as long as she feels that way she's willing to share. Laura just wants it clear that she's top bitch. She doesn't consider the others as competition for that position. Jean is going in with the mindset of "I'm so awesome in the end he'll pick me."

As why they're open to polyamory to begin with? There is an in-universe explanation that my OCD ass demanded to happen. I won't spoil it, but for comic book fans, it involves James Madrox.
Right yeah, it's the fact that I don't think they'll say no... Hm... Maybe that's where the "build up their relationship with each other" through pool 'dates'/'hangouts'... I feel like i only started caring and inviting them to the pool after the harem had started...

But yeah those motivations makes sense... And I know Rogue's motivation is a bit unhealthy but man, Laura and Jean thinking they're the top in the trio/choices ain't healthy either... Null needs to have a talk to those girls and explain to them the virtues of socialism sharing.

I think I've heard about Multiple Man... I know he had a poly relationship since his duplicates are 'seperate' minds until they merge...

Not sure how this connects, though. I vaguely remember reading that the Cocoo Triplets dated one guy at the same time...

The only enforced character trait is that he's quick to pick up on girls' preferences. Which is the in-universe explanation for what you see on the UI.
It wasn't a big thing that mattered but god, it's nice to see an in-verse explanation. Attentiveness!

We try to stay as grounded as we can.
Love that

To be 100% transparent, we just want to get the foundations and Chapter 1 finished.

We really don't want to go to work on chapter 2 only to have to come back and fix things later.
Mixed feelings. Love that everything is getting settled before more 'weight' is put on the system. It kinda looked like the updates recently are like changing an existing system, which kinda sucks (though, I'm all for improving a system or idea or anything like that for the better if something better presents itself).

Not going to be seeing Storm or Older Women (Jean is great but... Lemme romance a teacher damn it) sucks but getting the foundation in first is a good goal.

That sounds like a skill issue.

Honestly, this is our equivalent of the "Get in Rogue's pants" speedrun in RLE. "How high a grade can you get with starting options?"
Rude! But that's interesting, I wonder if orgasm has any impact on the grade... Ah wait heavy petting, that's basically every option in the standing pose that's more or less clothed. That'd certainly trigger an orgasm... I've gotten A so I wonder... More unique actions I guess.

Probably need to keep going a bit longer even after they orgasm.

Have they never been with a real woman? Or is it just they want it over fast in the game (which kinda seems to defeat the purpose of a porn game...)
I bet those same people who say it's too slow aren't complaining about Null being slow.
Heck I was just thinking it was reversed that the MC takes too long to orgasm, and the girls too short a time.
I feel like a 10-20% increase in the amount of actions required (for women) and the same percentage but a decrease for Null would be good. It's not too fast or too slow but a little tweak might be good to satisfy that... I wouldn't be bothered if the current rate stays the same though.
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Aug 15, 2017
Pft, I'll have to try this out when I next play... Or wait for the update. I had a feeling A+ was possible but I never tried...
Also 34 unique actions?! I feel like I top out at 12... Hmmm... Yeah trying to rush things (get em to orgasm quick), much like in the real world is not a good idea.
I don't know. Sometimes quickies are the better option.
Right yeah, it's the fact that I don't think they'll say no... Hm... Maybe that's where the "build up their relationship with each other" through pool 'dates'/'hangouts'... I feel like i only started caring and inviting them to the pool after the harem had started...
One thing that occurs to me is the order of events also has an impact. In my playthrough, I liked Rogue the best, and progressed much faster than her in the beginning. So when the relationship conversation came up and I picked "I want to date others too," (because I've gotta catch 'em all), it felt natural (porn-game natural) that she'd go along with it. And yes, it isn't healthy. With the others, it was more of a case of "I'm with Rogue, and I'm not leaving her, so if you want to explore this thing, you need to be cool with that." Laura runs on instinct. You're the mate she's chosen, and she doesn't have the upbringing to care about stupid social constructs, so she's fine with it. Jean I felt was more of a "it's not like I'm happy with my life now, so I'll give it shot." I'm not saying I think it is real-world realistic necessarily, but it felt like a better setup for a harem than most games where you basically cheat on a bunch of women and when they find out they're fine with it because "magic cock."

That being said, I imagine if things had progressed in a different order, I might feel different about how "natural" a development it had been.

Also, for the record, while I do like all the characters, Rogue is still my favorite, and if push came to shove, I'd dump the other two to be with her.

Edit: Hell, with Laura, given that she had no concept of relationship or dating before meeting Null, she might consider it natural that the best/strongest males collect the best females. And given that her only experience with relationships is what is in the game, she may just assume that what is happening is the norm and everyone does it.
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Jun 22, 2017
I don't know. Sometimes quickies are the better option.
My obsession with perfection and completion demands that I get A+ ALWAYS.

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Also, for the record, while I do like all the characters, Rogue is still my favorite, and if push came to shove, I'd dump the other two to be with her.
Oh hey me too, I was progressing Jean and Laura a bit too fast, unexpectedly and so I made sure to power progress Rogue a bit since First Girl/Best Girl should get Null first. At least dating-wise. Honestly, that's the part where I've got it stuck in my head that the girls might've been expecting exclusivity. That Jean date (before the relationship became official) made her sound so much like "I'm a one-guy type of gal" and so comment courtesy would imply she's expecting the same from me.... That or I misread some shit. Would not be the first time!

But yeah, that was my thought process too... I'm here trying to boost Rogue's confidence, I'm making sure she knows that at the end of the day, Null chose her first... Honestly, I need to figure out how to make Rogue both sexually submissive and socially confident... Maybe I need to avoid encouraging her quirk...

But anyway, yeah... Compared to RLE, the setup for the Harem for TNH is so much better. Sure, the girls say no to the harem in RLE but it felt more mechanically rather than like immersive or scripted.

I'd try Jean -> Rogue -> Laura or even Rogue last but... Nah... It's Rogue... Rogue needs to come first. The funny thing was, I wasn't sure if I liked her personality here... That may have been because I played an older version, months and months ago and the writing for Rogue was different. Now, I just wanna keep the damn touch-starved woman protected and pampered.


Mar 19, 2019
That Jean date (before the relationship became official) made her sound so much like "I'm a one-guy type of gal" and so comment courtesy would imply she's expecting the same from me.... That or I misread some shit. Would not be the first time!
Her specific comment was just about casual sex basically. Saying she doesn't do one-night stands, not about sharing you with other girls. Needless to say she also wouldn't try to date other guys while with you.

The funny thing was, I wasn't sure if I liked her personality here... That may have been because I played an older version, months and months ago and the writing for Rogue was different. Now, I just wanna keep the damn touch-starved woman protected and pampered.
We haven't really changed any of the girls compared to earlier releases. If anything, just given them more writing and character development.


Feb 24, 2021
To be 100% transparent, we just want to get the foundations and Chapter 1 finished.

We really don't want to go to work on chapter 2 only to have to come back and fix things later.
I was thinking about this, from a programming perspective this is very much a good idea. If you proceed to Chapter 2 before all the main process are added and polished, it becomes that much more work to add/ polish them when you do get to it, which will slow things down later. I think this will pay off better in the long term as development should be easier* from Chapter 2 on.

* For some broad definitions of 'easier'

Edit: Hell, with Laura, given that she had no concept of relationship or dating before meeting Null, she might consider it natural that the best/strongest males collect the best females.
This was very much my interpretation, she thinks Null is the best, therefor he is the best and all other females would think the same way, and it is only right for the best male to have the best females. On the same hand, she sees herself as the best female (strongest) and thus should be the Alpha Bitch as well.

Heh... just found this out. I know it is unintentional (well, probably is) and wolverine is just a title for Logan (and later her) due to their fierceness, but...
"Successful [wolverine] males will form lifetime relationships with two or three females, which they will visit occasionally, while other males are left without a mate ."

So... even more on brand for her. :p

I also found out that female wolverines are called Angelines.
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Active Member
Apr 7, 2020
I've spent my whole life overthinking things, and look where it's gotten me, so this time I'm not going to overthink things and just go with the flow. I suppose that just shows how little I pay attention to subtext.
This is actually a good interpretation of the character and functions as something built on top of what I said.

Like why she's willing to go through the situation to begin with. Rather than saying "Dump the other girls before you can date me."

Just a little more explicit clarity, especially with what is going on with Laura.
I can pass this on to the writers.

Why does this not surprise me?
Good writing?

Have they never been with a real woman?
I mean I don't play these kinds of games with the expectation of it being true to life but I've had a lot of complaints making it seem like we've made it as difficult as real life... which is just silly.

Right yeah, it's the fact that I don't think they'll say no... Hm... Maybe that's where the "build up their relationship with each other" through pool 'dates'/'hangouts'... I feel like i only started caring and inviting them to the pool after the harem had started...
The team is currently expanding the friendship stuff. Make it more dynamic and interesting.

Laura and Jean thinking they're the top in the trio/choices ain't healthy either...
But it is funny lol

Null needs to have a talk to those girls and explain to them the virtues of socialism sharing.
I think the head writer has something in the works.

It wasn't a big thing that mattered but god, it's nice to see an in-verse explanation. Attentiveness!
Dude, a lot of the stuff is built this way.

Mixed feelings. Love that everything is getting settled before more 'weight' is put on the system. It kinda looked like the updates recently are like changing an existing system, which kinda sucks (though, I'm all for improving a system or idea or anything like that for the better if something better presents itself).
At least we aren't Stellaris.


Feb 25, 2022
Why does this not surprise me?
My two favourite comments about the game are still 'worksafe version when' - a surprising number of people have asked for a SFW version to pass to people and one of my friends has threatened to do a playthrough for his Twitch channel on more than one occasion - and 'the writing was so good, I forgot to jerk off', again, a comment that more than one person has made! And that always surprises me, because we all know how much people like to jerk off!


Jul 24, 2019
Not sure how this connects, though. I vaguely remember reading that the Cocoo Triplets dated one guy at the same time...
In a world where God is good and fair, that would be me... excuse me for a moment.

My obsession with perfection and completion demands that I get A+ ALWAYS.
I've joked around that the game should pick the DMC brand of rating, if you think an A+ is hard, your mind will explode when you learn of Super Sexy Style.
Jul 28, 2017
My two favourite comments about the game are still 'worksafe version when' - a surprising number of people have asked for a SFW version to pass to people and one of my friends has threatened to do a playthrough for his Twitch channel on more than one occasion - and 'the writing was so good, I forgot to jerk off', again, a comment that more than one person has made! And that always surprises me, because we all know how much people like to jerk off!


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2019
so apparently I have reached a point where I sleep at night and dream about all the possible new content coming in chapter 2. the other night, I dreamed about some girl tried to sneak into Null's room at night only to be met by Laura who threatened to make her really stand out among all the girls by giving her a scar across her face and then growling at the poor girl. wtf is going on in my head? lol
Jul 28, 2017
so apparently I have reached a point where I sleep at night and dream about all the possible new content coming in chapter 2. the other night, I dreamed about some girl tried to sneak into Null's room at night only to be met by Laura who threatened to make her really stand out among all the girls by giving her a scar across her face and then growling at the poor girl. wtf is going on in my head? lol
Don't worry, it's just anxiety or your mind playing with you


Mar 19, 2019
so apparently I have reached a point where I sleep at night and dream about all the possible new content coming in chapter 2. the other night, I dreamed about some girl tried to sneak into Null's room at night only to be met by Laura who threatened to make her really stand out among all the girls by giving her a scar across her face and then growling at the poor girl. wtf is going on in my head? lol
I'm stealing this :)


Jul 24, 2019
so apparently I have reached a point where I sleep at night and dream about all the possible new content coming in chapter 2. the other night, I dreamed about some girl tried to sneak into Null's room at night only to be met by Laura who threatened to make her really stand out among all the girls by giving her a scar across her face and then growling at the poor girl. wtf is going on in my head? lol
I mean this with the least amount of disrespect possible but if there was ever a sign to disconnect for a while, I don't think God could be any clearer. /joke
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Feb 5, 2019
I hope to see Rogue in a Swimsuit like Jean and Laura instead of a bikini. I mean Rogue looks great in those sexy bikinis but I like how they pulled the V-cut collar of the Swimsuit to the sides and exposed her breasts instead of pulling the bra up on top. And hopefully players can customize the contrast for the girls' skin tones. The tan lines on their skin are very impressive, sunbathing also could change their skin color but it stop to a certain extent. I hope their skin can be even more tanned, it makes them more attractive.
Aug 15, 2017
My obsession with perfection and completion demands that I get A+ ALWAYS.
I don't know. If public sex is unlocked, I can imagine Professor X rolling in mid-coitus might apply a penalty that would offset any additional gains from picking a few more options. Who am I kidding? Xavier has too much tact for that. With his powers, he'd either contact you telepathically to come to his study to discuss your extracurricular activities or "luckily" arrive immediately after everyone involved as finished fixing their clothes. With Logan's senses, he'd know what's going on, and I'm not sure he'd care; therefore, he'd only interrupt if he needed something. "Ignore me. I just need to grab my bag." There is the possibility of someone like Scott or Kurt interrupting accidently. I could imagine someone having a heart attack if Kurt teleported into the room at an ill-opportune moment.

Kurt: Hallo, how are—Gott in Himmel! Entschuldigung! Ich wusste nicht, d—
*CRASH* as a telepathically thrown bookcase smashes Kurt into the wall
Jean to Null: Don't you dare stop!
Oh hey me too, I was progressing Jean and Laura a bit too fast, unexpectedly and so I made sure to power progress Rogue a bit since First Girl/Best Girl should get Null first. At least dating-wise.
While later I did start progressing with everyone at roughly the same rate, Rogue was so far in the lead, I was caught off guard when Jean was the first one ready for sex. I understand why the devs did it, but I still had a "how the hell did that happen" moment.
But yeah, that was my thought process too... I'm here trying to boost Rogue's confidence, I'm making sure she knows that at the end of the day, Null chose her first... Honestly, I need to figure out how to make Rogue both sexually submissive and socially confident... Maybe I need to avoid encouraging her quirk...
Sort of in the same boat. I'm not particularly a fan of being either dominant or submissive. I encouraged Jean's siscon quark because it was cute at first; however, as much as I like doting and pampering "big sis," I don't particularly like bossy "big sis." I actually considered restarting at one point and reversing that decision. With Laura, I'm been discouraging her quark and trying to establish boundaries from the beginning. Sorry, but the only one I'd tolerate being clingy and possessive is Anna Marie. As for Rogue, I've been encouraging her quark because, in your words, it just makes me want to "protect and pamper" her, but I would like to be able to build her confidence.

Fortunately, the devs have said that they're planning, or at least exploring the option of, allowing you to tailor the quarks. I would prefer a non-bossy big sis Jean or a still adorable but more confident Rogue.
I'd try Jean -> Rogue -> Laura or even Rogue last but... Nah... It's Rogue... Rogue needs to come first. The funny thing was, I wasn't sure if I liked her personality here... That may have been because I played an older version, months and months ago and the writing for Rogue was different. Now, I just wanna keep the damn touch-starved woman protected and pampered.
I didn't play any earlier versions, so I can't speak on that. As for the order, I found it plausible to have Laura and Jean join later, and I don't think Rogue would be any less enthusiastic even if she wasn't first due to her low self-esteem, desperation for someone to be able to touch, and romantic tendencies. Much like Rogue, I doubt Laura would have any problem with Null wanting to add more girls if she was first. As stated elsewhere, she might even consider that to be the natural order. The one scenario I have the most trouble envisioning is Jean being okay with an open relationship if she was the first girl. At the very least, she would put up the most resistance and be the most vocally opposed to the idea to my thinking.

I'll never have to find out, though, because, much like you, Rogue will always be the first girl for me.
The team is currently expanding the friendship stuff. Make it more dynamic and interesting.
It'll be tough to top what's already in the game, such as the scene where X-23 tells Rogue to call her Laura, or when Laura tells Rogue she smells almost as good as Null, and Rogue has that "should I be worried? I think I should be worried" moment. Still, I look forward to seeing you try.


New Member
Dec 31, 2023
Hi new guy here and I was hoping for some help, is there any way to play this on an iPad?

I’ve had a look around to find a download/site to play it on and I can only find an android version to download and a site with what appears to be the original version of the game. I‘m probably missing something obvious but any advice would be appreciate.

Thanks in advance for any help
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Sweet Force

May 18, 2017
I discovered this game a week ago and I am fascinated, I apologize if this has already been asked before but I did not find anything clear about my question, can Laura use her mask? She has it on the cover of the magazine, also in the main menu but then It doesn't appear in the game.
4.60 star(s) 152 Votes