4.60 star(s) 166 Votes


Jul 19, 2021
oh wow nice! Nice to know ronchon isnt milking this unlike certain developers *cough* *cough* oni *cough* *cough*

I'll reserve judgement before beating down on others, since ron is "borrowing" heavily from oni, and this game isn't even out yet.

Nor do we know the update schedule, which I'll be honest, looks like it willl pretty slow with how long development has been taking.

And we all know whiners start coming out about "milking" stuff when the updates are slow.
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Dec 19, 2018
since the game is a whole year, will we have events such as birthdays for every girls and the MC and holidays like christmas and valentine's day?
Last edited:
Aug 15, 2021
Their programmer is getting their PhD. So unless he's is already preparing to defend his dissertation, you are probably right on the development cycle. I mean I get it and I'm not faulting the guy for bettering himself or having priorities, but having a game in development that hinges on a person who's availability is limited in such a manner isn't the recipe for a rapid release...at least not a quality one.

I'll reserve judgement before beating down on others, since ron is "borrowing" heavily from oni, and this game isn't even out yet.

Nor do we know the update schedule, which I'll be honest, looks like it willl pretty slow with how long development has been taking.

And we all know whiners start coming out about "milking" stuff when the updates are slow.


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
oh wow nice! Nice to know ronchon isnt milking this unlike certain developers *cough* *cough* oni *cough* *cough*
Please don't bash on Oni. That's not the kind of community we want to cultivate. He has his game and we have our game. Neither is meant to invalidate the other.

I'll reserve judgement before beating down on others, since ron is "borrowing" heavily from oni, and this game isn't even out yet.
I've mentioned it before but now I have beta testers who can back me up, the game has gone beyond the scope of what Oni has going on.

Presentation, plot, gameplay loop, etc are entirely different. Null and Zero's powers aren't even the same anymore.

Nor do we know the update schedule, which I'll be honest, looks like it willl pretty slow with how long development has been taking.
We've purposely withheld an update schedule because despite what others have claimed, we're building the game from the ground up.

We have no idea how long updates will take beyond that we know they'll come out a lot faster than the initial release.

Everything after should be faster considering we'd be adding onto something already established.

And we all know whiners start coming out about "milking" stuff when the updates are slow.
Not sure how or why considering we're not publicly advertising a patreon or subscribestar yet.

since the game is a whole year, will we have events such as birthdays for every girls and the MC and holidays like christmas and valentine's day?
Not in the first release but it is planned.

isn't the recipe for a rapid release...at least not a quality one.
Which is why we didn't make our Spring 2023 release. We chose to make a quality game rather than rush out a product.

Also, Ron's back for the most part, and progress has been zooming.


Apr 19, 2020
I've mentioned it before but now I have beta testers who can back me up, the game has gone beyond the scope of what Oni has going on.
I'm a beta tester, and Shiny has given us permission to talk about some aspects and parts of the game, I am willing to do so but I warned him that I don't have a lot to say that's positive.

If anyone wants a review from a beta tester that's both indifferent and somewhat dissapointed to, but still kind and optimistic about the game, I'll pass it here, but I'd recommend against it as the game is different enough from RLE - it's obvious comparison - to the point I'd pleage to all of you to be as patient as we beta testers are.

Now, I would also pre-face the entire review by saying that, calling it a beta is too kind. Although it has everything to be a beta, too much content is currently missing for us to be able to give a complete and fair review.


Jul 24, 2019
Hi, I am one of the testers, I have been summoned by Shiny.

I can tell you, it's not an Oni clone.

It's hard to describe without bashing Oni a little, but the biggest difference is that there is a story here beyond having 2 lines at the beginning of the game and sending you on your merry way, this also means that the girls here are actual characters instead of just pretty dolls for you to do as thou wish with them. The 3 of them we have so far have actual personalities and quirks that make them stand out from each other.

Mechanically, the game is less of a grindfest than Oni's, there are stats with similar colors but that's where the comparison ends, the system here is way less convoluted and mst of the kinks about it can be solved as the game progresses.

I don't feel the need to compare art, that's subjective and to each their own.

I think that's about all I can say right now, but feel free to ask anything.


Jun 29, 2020
"Oni rip-off" eeeehhhhh. I guess both are about x-men? This one is an rpg game instead of just a trainer (or those older meet-and-fuck games). The characters do have their own personalities and likes/dislikes, which is always nice. You are at an actual school too, not a brothel. You do have to increase their love/like points tho, so there's that.
You want to just find a new girl, talk to her for about 20 mins and rearrange her insides I don't think you'll like this one much, to be honest.


Mar 22, 2018
As a person who has played the beta version of the game, I can say for sure that it is not a clone of RLE.

Oni's game is one big sandbox, where you are thrown in and given the opportunity to do anything without any plot. You maximize the stats of girls, change their personalities as you want and... wait for the next girl to come out?

In the case of THN, you take part in the story of your character and his newfound powers. Personally, I liked what I saw in terms of the plot, and I was pleasantly surprised by how the writers handled some of the characters that I didn't find very interesting before the beta.

I won't compare the art, it's a matter of preference.

As for the technical state, I can say for sure that the game does not freeze as it happens in the case of RLE, when you have to wait for someone's third-party mod to fix the performance. (A note for all the jokers: I play BG3 on high graphics settings and don't experience any problems).

We beta testers are just as excited for the release as you are, and we can only hope that we were able to find all possible bugs in the time we had.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Aug 15, 2021
Which is why we didn't make our Spring 2023 release. We chose to make a quality game rather than rush out a product.
That is the way to do it.

I hope it didn't come across that I was bashing the team, I was only acknowledging that the conditions that had been mentioned in regards to why a rapid development cycle wasn't in the cards.

That having been said, I've been following the thread with great interest since downloading the demo shortly after it popped up here. It sounds like the game is in good hands with a team who has a solid vision for what they are wanting to accomplish. More over, it is a team who is acknowledging the work involved but not trying to turn a profit on vaporware. Several more factors that give me hope that when the project does come to fruition it will be quite the spectacle.

Your team has some pretty ambitious goals with all the features and plans we've seen outlined and I dearly hope you achieve them. Truth be told, if you manage to nail even half of them at the game's release it should prove to be amazing. Best of luck to you all.
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Apr 6, 2018
Another tester here, if you are hoping this game isn't going to be a clone of RLE, you'll be pleasantly surprised it has a lot more to it then a trainer as more of a fleshed out RPG elements in places.

They have gone along way to establish a living breathing world you are part of and get to explore, the 3 girls in the build I played all have unique personalities but, I think it's still early to give a full review as we're still waiting on a few features to come and also a final chapter. This was more a test of the feel of the game and some bug hunting from what we played.

I don't want to give to much away, so I'll keep it short but, I'm happy to answer any questions if anyone has any burning ones I can answer.

I'm looking forward to when all of you get to see the hard work the team has put into the game, also would be great to hear what you all think when you get the chance to be hands on.
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Aug 19, 2022
I'm a beta tester, and Shiny has given us permission to talk about some aspects and parts of the game, I am willing to do so but I warned him that I don't have a lot to say that's positive.

If anyone wants a review from a beta tester that's both indifferent and somewhat dissapointed to, but still kind and optimistic about the game, I'll pass it here, but I'd recommend against it as the game is different enough from RLE - it's obvious comparison - to the point I'd pleage to all of you to be as patient as we beta testers are.

Now, I would also pre-face the entire review by saying that, calling it a beta is too kind. Although it has everything to be a beta, too much content is currently missing for us to be able to give a complete and fair review.
Why are you somewhat dissapointed?


May 4, 2018
damn this thread has been going for almost a year now (granted the first couple months were kind of a mess lol). The hype is overflowing at this point and i can't wait to crack this open once it's finally ready!


Dec 19, 2018
Hi, I am one of the testers, I have been summoned by Shiny.

I can tell you, it's not an Oni clone.

It's hard to describe without bashing Oni a little, but the biggest difference is that there is a story here beyond having 2 lines at the beginning of the game and sending you on your merry way, this also means that the girls here are actual characters instead of just pretty dolls for you to do as thou wish with them. The 3 of them we have so far have actual personalities and quirks that make them stand out from each other.

Mechanically, the game is less of a grindfest than Oni's, there are stats with similar colors but that's where the comparison ends, the system here is way less convoluted and mst of the kinks about it can be solved as the game progresses.

I don't feel the need to compare art, that's subjective and to each their own.

I think that's about all I can say right now, but feel free to ask anything.
Hi there. I have a question for you:
there will be consequence for dating and having relationships with two or tree girls at the same time?
if it is so, who do the girls react to MC´s actions?
4.60 star(s) 166 Votes