4.60 star(s) 164 Votes


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
The only superhero comic that I genuinely enjoyed was the spiderman comic
I wonder if Spiderman ever interacted with the X-Men early on... ;)
I meant TVs, speakers, style of clothing.
I'm not really an expert on TVs. I know plasma widescreen stuff is gonna exist but beyond that I couldn't tell the difference between one made in 2000 and one made in 2020.

Clothing will make sense regardless. Every generation has a retro phase.

Best way to do it is making the bands be older than the 2000's - but then you get into some weird territory where teens/young adults are listening to songs that wouldn't be new and hip.
I'm 30 and I listen to music that came out 30 years before I was born XD

A lot of kids listen to stuff their parents grew up with and probably go back to it at some point.

Ah, sigh. Guess I'll be reading that one too.
Please don't. I did just to give some summaries to the writer to decide if we're even going to bother.

If we don't make HEAVY alterations then it'd be an extended event that would take like an hour minimum in real life time. o_O

Also trust me, The Brood aren't sexy... At least for the general consumer.

But I'd need the strongest reason in the world to not go and visit my kids as a character so please, get me one or find me a way to see my kids.
This is why we are deciding things VERY carefully.

but definitely not at an age younger than 6.
You would if they could shoot laser beams from their eyes right out of the womb!

I didn't know it included interaction with the kid too.
It doesn't but some people like the idea of having a family with their favorite waifu.

consensually ofcourse
Everything in this game is consensual.

When Shiny says early 2023 does Shiny mean before the end of April?
I mean I would think so. If there's even the slightest hint of a delay I would let you guys know.


Apr 19, 2020
I'm not really an expert on TVs. I know plasma widescreen stuff is gonna exist but beyond that I couldn't tell the difference between one made in 2000 and one made in 2020.
Plasma is late 2000's, at least in major consumption. Damn... there goes my early to mids fantasy.

I'm 30 and I listen to music that came out 30 years before I was born XD

A lot of kids listen to stuff their parents grew up with and probably go back to it at some point.
I feel you, I've listened to my grandfather's vinyls since I was a baby.
And yeah, lots of kids but not all kids.

Please don't. I did just to give some summaries to the writer to decide if we're even going to bother..
Ok, I won't.

This is why we are deciding things VERY carefully.
Pregnancy won't come with the first release, so you guys please take your time with that, yeah?

You would if they could shoot laser beams from their eyes right out of the womb!
Don't powers get stronger the more they age? Something about hormones or whateva'?
If it ever happens that we get to know our children powers IG, it'd be so interesting. Even more if it isn't random.

It doesn't but some people like the idea of having a family with their favorite waifu.
I don't follow the waifu ideal but I can confirm that the first part is true.

Everything in this game is consensual.
Jul 9, 2022
Pretty sure mutants powers activate with puberty, although there are exceptions.

Also, Shiny, where are you getting your comics at?


Aug 5, 2018
Plasma is late 2000's, at least in major consumption. Damn... there goes my early to mids fantasy.
LCD's were invented as early as the late 80's iirc. They didn't surpass crt's in sales until 07, but I can confirm that major urban areas did have consumer grade flat screen tv's.

The bigger ones could've been as thick as a crt iirc, but i'm not sure. I was a little kid so all tv's looked big.

Xavier is basically Daddy Warbucks, so plasmas aren't even sci-fi for them.

On Spider-Man, I'm pretty sure J. Jonah Jameson is super pro-mutant. He makes it clear that he won't repeat anti-mutant rhetoric despite the authorities attempts to persecute the mutants. He donates to mutant charities and has his journalists on the ground to bring in honest stories about mutants. He clarifies that Spider-Man isn't a mutant or something like that.


Jan 8, 2018
It obviously wasn't shown but in the comics X-23 was a hooker who used her powers to cater to guys into mutilation so she'd get clients who would jerk off while slicing her up. Birth control doesn't work on her because of her healing factor so she needed to get more than one abortion.
WTF? I'm pretty sure the abortion thing is just some grimderp fanon.
Oni hinted at this time in her life in the minimal bits of story he injects into Rogue-Like.

The comics are brutal to Laura as she had to resort to prostitution because the X-Men shunned her for attacking Wolverine and she was on the run from S.H.I.E.L.D. afterward. We're kinda bypassing that stuff since as far as the team is concerned it's just "something that happened" and nothing really important relies on it. At least none of the stories we plan on adapting rely on it.
That's nowhere near the correct. Laura's prostitution is only from her comics debut in the NYX mini-series. The closest thing the X-Men came to shunning her was at the start of the Post M-day Academy X run where Emma Frost, and only Emma, didn't want Laura in the school around her students, because Laura was a hyper-competent killer that can be driven into a berserker rage with the trigger scent.

Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch fucking while Wolverine watched.
That's from Ultimate Comics, a different universe in the Marvel multiverse from the mainline comics, that doesn't count.


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Plasma is late 2000's, at least in major consumption. Damn... there goes my early to mids fantasy.
Xavier is basically Daddy Warbucks, so plasmas aren't even sci-fi for them.
This ^

Ok, I won't.
Go ahead. Head writer got stubborn and is attempting to condense it to fit in the game without breaking pacing. If the final draft makes it into the game, it'll be fun to see the differences.

Pregnancy won't come with the first release, so you guys please take your time with that, yeah?
Yeah. It's being thrown around.

Don't powers get stronger the more they age? Something about hormones or whateva'?
If it ever happens that we get to know our children powers IG, it'd be so interesting. Even more if it isn't random.
Pretty sure mutants powers activate with puberty, although there are exceptions.
I was being silly but this is true.

WTF? I'm pretty sure the abortion thing is just some grimderp fanon.
Nope. Laura was put through a ton of shit. Her regeneration ability was appealing to a bunch of sick fucks into mutilation.

That's nowhere near the correct. Laura's prostitution is only from her comics debut in the NYX mini-series. The closest thing the X-Men came to shunning her was at the start of the Post M-day Academy X run where Emma Frost, and only Emma, didn't want Laura in the school around her students, because Laura was a hyper-competent killer that can be driven into a berserker rage with the trigger scent.
I mean I'll admit to oversimplifying it but the order of events is at least somewhere correct. Whether Emma was justified or not it still happened. Because of the current timeline* Emma hasn't even become a blip on the X-Men's radar and Xavier has accepted worse into his ranks.

That's from Ultimate Comics, a different universe in the Marvel multiverse from the mainline comics, that doesn't count.
Yeah, and our story also isn't taking place in 616. So I don't see your point. Even then, it's still a Marvel-published and approved comic and I was simply citing examples of things Marvel put out that we don't want to adapt.


*Just addressing as a whole for everyone in the thread.

The decision to be more faithful to the comics came after Ron Chon had already invested in art for Rogue and X-23. So we just moved their stories earlier.

Xavier accepted Rogue despite protest. The change is that Rogue joined after the FIRST dust-up. Various conflicts and rivalries will present themselves in different ways(Such as her jealousy of Dazzler) and once we get to the point where she joined in canon, we'll be focusing more on her canon behavior and adventures. We even have our own version of her stealing Ms. Marvel's powers.

In Laura's case, Rogue was arguably worse than X-23. Xavier at the current time is far more tolerant and patient than Emma was and our Wolverine doesn't want the government to come in and take away a test subject based on him.


Jan 8, 2018
Nope. Laura was put through a ton of shit. Her regeneration ability was appealing to a bunch of sick fucks into mutilation.
Sorry to everyone on the thread for being so anal-retentive about this. I know about the mutilation prostitution I read the NYX mini-series.

Birth control doesn't work on her because of her healing factor so she needed to get more than one abortion.
I was talking about your above ^ assertion about about X-23 having multiple abortions due to birth control immunity, as far as I know that is pure grimderp fanon.


Apr 19, 2020
Pretty sure mutants powers activate with puberty, although there are exceptions.
Our powers, from what I read, only got to manifest recently in the game - with we being called into action and what not - so I guess we are the exception. Although, how else would we know we have the ability to nullify mutant powers if we don't really know much about them aside from what we hear and see in the news.

LCD's were invented as early as the late 80's iirc. They didn't surpass crt's in sales until 07, but I can confirm that major urban areas did have consumer grade flat screen tv's.

The bigger ones could've been as thick as a crt iirc, but i'm not sure. I was a little kid so all tv's looked big.

Xavier is basically Daddy Warbucks, so plasmas aren't even sci-fi for them.
Hey, it's nice to have someone else with the same knowledge on TV as me. I also had a Plasma TV before the 2000's - my family used to be filthy rich - and yeah, they were always big. Although, I lived in a rich household and visited actual mansions and still missed on them being flat screens.
We're not talking about flat screens, but plasmas, plasmas can be flats but they were analog-boxy TVs first. But I'm being tangentic. I appreciate the reminder and again, it's nice to have someone with the same knowledge.

I'll continue further in Shiny's response to it.

On Spider-Man, I'm pretty sure J. Jonah Jameson is super pro-mutant. He makes it clear that he won't repeat anti-mutant rhetoric despite the authorities attempts to persecute the mutants. He donates to mutant charities and has his journalists on the ground to bring in honest stories about mutants. He clarifies that Spider-Man isn't a mutant or something like that.
Then what does he say that the arachnida-male-homosapien is if not a mutant? I know he gains his power thro' mutation... right?

Fine, yeah. I agree, it makes sense in the early-mid's 2000's setting I'm going for.

Go ahead. Head writer got stubborn and is attempting to condense it to fit in the game without breaking pacing. If the final draft makes it into the game, it'll be fun to see the differences.
A'ight, you bet I will.

Xavier accepted Rogue despite protest. The change is that Rogue joined after the FIRST dust-up. Various conflicts and rivalries will present themselves in different ways(Such as her jealousy of Dazzler) and once we get to the point where she joined in canon, we'll be focusing more on her canon behavior and adventures. We even have our own version of her stealing Ms. Marvel's powers.
My favourite is clear, but I also want to make a friend out of Rogue since our powers will be so much alike and this is welcomed, mostly because it reads very interestingly.

In Laura's case, Rogue was arguably worse than X-23. Xavier at the current time is far more tolerant and patient than Emma was and our Wolverine doesn't want the government to come in and take away a test subject based on him.
Xavier'll have to be very tolerant with how much degenaracy we'll be bringing into the mansion, I'm really interested in how Null'll treat him in comparison to Rogue-like - particularly in a professor role since he doesn't do much in Rogue-like.

As for Wolverine, I hope I get to meet my father-in-law and talk about his daughter-on-test-trial. Otherwise it's just sweet that the man doesn't want her taken away, it makes sense as to why he doesn't her taken away so it's not a protective father thing - which isn't the impression he gives - but it also allows for the two to share some time together and that's nice.

WTF? I'm pretty sure the abortion thing is just some grimderp fanon.
What's 'grimderp fanon?'

Lot being said about Laura, and I don't know much about it all but I'd like to say this;
As a reader, I'm much more willing to feel something for the unfortunate protistution and multilation thing if it happens in what I'm reading, not before - I feel bad and wished it didn't happen to a character I like, but if they're just words in a human that already copes pretty well with it, then it's not that interesting.

It does't need get to that point with Laura, or any other character. It can just be a friendlier interpretation of the story, but that's also dangerous since that can mean the characters here differ too much from the ones in the story it's trying to follow.


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
I was talking about your above ^ assertion about about X-23 having multiple abortions due to birth control immunity, as far as I know that is pure grimderp fanon.
I don't remember WHERE I read it so I'm willing to admit that maybe I heard it from a buddy bullshitting me. Either way the prostitution aspect isn't a factor because of the timeline alteration.

Xavier'll have to be very tolerant with how much degenaracy we'll be bringing into the mansion, I'm really interested in how Null'll treat him in comparison to Rogue-like - particularly in a professor role since he doesn't do much in Rogue-like.
I mean everyone is a consenting adult. He'll probably still be disapproving of student-teacher relations though.

As for his relationship with Null. We've already written a few pages of him taking a mentor like role.

I have some plans on more common interaction but I don't want to spoil them :p

Needless to say that since the game will have the MC be a member of the X-Men instead of locked to the campus, he and Xavier will interact quite often.

Otherwise it's just sweet that the man doesn't want her taken away, it makes sense as to why he doesn't her taken away so it's not a protective father thing - which isn't the impression he gives - but it also allows for the two to share some time together and that's nice.
Eh sweet isn't the word I'd say. She did attempt to murder him. We have some stories lined up for the development of their relationship that I won't spoil but as of chapter 1, asking Xavier to pull strings to not have her taken away is really the only significant interaction. This is a Wolverine who has yet to even develop fatherly feelings towards Kitty.

What's 'grimderp fanon?'
It's an alteration of Grimdark. Grimderp is an insult implying that something isn't dark/depressing/macabre, it's just stupid.

It does't need get to that point with Laura, or any other character. It can just be a friendlier interpretation of the story, but that's also dangerous since that can mean the characters here differ too much from the ones in the story it's trying to follow.
Trust me. Having X-23 not be a prostitute will not have any impact on her character development.

As long as you don't encourage her quirk, she'll be very comic book faithful
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Apr 19, 2020
I don't remember WHERE I read it so I'm willing to admit that maybe I heard it from a buddy bullshitting me.
You got gaslighted, hahahah.

I mean everyone is a consenting adult. He'll probably still be disapproving of student-teacher relations though.
Hoping there's some challenge - as well as reward - to getting a teacher to love you, or obey you in my case.

As for his relationship with Null. We've already written a few pages of him taking a mentor like role.

I have some plans on more common interaction but I don't want to spoil them :p

Needless to say that since the game will have the MC be a member of the X-Men instead of locked to the campus, he and Xavier will interact quite often.
I want that so bad, games in here miss mentors so much, they also miss father figures but I figure that's another thing.
I hope we get to be friends with the professor. He, in the movies at least, shares a lot of ideals I agree with; he's just the type of guy I'd listen to telling me whatever.

Eh sweet isn't the word I'd say. She did attempt to murder him. We have some stories lined up for the development of their relationship that I won't spoil but as of chapter 1, asking Xavier to pull strings to not have her taken away is really the only significant interaction.
That's a massive spoiler, man! I guess it's us that are asking Xavier to let her stay? Unless we get to talk with Wolverine himself, convincing him to let Laura stay... that'd be so cool.

It's an alteration of Grimdark. Grimderp is an insult implying that something isn't dark/depressing/macabre, it's just stupid.
I had an idea of what it meant, thanks for clearing it tho'.

Trust me. Having X-23 not be a prostitute will not have any impact on her character development.

As long as you don't encourage her quirk, she'll be very comic book faithful
I'm wondering if her quirk will have something with Logan or the fact that we can nullify her regeneration... y'know what, I won't even say it.
Both would be stretching too thin tho'... does she even care about the guy? Y'all following the "trigger" stuff or some other explanation?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
they also miss father figures but I figure that's another thing.
Usually, porn games involve cucking your dad by fucking your mom lmao :ROFLMAO:

That's a massive spoiler, man!
I mean not really? It happens months before we join the school.

I guess it's us that are asking Xavier to let her stay? Unless we get to talk with Wolverine himself, convincing him to let Laura stay... that'd be so cool.
No, Logan is the one that asked Xavier to let her stay. He just hasn't interacted with her much. Reread my post dude.

I'm wondering if her quirk will have something with Logan or the fact that we can nullify her regeneration... y'know what, I won't even say it.
Both would be stretching too thin tho'... does she even care about the guy? Y'all following the "trigger" stuff or some other explanation?
I won't spoil the trigger thing but her quirk has more to do with protectiveness. Just read some of her comics and you can see that she kinda becomes obsessed with Wolverine. I won't go into details to allow you to research it yourself or to see how it unfolds in the game, but that obsession may spread to us if we allow it to develop in an unhealthy manner.
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Apr 19, 2020
Usually, porn games involve cucking your dad by fucking your mom lmao :ROFLMAO:
It's just sad, dads can be really awesome. Uncles too.

I mean not really? It happens months before we join the school.
No, Logan is the one that asked Xavier to let her stay. He just hasn't interacted with her much. Reread my post dude.
Fast day, I misread a lot of that and forgot you had said what's going on with Laura in the past.

I won't spoil the trigger thing but her quirk has more to do with protectiveness. Just read some of her comics and you can see that she kinda becomes obsessed with Wolverine. I won't go into details to allow you to research it yourself or to see how it unfolds in the game, but that obsession may spread to us if we allow it to develop in an unhealthy manner.
Ow? Us...? The concepts of what can be experienced keep getting bigger with the game, hm.

You said y'all are mainly just waiting on art, right? That means the rest, for chapter One at least, is mostly finished? You all have a graph with features for chapter one that have been finished or the likes?


Apr 19, 2020
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The fact I know half of what's not obvious already feels like a massive jump from when I first tried rogue-like. Guess I'll be searching who Squirrel girl Stacy-X, Mojo, Lockheed, Quentin, Cassandra, Callisto and Kavita are.
Thanks for the coming hours of that, and the silly game.


Apr 19, 2020
Eh, you really don't need to, my dude. I doubt much of it will be relevant.
It's just fun reading silly stuff, man. I finished reading most of the biggest points on some of 'em... others have way too long of a description for what I imagine is a joke that went too far.

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Reading Squirrel Girl's page felt like I was reading an autistic girl's journal.
Stacy sounds like a mature character, don't think we'd need another one unless she's treated really seriously. I wouldn't mind her.
Mojo... ah, hell. Whateva'
With Lockheed, I saw the image and immediately closed the tab.
Quentin is someone I'd like to see, I'm unsure of how many enemies we'll make in the mansion itself but having a guy that's getting in the way sometimes wouldn't be too bad.
With Cassandra, man... I first thought I was going to read something interesting but then I saw the image of her being killed in the womb and just... y'know... overall, the fight wouldn't be very interesting I think.
I liked reading about Callisto, wouldn't mind meeting the Hellfire Club either.
I'm unsure about Rao.

Also, sorry Shiny. Couldn't make it far on the Broods.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Reading Squirrel Girl's page felt like I was reading an autistic girl's journal.
That's most people's reaction.
Stacy sounds like a mature character, don't think we'd need another one unless she's treated really seriously. I wouldn't mind her.
Mojo... ah, hell. Whateva'
With Lockheed, I saw the image and immediately closed the tab.
Quentin is someone I'd like to see, I'm unsure of how many enemies we'll make in the mansion itself but having a guy that's getting in the way sometimes wouldn't be too bad.
I think he's an amusing character.
With Cassandra, man... I first thought I was going to read something interesting but then I saw the image of her being killed in the womb and just... y'know...
Yeah, we know lmao
I liked reading about Callisto, wouldn't mind meeting the Hellfire Club either.
Hellfire Club is where Emma is from.
I'm unsure about Rao.
Most people are :D
4.60 star(s) 164 Votes