4.60 star(s) 165 Votes


Active Member
Aug 8, 2017
1. Enabling their kinks will have a different consequence that is neither good nor bad. So don't worry about it.
*Whew* Because I like all their kinks.

I'll use Colossus as an example...In Chapter 2 he'll react to you differently depending on how often you chose a certain answer.

Heroic: He'll see you as a good guy...
Yes, yes. But what will he think of me if I did a Deadpool and told him that I "ejaculate into the soap dispenser a hero"? (Joking, of course)

...Magik, Colossus' sister, if we decide to add her to the game.
*Crosses fingers*


Apr 21, 2022
If you're talking to like 6 girls and you tell them all exclusively what they want to hear, that behavior is horribly inconsistent and you may get accused of being fake.
I mean unless Null is badmouthing people behind their backs and being chummy with those same people when they are in front of him I don't see why he would be called fake.A person can behave differently with different types of friends isn't really fake.The fake thing would only be trying to sabotage them or talk shit behind their backs and acting like a "friend" in front of them.


Stupidity Exterminator
Jun 5, 2017
Hello. Since this is sandbox and it's not possible to quick test it, I need to ask, is there any forced sex content involving mc? Do players have complete freedom of choice or it's more like a sandbox kinetic novel?


Mar 19, 2019
Hello. Since this is sandbox and it's not possible to quick test it, I need to ask, is there any forced sex content involving mc? Do players have complete freedom of choice or it's more like a sandbox kinetic novel?
You can find a comprehensive list of things that are not included in game in our discord server. In short, no there is not and will never be any noncon or dubcon or anything of that nature. Also depends on what you mean by complete freedom of choice. The story events are more limited in that you can only change the course of events so much. In the sandbox you have freedom to date as many or as few girls as you want (as long as you get permission from one girl to date other girls)


Jul 6, 2020
Same reason for why Null can't go above level 5. We're still in early alpha. That fact is hidden because our UI, Music, and Art dev members are really good at hiding it to a point where it actually hurts us lol

In case you didn't notice, 100% of our music is an OST made for this game specifically.
Im glad to hear that, still it seams like a really odd choice to limit the amount of times girls can orgasm as it drastically shortens the sex scene.

Yeah, we're going with this logic. Though as I said we're still early in the dev cycle and haven't finished every system yet.
Even if that would be the case 2 time is quite a low number for a woman especially laura who has a huge amount of stamina, this girls train for hours most days. I really hope you change this and by some point make it an unlimited number. So far the art, the animations, the logic of the sex scenes are great they just are so short for the huge efort they are required. I seriously couldnt fap to this. i was interested in the girls cuz of their personalities and the story but when i fanally could fuck them and the story ended i growed bored of the sex scenes. which is not the case with RLE or the games i used as an example.

These are all amazing suggestions and I'll put them forth for when we work on finishing the system.
Ive seen the interactions you have had with the fans and how you listen to them. I really hope you lengthen the sex scenes cuz this game creates a huge build up for the sex scenes and right now they are the less interesting part. They look great yeah. The only thing i can say is the the arms kind of look weird as they often come from the wrong side or the middle, plus the forearms are unnecessary and cover stuff that shouldnt. the only time i liked it was when i was choking them, and the time they look the worst is when she is standing and you touch their thighs.

You already have implemented the amount of fluid but its the same it just get more clear. yet as i ponted out there are other elements you can use. if i could tell the difference between the first time they come and the tenth i would be more motivaded to keep making them cum, Sorry as a "service top" making them cum and seeing them like a hot mess is my dream.

BTW do you have plans to add edging (you edging rogue or Laura edging you) or squirting? im already a fan but just out of curiosity.

We call it skill because despite several players and the entirety of the dev team and beta testers being able to do it, some people get frustrated and think it's impossible.
Well if youre looking for realism making them come should take even longer. Especially as you said its their first time, and why make it even shorter by cutting it by half the second time? I bet those people that get frustrated jump to the crotch with out any foreplay.

We have an auto mode. The rating system is exclusively for completionists and achievement hunters. Getting a C because you clicked auto won't punish you.
Sorry but getting a C doesnt give you less points? thats a punishment to me. i did some test and most of the scenes i enjoyed gave me a b at tops and less points compared for an A rating.

We've reduced the grind to a point we're happy with. The "problem" is that we've yet to finish a lot of the methods to obtain love and trust. Again we're still in the early stages of development.

We're going to add a lot more events and activities that will have variations and you'll be able to get to the required points at a significantly faster rate.
Yeah i notice that, it will take a bunch of gifts but if they work more than once it should ok. Im glad youre working on it.

As I said, the game doesn't LOOK like it's early but 99% of your issues are things we have on the to-do list. We just only have so much time to devote.
Well if you have beta testers i have experience with QA.

A VERY important thing I want to point out for everyone is that you do NOT want to tell girls "what they want to hear." That will come back and bite you in the ass in later chapters. The before-mentioned events that have yet to be implemented will be used to gain love and trust not gained during dialogue.

sleepingkirby who made the cheat mod can tell you that in the code there's a lot of hooks in dialogue options that CURRENTLY don't connect to things yet. They will. Characters will remember what you said.
You mean the Heroic, Reluctant, and Bitter and the ones with the lips options? if so i get that. i was talking about the others options the day to day options. were you can be rude or more empathic.

PD: sorry for the rant, i just went into hyper focus cuz a friend of mine took his life and i focused on this to take that out of my mind. Guys if you ever thinking of let everything go, please go talk to someone before you do it.
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Stupidity Exterminator
Jun 5, 2017
You can find a comprehensive list of things that are not included in game in our discord server. In short, no there is not and will never be any noncon or dubcon or anything of that nature. Also depends on what you mean by complete freedom of choice. The story events are more limited in that you can only change the course of events so much. In the sandbox you have freedom to date as many or as few girls as you want (as long as you get permission from one girl to date other girls)
I meant on freedom of choice when it comes to choosing girls. If it's possible to play monogamy route, pick one of the girls and not interfere with other girls (in sexual ways). You know, if I pick girl X, don't want to be "ambushed" later by "you must bang girl Y in order to progress story".


Nov 10, 2018
1. Enabling their kinks will have a different consequence that is neither good nor bad. So don't worry about it.

2. Right now you're stuck with them. Our current focus is a rework of their kinks so that they're more nuanced. When it's finished you can have a Laura who is a dom in bed but won't stalk you, or a Laura who will stalk you but won't be a dom in bed.

What I was talking about is that we really want to be a choices and consequences game. People will learn of you by reputation.

If you're talking to like 6 girls and you tell them all exclusively what they want to hear, that behavior is horribly inconsistent and you may get accused of being fake.

Heroic, Reluctant, and Bitter Nulls can romance all girls. The tone will simply be different and you'll be rewarded, not with exclusive scenes, but the tone of your relationship will be different.

I'll use Colossus as an example since this has already been mentioned in the discord more than once so the writers won't kill my family if I talk about it.

In Chapter 2 he'll react to you differently depending on how often you chose a certain answer.

Heroic: He'll see you as a good guy and an equal.

Reluctant: He'll see you as someone who is insecure and attempts to be a role model.

Bitter: He'll see you as a punk that is ungrateful for everything Xavier and the X-Men have been doing for you. (Don't worry this won't hurt you, he'll come to understand your perspective after a few interactions)

Inconsistent: He won't know what to make of you and be unsure of how to approach interacting with you.

All of this may also influence a potential relationship with Magik, Colossus' sister, if we decide to add her to the game.
Magik is a closeted lesbian though. Also knowing Illyana she would probably like you if you were whatever Colossus hated.
>inb4 something claremont said
clairemont wrote all of his female characters as lesbians/bi because of his sexual fetish, he wrote a lot of weird shit because he jerks off to it like all the forced adult baby stuff. If you ask him now he will agree with whatever progressive thing you claim so he can seem progressive. like he tries to claim he was trying to add gay representation instead of jerking off and would likely agree with someone if they said they thought Illyana was written as asexual or an abuse victim. It is fucking weird though in the books. Like the boy hungry though never pulling the trigger stuff in the new mutants is one thing, but in like the nightcrawler mini which I guess was Cockrum, but it isn't like Claremont ever contradicted this characterization, Illyana specifically wanted to know what happened to Kurt when he lost his clothes and when Kurt says she is too young Kitty mentions Illyana has a massive porn stash.


Active Member
Nov 6, 2017

Good night indeed I reckon.

Sadly I have to say sex scenes are rather limited and... cumbersome, but quite nicely drawn. But to be honest I expected an action window with actions available for certain body parts akin to the one you get when clicking on a girl instead of quite a long ladder of actions through which you need to scroll. And that constant asking for permission to do an action. Rather unnecessary and quite the turn off if you ask me, especially with a girl which asked you to be more rough with her.


Mar 19, 2019
I meant on freedom of choice when it comes to choosing girls. If it's possible to play monogamy route, pick one of the girls and not interfere with other girls (in sexual ways). You know, if I pick girl X, don't want to be "ambushed" later by "you must bang girl Y in order to progress story".
Monogamy is possible, technically a celibate route is possible lol. None of the romantic relationships are required for progression. Although, friendship with the girls is part of the story and required.


Jul 6, 2020
Sadly I have to say sex scenes are rather limited and... cumbersome, but quite nicely drawn.
The quality of the drawings are great, even the animations, i really hope they redo or lengthen the sex scenes cuz its the only part that sucks so far.

But to be honest I expected an action window with actions available for certain body parts akin to the one you get when clicking on a girl instead of quite a long ladder of actions through which you need to scroll.
i thought that was weird just like the half arms intead of the hands, i cant help to think that they wanted to move as far away from RLE that they come up with this awkward "solutions"

And that constant asking for permission to do an action. Rather unnecessary and quite the turn off if you ask me, especially with a girl which asked you to be more rough with her.
i could get it the first time you do something but every time? it reminds me of this video of a barber that would ask permition to touch their customers hair... Althought being into BDSM in real life i can tell you that in many parties, orgies (just watching) or shibari sesions ive been the organizers encourage this kind of dinamics were you ask permition for every little thing. quite weird in a couple dinamic but i get were the idea comes from.

this game is definitely quite different from most games ive played. Its so wholesome romantic vanilla and concent focus that it reminds me of a princess game i played on my sister tablet a long time ago. i konw that sounds bad but i really enjoyed playing that game. you couldnt have sex but you could kiss, have romantic dates and steamy sesions, then you could marry one of the guys. yeah thats gay i know but the princess was hot and the writing was great.

not what most guys want here but it is what it is. cant judge a sim date like you would a sex simulation.


Mar 19, 2019
i could get it the first time you do something but every time? it reminds me of this video of a barber that would ask permition to touch their customers hair... Althought being into BDSM in real life i can tell you that in many parties, orgies (just watching) or shibari sesions ive been the organizers encourage this kind of dinamics were you ask permition for every little thing. quite weird in a couple dinamic but i get were the idea comes from.
As Shiny previously mentioned, this is only a product of us not having time to add more writing to the sex minigame at the current moment. We do plan on changing this so you aren't constantly asking permission, but finishing core systems like the quirk mechanic takes priority.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2020
As Shiny previously mentioned, this is only a product of us not having time to add more writing to the sex minigame at the current moment. We do plan on changing this so you aren't constantly asking permission, but finishing core systems like the quirk mechanic takes priority.
Respectable, you should let the core mechanics done from the get go to not have to overwrite constantly and make a mess like Oni.


Nov 14, 2021
Hello, does anyone know how I can become friends with x23 because I already finished his entire secondary mission and I still can't continue in the main mission because he keeps asking me to become his first friend


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2019
Hello, does anyone know how I can become friends with x23 because I already finished his entire secondary mission and I still can't continue in the main mission because he keeps asking me to become his first friend
keep checking the map for an ! by her symbol
Aug 9, 2021
View attachment 3660820

Good night indeed I reckon.

Sadly I have to say sex scenes are rather limited and... cumbersome, but quite nicely drawn. But to be honest I expected an action window with actions available for certain body parts akin to the one you get when clicking on a girl instead of quite a long ladder of actions through which you need to scroll. And that constant asking for permission to do an action. Rather unnecessary and quite the turn off if you ask me, especially with a girl which asked you to be more rough with her.
Rogue is like "that was a great"
Laura like "mf im ready for round 6"
Jean like "if you dont let me rest i will die"


Feb 16, 2024
I realize no one wants their jerk off games to be too complicated since it gets in the way of the jerking but I think a decent way to add more nuance to the sex is that the girls can have preferences to what action you do next instead of just going down the list in order each time to get as many actions as possible for the grade. Have them signal or hint at what they want you to do next. You can expand on the threshold where they become "horny" where they want different actions based on their level of arousal and each girl can be different and unique in how to get them off. Put in a system to figure out their likes and dislikes in that regard. Right now the sex with each girl just all feels the same and is very repetitive. Once you've unlocked sex they end up coming before you even get close to the sex section of the menus currently. Then it's just repeat whatever your kink is to make your character cum all his cums.
4.60 star(s) 165 Votes