4.60 star(s) 164 Votes


Apr 19, 2020
A lot of the focus on her early appearances is on the fact that she was a teenage prostitute - I don't think it was ever stated exactly how old she was, but she was implied to be about 15 or so when she showed up in the comics. They completely gloss over her habit of self-harming - and when you're born with foot-long blades and a healing factor, that's a dangerous habit to get into - or the fact that, in her next appearances in stuff like New X-Men, she was clearly suffering some serious issues, PTSD, etc. She's blunt and straightforward, but usually in a 'cutting the Gordian Knot' way, rather than a 'who gives a shit' kind of way, if that makes sense: you see a problem, you deal with it, you meet a threat, you make sure it can't be a threat anymore, someone hurts your friends, you make damn sure that doesn't happen again. The mid-to-late-00s weren't exactly a bastion of deep, or even good characterization, but there was some surprising nuance to be found and with Laura, I don't think they fully understood what they tapped into
I never got much into super-humans or humans with any sort of ability that can't be explained rationally and with the intetion to respect how "humans actually are" - conciousness in a body. So I never expected much of that - I did read, I think, 10 issues from Deadpool when it was new. I barely remember that but I remember it not taking what I cared the most about it and making it interesting; I eventually drifted away from it.

I'll admit to being interested in it now because life has gotten too boring lately and I liked Rogue-like just enough, but that's not me finding an excuse for something, I've always been interested in human conflict - action and reaction along with how they're bought up - and I think with some of the X-men I've found a bit of that super-human conflict I've always had in the back of my mind.
I've even asked tons about characters I knew nothing about to Shiny and others, and got to watch a few of the x-men movies on reccomendation from them - it's been fun so far but some of the stuff...

I'd be more than happy to answer any questions about her or give some suggested reading. I'd never say 'this is how she should be' or anything - how I write her is how I write her, and that's closer to how she was about ten years back when they had her as a conflicted goth kid trying to understand what her emotions are, rather than the 'badass mom ready to kill without a second thought' they usually have her now. That's the period I find more interesting (and goth girls will forever be my ultimate weakness, so that's a bonus).
That's what first hooked me onto Laura, the edge. Not easy to admit to still having a thing for edge but when it uses that cute of a face...

Interested to see what Shiny' reply'll be.

You clearly walk with God. Can you explain the other girls like this?
Yeah, stop me from being the only one who writes whole essays in the thread, please.
Seriously tho', give us your opinion on Rogue, I saw the tier you made last year after you commented for a second time and Rogue, alongside Laura, stood at the highest tier - so what's that about?


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
A lot of the focus on her early appearances is on the fact that she was a teenage prostitute
Yeah we're not touching this subject with a ten foot pole.

Oni just glossed over it in his game. We're just not gonna attempt the nuance that Marvel can't even reach with it sometimes.

They completely gloss over her habit of self-harming
Yeah, probably not gonna dive too deep into this if at all.

Like the previous point this kind of topic requires nuance and this is a porn game. While we're gonna be throwing comic book references at the player non-stop and inserting the MC into a lot of the grander X-Men moments throughout the game... This is still a porn game where the objective is to get in someone's pants.

New X-Men, she was clearly suffering some serious issues, PTSD, etc.
This we do plan on showing as there is A LOT to work with that doesn't require us to be big brained and nuanced about. Like when she
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She's blunt and straightforward, but usually in a 'cutting the Gordian Knot' way, rather than a 'who gives a shit' kind of way, if that makes sense: you see a problem, you deal with it, you meet a threat, you make sure it can't be a threat anymore, someone hurts your friends, you make damn sure that doesn't happen again.
closer to how she was about ten years back when they had her as a conflicted goth kid trying to understand what her emotions are, rather than the 'badass mom ready to kill without a second thought' they usually have her now.
Yeah this is what we want to show. It's gonna be an important part of developing a connection with her whether you're pursuing her through platonically or romantically.

I'd be more than happy to answer any questions about her or give some suggested reading.
I pass all questions and ideas onto the team so feel free to post them here or DM me.

goth girls will forever be my ultimate weakness
You'll have two different shades of goth during the initial release!

how did i miss this? posting to watch
Glad to have you with us!
Last edited:


Apr 19, 2020
Yeah we're not touching this subject with a ten foot pole. Oni just glossed over it in his game. We're just not gonna attempt the nuance that Marvel can't even reach with it sometimes.
I'll let y'all headcanon if it happened or not.
Good stories don't need underage prostitution, as well as rape. Most stories that have them decide to leave it all aside because there can't be nuance to it, at all.
Even actual people who suffer from that don't go talking about it. It's a battle scar without war, one that can't be possibly told by the scarred, in any light that doesn't include exposition. Doesn't tend to give good stories, or make good characters.

Yeah, probably not gonna dive too deep into this if at all. Like the previous point this kind of topic requires nuance and this is a porn game. While we're gonna be throwing comic book references at the player non-stop and inserting the MC into a lot of the grander X-Men moments throughout the game... this is still a porn game where the objective is to get in someone's pants.
I'd appreciate if you guys would , I've written about it and that is something that can be touched on whilst being respectful. It comes from a type of rage that's turned inwards and Laura's got a challenge with that.

There's a case to be made that for a girl to be wanted, she has to have issues. Not just what makes her unique, but what makes her down to earth - self-harm is common, but not that common and an emotion like that will make the least interested of men get somewhat protective - among other reactions.
It's also like I said, just a good topic to write on.

This we do plan on showing as there is A LOT to work with that doesn't require us to be big brained and nuanced about. Like when she
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What... Please tell me there is just a "..." reaction from us if we ever get to hear that in-character? If my jock was to be aware of all the stuff Laura has done, he'd just raise both brows, smile - slightly awkwardly - and then nod twice very slowly before he just stopped and gazed at whoever's giving that information.

You'll have two different shades of goth during the initial release!
Never enough shades of goth.


Feb 25, 2022
I never got much into super-humans or humans with any sort of ability that can't be explained rationally and with the intetion to respect how "humans actually are" - conciousness in a body. So I never expected much of that - I did read, I think, 10 issues from Deadpool when it was new. I barely remember that but I remember it not taking what I cared the most about it and making it interesting; I eventually drifted away from it.
Deadpool is one of my favourite characters in basically any medium - Joe Kelly's original run (the very first ongoing from about 1996 or so) is what sold me on the character - and I can talk for hours about how the lolrandumb character you see in a lot of portrayals is the worst version of him that caught on, something the movies thankfully avoided, and how the character should be someone who has every right to be the worst monster that ever lived, but strives to be better, but that's for a different thread.

Yeah, stop me from being the only one who writes whole essays in the thread, please.
Seriously tho', give us your opinion on Rogue, I saw the tier you made last year after you commented for a second time and Rogue, alongside Laura, stood at the highest tier - so what's that about?
Shit, not used to people actually paying attention to anything I say. Well, at a base level, she's hot, let's not mince our words here - that screencap of the show with Dat Ass (you know the one) was definitely a formative image for me. I don't know if she was my first fictional crush, but she was one of the earliest, that's for sure. I think some of the very first comics I ever read were the X-Men in the 80s, so the series has been a life-long love for me, and the animated series from the 90s was one of my favourite shows of the time, where she was one of the main characters. She was completely different from most other female characters in cartoons back then, ready to throw down and more than capable of taking care of herself. Compare that to, say, April O'Neil, who needed saving eight times a week in the Turtles cartoon. She had her moments, sure, but no one thought she was badass. At the same time, however, Rogue's also got huge self-esteem issues because of her powers. She's the ultimate 'look but don't touch', because she can literally kill you if you do and, worst of all, she's fully aware of it. So you've got this self-assured sassy Southern gal in skintight outfits with huge 80s hair (again, I blame her for that being a thing for me) who's also secretly a big bag of doubt who deals with her problems by punching them in the face. Tell me that's not a fun/interesting combo and I'll call you a lying liar who lies!

The X-Men Evolution version of Rogue, to me, was a perfectly natural, well, evolution of that. She's a moody goth who pushes people away, typical teen rebellion fare, but she also has to because of her powers. When we see her interact with people she actually likes in the show, she's surprisingly warm. Remember, in canon, pretty much in every continuity, the first time her powers kick in, it's when she's kissing a boy and he nearly winds up dead. That's gonna leave a scar. So to my mind, she's someone who desperately wants to be close to people, but feels like she has to push them away, for their own safety more than hers. If she didn't care, she'd either keep herself away from everyone and live in Mystique's basement or just do whatever she wanted without worrying about others. So she's a lonely girl who hides her insecurities with snark, when all she wants is someone to watch horror movies and listen to Type-O Negative with. And, remember, this version doesn't have the flight or super-strength of the comic version, so every time she gets in a fight, unless she can steal someone's powers, she's going in essentially unarmed. That takes a pair of brass ones the size of the Blob, no doubt about that. And, again, snarky goth chicks, do I really need to explain?

I know you can argue a lot of what I'm saying is essentially headcanon, that we're fundamentally talking about kids shows from the 90s (with some stuff from the comics mixed in to add flavour), but that's half the fun of this shit, and it's not too much of a stretch to argue. I feel like the writers of the show really liked her as well: most of the first season revolves around her and the struggle to convince her to join the Brotherhood or the X-Men, and after that, she has some of the more interesting storylines and better one-liners in the show. The other girls in the series, Jean and Kitty in particular, aren't exactly more 'shallow', but there's less to discuss with them. Kitty's a cute, upbeat girl who's essentially the most 'normal' girl in the series. Jean's very down-to-earth, very mature, but we don't get to any of the interesting Dark Phoenix/Hellfire Club stuff from the comics before the series ends. I can tell you what I like about them, sure, but not so much about what's going on with them. Basically, if I was a character in the series, Jean would be the one I'd like to have leading me, Kitty's the one I'd like to be friends and hang out at the mall with, Rogue and Laura are the ones I'd like to get involved in a very melodramatic, tortured, none-more-goth-and-pain romance with, you get me?

You clearly walk with God

Yeah we're not touching this subject with a ten foot pole.


Yeah, probably not gonna dive too deep into this if at all.
Thank god. Believe me, I wanna get ALL DA FEELS from my porn games, but dealing with it in more than 'my past is complex, it's better you don't know' terms is a tonal whiplash that would rip you in two. They're important parts of her character, especially if it's you're taking a back-to-basics approach to the cast, but it's waaaaay too easy to fuck up. You can just say 'I did what I needed to to survive, fell in with the wrong people, developed some bad habits I'm learning to cope with' and leave it at that. I deal with the SH thing a little in the stuff I'm writing, but in a very sensitive (I hope) and understandable way that isn't exploitative or crass.


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
you're taking a back-to-basics approach to the cast
What exactly do you mean by this? :unsure:

And, remember, this version doesn't have the flight or super-strength of the comic version, so every time she gets in a fight, unless she can steal someone's powers, she's going in essentially unarmed. That takes a pair of brass ones the size of the Blob, no doubt about that.
I mean due to the need to pull her earlier in the timeline you can expect stuff like this. :p

Jean's very down-to-earth, very mature, but we don't get to any of the interesting Dark Phoenix/Hellfire Club stuff from the comics before the series ends.
We got plans for the Phoenix Saga ;)

Basically, if I was a character in the series, Jean would be the one I'd like to have leading me, Kitty's the one I'd like to be friends and hang out at the mall with, Rogue and Laura are the ones I'd like to get involved in a very melodramatic, tortured, none-more-goth-and-pain romance with, you get me?
If you tell me what a "none-more-goth-and-pain romance" is I can bring it up to our head writer. :whistle:

The X-Men Evolution version of Rogue, to me, was a perfectly natural, well, evolution of that. She's a moody goth who pushes people away, typical teen rebellion fare, but she also has to because of her powers.
I recommend you check out X-Campus. It's like Evolution but Storm and Wolverine are also high school students. There's more too it than just that but I'm still in the middle of it and I don't want to spoil what I have seen so far.


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
What... Please tell me there is just a "..." reaction from us if we ever get to hear that in-character? If my jock was to be aware of all the stuff Laura has done, he'd just raise both brows, smile - slightly awkwardly - and then nod twice very slowly before he just stopped and gazed at whoever's giving that information.
I doubt we'll be putting in that specific of a response but the MC not really knowing how to respond to that info is very doable.

Might fit as a "reluctant" option :unsure: I imagine it would be a very sobering moment for your Jock after all the jockiness with "eager" and "bitter" would get you up to that point... Especially if you made her your girlfriend. :LOL:


Apr 19, 2020
First time the site lagged when loading in a quote that isn't my own, good workin'.
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What exactly do you mean by this?
What you've already talked about not being able to do since the story is so different, basics would be her as she was when she was introduced. It'd be y'all going back and following the ideal of her character more than going foward, seeing what you can make with that ideal.

If you tell me what a "none-more-goth-and-pain romance" is I can bring it up to our head writer.
Won't lie, Holder. I'm interested in knowing what you meant too.

I doubt we'll be putting in that specific of a response but the MC not really knowing how to respond to that info is very doable.

Might fit as a "reluctant" option I imagine it would be a very sobering moment for your Jock after all the jockiness with "eager" and "bitter" would get you up to that point... Especially if you made her your girlfriend.
If we're talking about my Null, who I've decided to name Matthew Killjoy, then there are two ways I'm seeing it going - based on either romance or friendship.

As a boyfriend, he'd be worried and... somewhat? Apprehensive? - it would begin as a bit of selfish care for himself since the path of romance is one that earns for a long and lasting relation, but then he'd find the courage to speak about it with her.
As a friend, he'd be judgemental and scared, probably refuse to talk about her if she ever comes up. I mean, I don't know about you guys, but I don't like being friends with dangerous people - I have, but they aren't the best to form bonds with. It's not like I expect her to, but she'd have to do a lot to make the dude want to be even close to her, which is an interesting scenario if her quirk is to be obssesed.


Feb 25, 2022
I'd like to read what you have to say about it, if you'd like to spend the time typing it all. Although I'm afraid I wouldn't be the best person to talk about comics with - unless you like my analysis of literature - so the chat would be very one-sided.
I actually have a tattoo on my wrist of Deadpool's logo with 'WWWWD?' underneath: What Would Wade Wilson Do? And, to my mind, the answer is always a) the right thing, no matter what it costs personally or b) everything in your power to piss the Bad Guys off. It's a philosophy I've lived my life by since I was a kid, even if I wasn't fully aware of it. I have an affinity for characters who are utterly fucked up by their past, but they're still determined to do their best to fight against it and do their best, even if it kills them. I know, totally at odds with my love of Laura and Rogue, right?
I actually don't, can you show me it?
See the attached. That's not an edit, that actually aired in the show. The funny thing is, I have a bunch of the Marvel Legends X-Men figures and even there, Rogue's dummy thicc, especially compared to other female figures. There's no way it wasn't deliberate. Rogue having the best ass on the squad is ultra-canon.
Huge 80's hair... man... you're talking to the guy who lives for hair like that. I'd show you the character concepts I've made in the past if they weren't so long gone but long/huge curly/messy hair is my thing.
Again, not saying 90s and Evo Rogue weren't defining factors for my tastes in women, but there's a looooot of compelling evidence.
This is what I mentioned with me having some interesting in people with super-human capacities. This is something a story wouldn't be able to tell without having to be really edgy about, but here it makes sense in the world and so there's not that much need for the suspension of disbelief.
I like that.
Yeah, it's difficult to have something where someone deliberately tries to alienate people for, at the end of the day, a valid, if not noble reason, and not have it come off as mean-spirited, SO DARK or just plain ham-fisted.
I've had that and boy, are they just the best type of friends. Is it a canonical fact that she listens to Type-O Negative? If so, unfathomably based.
Wonder if she'll have a shirt for them since Shiny did mention band shirts were a thing.
I see her as someone who has an encyclopedic knowledge of horror films and Weird Shit. Like, she has a love of obscure slasher movies and goes hunting for new ones in shops whenever she gets the chance. She has one shelf in her huge movie collection that's just a shrine to David Lynch, and another shelf that's Just For Nic Cage (I may be projecting a little there, since I have those myself). She's not a fan of Type-O in canon AFAIK, the show went out of its way to make every reference to stuff the characters were into as generic as possible, for obvious reasons, but they were the big goth band of the 90s/early 00s, and I could see her being more into them, Jack Off Jill and NIN than Manson. She totally loved Mortiis though, she heard Parasite God and Mental Maelstrom in a second-hand record store and it was like Jean coming into contact with the Phoenix Force, holy fire and all.

If you haven't seen Midnight Suns btw, Magik has a couple of bandshirts, all with references to other Marvel things done in a Metal Band font (her default outfit is 'Darkchylde', the name she has when she was a demon - it's a long story), it's such a cool little detail.

How do you deal with the threat of self harm? Are we talking about your fictions about Laura?
Yeah, talking about my own writing here. In the thing I'm writing,
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If I can pull it off (and that's a big 'if', I know), it'll get the point across that she's not dealing with her issues and her trauma in a more respectful and sensitive way than, just to pull an example from Marvel themselves, having her, utterly desolate in a ruined bathroom, covered in gashes all over her face, arms and legs, sitting in a pool of her own blood (New X-Men #43). It wasn't a bad way of handling it back in 2004, but these days, it feels just a little uncomfortable.

What exactly do you mean by this? :unsure:
Basically what 'Seed said, taking her back to her initial characterization (personally, that's most of the stuff before All-New Wolverine, that was around when they started making her more... I don't wanna say 'bland', but that was definitely when they started moving her towards her current personality) - what you're doing with this game, essentially.
We got plans for the Phoenix Saga ;)
If they don't include a long stint as the Black Queen, I'll be disappointed. Claremont was undeniably a big ol' perv, but when he was right, he was right!
If you tell me what a "none-more-goth-and-pain romance" is I can bring it up to our head writer. :whistle:
In a word: A N G S T: lots of longing looks, staring out of windows while it rains, October Rust and Clear Hearts, Grey Flowers on repeat, difficult situations that threaten to tear our protagonists apart, declarations of 'I love you and I want to be with you... but I can't!' before running off into the night, crying, possibly while wearing a billowy nightgown of some description. If all that sounds remarkably like the majority of romances in the X-Men universe, especially when it comes to Rogue, well, there's a reason why I said the Evo version was a natural extension of the original.


Apr 19, 2020
It feels so nice to not be the only one writing 3000+ comments in the thread. Not to knock you down, I like chatting.

I have an affinity for characters who are utterly fucked up by their past, but they're still determined to do their best to fight against it and do their best, even if it kills them. I know, totally at odds with my love of Laura and Rogue, right?
Hey, I've been writting these since I was a tiny little snot, characters should aim to focus their life into being good people - no matter how messed up everything is. Of course, some are more forward in their approach and some go through an arc of victimizing themselves, but in the end, they all want to be better, to teach others to be better.
Kinda sad that too many writers end up falling into the pit of senseless arcs, but at least we got the stories we make in our heads to keep us content.

Rogue having the best ass on the squad is ultra-canon.
Based animators, but yeah I've seem that one.

Yeah, it's difficult to have something where someone deliberately tries to alienate people for, at the end of the day, a valid, if not noble reason, and not have it come off as mean-spirited, SO DARK or just plain ham-fisted.
It's not impossible, but it's often explained poorly. And lacks sense, making the story lose credibility.
I've got a case of my own in my story, but I genuinely believe that in mine it makes more sense than the usual "you'd get hurt if you were to get close to me."

I see her as someone who has an encyclopedic knowledge of horror films and Weird Shit. Like, she has a love of obscure slasher movies and goes hunting for new ones in shops whenever she gets the chance.
That's a really fun thing to imagine, I'd like that in-game.

She's not a fan of Type-O in canon AFAIK, the show went out of its way to make every reference to stuff the characters were into as generic as possible, for obvious reasons, but they were the big goth band of the 90s/early 00s, and I could see her being more into them, Jack Off Jill and NIN than Manson. She totally loved Mortiis though, she heard Parasite God and Mental Maelstrom in a second-hand record store and it was like Jean coming into contact with the Phoenix Force, holy fire and all.
I'd imagine Laura would like NIN, industrial fits her a lot.
I've brought a NIN shirt to my girlfriend who looked like her - at least, in her interpretation here - and she was the cutest thing in the world with it.

Yeah, talking about my own writing here. In the thing I'm writing:
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You're freaking me out a bit here, dude. The first part is almost a copy from a script I had written in the past. Second part too, minus the last part.
I'd read that, for sure. I gotta get in you messages, hahah, you read like an absolute good time.

Just to pull an example from Marvel themselves, having her, utterly desolate in a ruined bathroom, covered in gashes all over her face, arms and legs, sitting in a pool of her own blood (New X-Men #43). It wasn't a bad way of handling it back in 2004, but these days, it feels just a little uncomfortable.
Fucking metal. And I disagree with it being uncomfortable, it's edgy as all hell but often characters need to be shown in that state for a show of power.
As always, tho', I prefer vague threats that keep me thinking - over absolutes that don't require much aside from working eyes and an understanding of why it's bad.

Basically what 'Seed said (...)
A writer's mind. We think alike.

In a word: A N G S T: lots of longing looks, staring out of windows while it rains, October Rust and Clear Hearts, Grey Flowers on repeat, difficult situations that threaten to tear our protagonists apart, declarations of 'I love you and I want to be with you... but I can't!' before running off into the night, crying, possibly while wearing a billowy nightgown of some description. If all that sounds remarkably like the majority of romances in the X-Men universe, especially when it comes to Rogue, well, there's a reason why I said the Evo version was a natural extension of the original.
Basically people who can't cope with emotions too well. Nice way of putting it, tho'.


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Southern gal in skintight outfits with huge 80s hair
Huge 80's hair... man... you're talking to the guy who lives for hair like that.
While it's obvious that she won't be having that at the game start. We have been toying with the idea of characters changing their looks and costumes every chapter since they do that in the comic.

Though this would be something we'd go back to as it'd take way too long to implement if we want to get semesters and chapters out to you guys in an orderly fashion.

As a boyfriend, he'd be worried and... somewhat? Apprehensive? - it would begin as a bit of selfish care for himself since the path of romance is one that earns for a long and lasting relation, but then he'd find the courage to speak about it with her.
As a friend, he'd be judgemental and scared, probably refuse to talk about her if she ever comes up.
Oh yeah this is definitely a vibe you can go for.

With the power to remove the power of others
HUGE clarification. We temporarily disable powers. Null's powers will evolve and we even have plans for a (I will keep it a secret and take it to my grave before I spoil it for you guys) but we don't have plans to permanently remove a power.

I think not using it if it happened would be disrespectful to both the character and the reader, who expects to be compensated for having put the time into reading.
And yeah, it's easy to do bad with it, really - I think it's something you have to pursue, so you get people who are innocently doing something evil by showing a lack of restraint and causing misinterpretation in what is, like I said, a scar that won't be healed.
Basically, you will never need it for a good story, but if you use it you can't be innocent about it - treat it harshly without giving the respect it needs. Which is why I'm against having it in the game but still feel sad about its loss - no need to tell me this is a simple porn game, it ain't the first time that I've experienced characters being sacrificed because they can't be done right.
If this was a linear visual novel we'd definitely tackle it. But this is a sandbox where you can potentially take her to your room and rail her going ass to mouth right after that kind of conversation.

We plan on approaching dark themes but her participation in Nyx has been topic we've gone over a dozen times but since the retooling of making the game more comic focused over Evolution we... ironically can't include Nyx or X-23's stint as a teenage prostitute. Captain America is the one who stopped Wolverine from bringing X-23 to the mansion... At our current placement in the timeline he's currently off being Nomad. The S.H.I.E.L.D of that time WISHES they could stop Logan and X-23.

There's a similar issue with Rogue. We already have so much art of her that we kinda can't exclude her nor do we have the time to go back and create two other girls. So we're essentially just gonna be tackling their backstories until the point in the timeline where they have dedicated stories as members of the X-Men.

What you've already talked about not being able to do since the story is so different, basics would be her as she was when she was introduced. It'd be y'all going back and following the ideal of her character more than going foward, seeing what you can make with that ideal.
Basically what 'Seed said, taking her back to her initial characterization (personally, that's most of the stuff before All-New Wolverine, that was around when they started making her more... I don't wanna say 'bland', but that was definitely when they started moving her towards her current personality) - what you're doing with this game, essentially.
Oh yeah we're definitely having pre-All-New Wolverine Laura be the focus. Not sure if we're even going to be taking the story that far into the timeline.

If we decide to extend Null Hypothesis beyond our planned stopping point or outright make a sequel, we MAY touch on that but don't hold your breath. That's several years from now.

What Would Wade Wilson Do? And, to my mind, the answer is always a) the right thing, no matter what it costs personally or b) everything in your power to piss the Bad Guys off.
I have an affinity for characters who are utterly fucked up by their past, but they're still determined to do their best to fight against it and do their best, even if it kills them.
You're gonna like Null as a character.:p

Reading Deadpool trying so hard to be the good guy but being discarded at every turn hurt. :cry:

See the attached. That's not an edit, that actually aired in the show.
We've used that image for art references so many times XD

Rogue having the best ass on the squad is ultra-canon.
Can confirm it is canon for us too. :BootyTime:

I see her as someone who has an encyclopedic knowledge of horror films and Weird Shit. Like, she has a love of obscure slasher movies and goes hunting for new ones in shops whenever she gets the chance.
While we are mixing a bit of Evolution into her, we're not sure if we're making her that level of goth. The rogue we're working with joined the X-Men a lot earlier and will be younger but we will be tackling comic rogue's character more often than not.

How else are we going to get the 80s haired southern belle? :p

Note: I have been asked to assure people that Rogue's gothness will NOT be a "phase."
The team wants a nice balance between the hot goth of Evo, the anime, and X-Campus as well as the Southern Belle shown in the 80s cartoon and later characterization of the comics.

This being Rogue's favorite band has been mentioned in the dev chats more than once XD

If you haven't seen Midnight Suns btw, Magik has a couple of bandshirts, all with references to other Marvel things done in a Metal Band font
I've used those T-Shirts for possible Magik casualwear art references several times XD

When Rogue finds out, she thanks her, finds out that the group's been isolating her because of her past, something that Rogue herself can empathize with and the pair slowly become friends.

Unfortunately, he gets a tendril through the stomach at the end of the fight, nearly dies and winds up in the school's infirmary in a coma. When he wakes up, he discovers that she's spent every moment she can near him, looking like she hates herself, but once he wakes up, strangely, she's nowhere to be seen.
Contacts our head-writer about potential plagiarism. :cautious:

Because of their healing factor, when Logan and Laura use their claws, it has to tear through the flesh of their hands: it heals almost immediately, but hurts, a lot. He wakes up and sees that she's been doing that to the point that there's dried blood running down her arm, and when he asks her why, she says she doesn't know why, but she can't stop doing it.
We may work this into the story.

If they don't include a long stint as the Black Queen, I'll be disappointed.
How else are we going to get to the Dark Phoenix Saga? :WeSmart:

In a word: A N G S T: lots of longing looks, staring out of windows while it rains, October Rust and Clear Hearts, Grey Flowers on repeat, difficult situations that threaten to tear our protagonists apart, declarations of 'I love you and I want to be with you... but I can't!' before running off into the night, crying, possibly while wearing a billowy nightgown of some description. If all that sounds remarkably like the majority of romances in the X-Men universe, especially when it comes to Rogue, well, there's a reason why I said the Evo version was a natural extension of the original.
I'll bring this up to the head writer.

It feels so nice to not be the only one writing 3000+ comments in the thread. Not to knock you down, I like chatting.
You're good my dude. It's on topic.


Apr 19, 2020
While it's obvious that she won't be having that at the game start. We have been toying with the idea of characters changing their looks and costumes every chapter since they do that in the comic.
Though this would be something we'd go back to as it'd take way too long to implement if we want to get semesters and chapters out to you guys in an orderly fashion.
Wonder how you artist'll do the glam rock look - if they ever do.

Oh yeah this is definitely a vibe you can go for.
Thank you - and thank the writer for me, will you? Just thank everyone.

HUGE clarification. We temporarily disable powers. Null's powers will evolve and we even have plans for a (I will keep it a secret and take it to my grave before I spoil it for you guys) but we don't have plans to permanently remove a power.
I made a mistake there, my bad. I meant to put in, the 'temporarily.'
For our secondary mutation, can we please choose to intensify their power instead? I want to be support.

If this was a linear visual novel we'd definitely tackle it. But this is a sandbox where you can potentially take her to your room and rail her going ass to mouth right after that kind of conversation.
Sandboxes can lock some content for a while. As for the ass to mouth bit, don't tease me with a good time.
If it reads as if I'm trying to convince you to go down the route of her having done that in her early years, let me just be clear that I still think it's a bad route to go on - while I believe the opposite from the self-harm part.
I want her to be a virgin, but that's a for selfish reason. I'll trust you all to lead me when the game comes out.

We plan on approaching dark themes but her participation in Nyx has been topic we've gone over a dozen times but since the retooling of making the game more comic focused over Evolution we... ironically can't include Nyx or X-23's stint as a teenage prostitute. Captain America is the one who stopped Wolverine from bringing X-23 to the mansion... At our current placement in the timeline he's currently off being Nomad. The S.H.I.E.L.D of that time WISHES they could stop Logan and X-23.
You're making it read as if we'll get to hear that in character.

There's a similar issue with Rogue. We already have so much art of her that we kinda can't exclude her nor do we have the time to go back and create two other girls. So we're essentially just gonna be tackling their backstories until the point in the timeline where they have dedicated stories as members of the X-Men.
That's pretty massive, it's also the correct choice.

We've used that image for art references so many times XD
Right, for "art reference..."

While we are mixing a bit of Evolution into her, we're not sure if we're making her that level of goth. The rogue we're working with joined the X-Men a lot earlier and will be younger but we will be tackling comic rogue's character more often than not.
How else are we going to get the 80s haired southern belle?
Note: I have been asked to assure people that Rogue's gothness will NOT be a "phase."
The team wants a nice balance between the hot goth of Evo, the anime, and X-Campus as well as the Southern Belle shown in the 80s cartoon and later characterization of the comics.
Big task, g'luck with that.

This being Rogue's favorite band has been mentioned in the dev chats more than once XD
Can we have a vote if it'll be Type O negative or NIN?

Contacts our head-writer about potential plagiarism. :cautious:
You guys are doing any part of that? Ok... yeah... alright...

We may work this into the story.
Please, please do. But for all that's good in a story, allow change afterwards.

I'll bring this up to the head writer.
Can it have Linkin Park's Numb be described as playing in the background on at least one of them if they ever come out? I'm only half-joking.


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Wonder how you artist'll do the glam rock look - if they ever do.
Money is a good motivator.;)

Just thank everyone.
Will do. :)

For our secondary mutation, can we please choose to intensify their power instead? I want to be support.
Being support was kinda the role Null was going to be for the card game we mentioned. Supercharging people's powers as well as nullifying them seems like it'd be neat and a natural evolution of the character... No promises but I'll bring it up to the team.

Sandboxes can lock some content for a while.
This is true... But other factors are still at play.

As for the ass to mouth bit, don't tease me with a good time.

I want her to be a virgin

You're making it read as if we'll get to hear that in character.
It would be funny.

That's pretty massive, it's also the correct choice.
Not that difficult. A lot of Rogue and X-23's issues will happen before we enter the story. So learning about their past traumas will tie us over as we wait for future traumas to happen :D

Right, for "art reference..."

Big task, g'luck with that.

Can we have a vote if it'll be Type O negative or NIN?
We can't actually use either due to legal reasons.:(

You guys are doing any part of that? Ok... yeah... alright...
I mean it'll be Null and it shouldn't be surprising that the guy who has no offensive and a very limited defensive ability would have his shit kicked in. I won't be going any further to avoid spoilers. :)

Can it have Linkin Park's Numb be described as playing in the background on at least one of them if they ever come out? I'm only half-joking.
Gonna do a kazoo cover to avoid legal issues. :p


Apr 19, 2020
Just make sure to do it when the 'jelqing to Rogue's ass™' session is over, I don't want to intrude.

Being support was kinda the role Null was going to be for the card game we mentioned. Supercharging people's powers as well as nullifying them seems like it'd be neat and a natural evolution of the character... No promises but I'll bring it up to the team.
Refresh my memory on the card game idea, please? I think I know exactly what you're talking about, and if it is that I'll be so happy, you have no idea.

This is true... But other factors are still at play.
Go on.

Ow... you... You're just trolling now, no way y'all making her a virgin.

Not that difficult. A lot of Rogue and X-23's issues will happen before we enter the story. So learning about their past traumas will tie us over as we wait for future traumas to happen
That's sort of the best way to write stories when you have to do introductions when adding in a new character - setting up between conflicts.

We can't actually use either due to legal reasons.
I'm aware, but a parody of either would also work.

I mean it'll be Null and it shouldn't be surprising that the guy who has no offensive and a very limited defensive ability would have his shit kicked in. I won't be going any further to avoid spoilers. :)
It's what I've been thinking this entire time! We're pretty much useless in combat, it does grant a lot of opportunities to have us being trained, tho'.

Gonna do a kazoo cover to avoid legal issues. :p
Do an Ukelele cover, like Filthy Frank's Fuck The Police. And make sure that she notes that the song is very sad.


Feb 25, 2022
You're freaking me out a bit here, dude. The first part is almost a copy from a script I had written in the past. Second part too, minus the last part.
I'd read that, for sure. I gotta get in you messages, hahah, you read like an absolute good time.

A writer's mind. We think alike.
I'd say 'worryingly so', but it's rare I encounter people that actually get what I mean when talking about this shit, let alone encouraging me to go whole hog with it, so I'll roll with it.
While it's obvious that she won't be having that at the game start. We have been toying with the idea of characters changing their looks and costumes every chapter since they do that in the comic.
It'd be fun to have like an 80s/90s Halloween party where all the characters wear 'retro outfits' (read: dress up like they did in their classic looks), but Laura's reluctant to join in until Kitty has to talk her into it, giving Laura a makeover that leaves her looking like one of her old costumes (look up how many she had, she was practically changing outfits every three issues in the 80s) or Dazzler.

Yeah. The disco outfit. With the rollerskates.
Can confirm it is canon for us too. :BootyTime:
Yes good excellent 17/10 no further notes
Contacts our head-writer about potential plagiarism. :cautious:
Trust me, that is not likely to be an issue on my side, my stuff is nowhere to be found online, at least I haven't uploaded it anywhere. I've shown my work to all of three people for feedback, because, for as much as I've written, it's all still essentially first draft and I still have no idea if it's any good (ideas are one thing, execution, as we all know, is a whole different ballgame). One was unable to do much due to the fact her work was running her ragged, one is my girlfriend (who also wasn't able to get far due to being rushed off her feet at work) and the third gave me the incredibly insightful feedback of 'it's very rough, it needs a lot of work' and 'it's not the worst thing I've ever read'. Yeah, felt good hearing that.
We may work this into the story.
I will accept my co-writing credit in the form of a big sack of money with a dollar sign on it or possibly a crown with some sort of cape.

Nah, for real, it'd be neat to get a shoutout and maybe a link to my work if you wind up using any of the stuff I've mentioned in here though, whenever/if I start getting it put up out there.


Apr 19, 2020
It'd be fun to have like an 80s/90s Halloween party where all the characters wear 'retro outfits' (read: dress up like they did in their classic looks), but Laura's reluctant to join in until Kitty has to talk her into it, giving Laura a makeover that leaves her looking like one of her old costumes (look up how many she had, she was practically changing outfits every three issues in the 80s) or Dazzler.
Fuck, yes. But only on other releases, please.

Yeah. The disco outfit. With the rollerskates.
Is that a thing? Has she wore that?


Feb 25, 2022
Both of them actually wore skates in the 80s. I assume no one in the Marvel Bullpen knew what 'fashion' was, or what teenagers were supposed to look like. Yes, that weird gremlin in the hideous outfit is meant to be Kitty.

And yeah, when discussing some of the, let's go with 'weirder' aspects of Marvel history, let's assume there's a blanket 'I swear I'm not making this up' statement in place for everything I say. That shit gets Wacky.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Refresh my memory on the card game idea, please?
A side thing our UI guy came up with. You get cards based off girls and the further you get with(platonically or romantically) then the stronger their card is. That's all I really know. I actually don't have info to spoil let alone hand out. :unsure:

Other than the possibility of guys also being cards. Don't worry you won't have to let Colossus rail you up the ass to get his collectable holographic card. :ROFLMAO:

I really rather not at the moment. It is still being discussed. :(

Ow... you... You're just trolling now, no way y'all making her a virgin.

I'm aware, but a parody of either would also work.
Our music guy said he might be able to do something about NIN.

It's what I've been thinking this entire time! We're pretty much useless in combat, it does grant a lot of opportunities to have us being trained, tho'.
Training is usually how you'll learn about what's going on. Like cooling off after a spar you'll hear about an event happening in like the Fantastic Four comic as casual conversation.

Or during a tutoring session you'll be given some super hero history.

Do an Ukelele cover, like Filthy Frank's Fuck The Police. And make sure that she notes that the song is very sad.
I'm sending this to our music guy right the fuck now.

I will accept my co-writing credit in the form of a big sack of money with a dollar sign on it or possibly a crown with some sort of cape.
Oh, I thought you pulled that from the comics... :unsure:

Well no promises but I do know the dev team will SLOWLY open to welcoming new membership eventually.

Yes, that weird gremlin in the hideous outfit is meant to be Kitty.
Dude you'd have to be high to think we wouldn't include it at least as a gag if we adapted the story it showed up in.


Aug 5, 2018
I wonder why they got rid of Kitty's curly/wavy hair. I feel like it happened before claremont left, so maybe it was just easier not to draw it?

Edit: I forgot these games have sound and music. I used to play in browser flash porn games and got so tired of hearing those royalty free stuff. So growing up i got used to just muting my computer for porn games.
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