4.60 star(s) 164 Votes


Forum Fanatic
Sep 3, 2017
1. I have literally never seen red kryptonite used in porn, ever. only green kryptonite. I am sure it exists but it is rare.
2. Red kryptonite usually does not depower them. so they will still rip you apart during sex.
3. still an expensive super rare space rock compared to literally just having red sunlight initiating bulbs

Also, here is a list of the canon effects of red kryptonite


obviously you won't get such a bulb from walmart. and wrapping red cellophane over a regular bulb won't do it.
but it is absolutely entirely possible to generate artificially via more expensive specialist bulbs. and is in fact done in canon frequently.
You apparently missed the part where I said red kryptonite IN ITS ORIGINAL FORM. When it first came about all it did was depower them to human levels. All that other shit was retconned in much later.

And like I said, yeah, the bulbs are totally an option, but it takes time for them to absorb the light, and it has to be in a room with absolutely no outside light coming in or it'll lose effectiveness and take even longer. If you're planning to set up a kryptonian sex dungeon you're all set I guess, but if you want to let her out once in a while, the red space rock is where it's at.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2020
I'm assuming people who thought it was too difficult changed opinions or lost interest but somewhere in the 300s pages there's all kinds of talk about "skill issue."
If youre not getting atleast A rank once you have the ability to get off during the minigame, youre a lil bitch and should stick to sex 2, the shitty sequel for casuals.
No items, final destination, Rhane only.
I have plans of holding our writers at gunpoint for this to be the way Emma realizes her powers don't work on you IF we get around to featuring her that heavily.
Man i can just picture it, the team its off to face the White Queen, and everyone is looking at Frost in her usual scantly clad, perfect looks, then Null shows up and its just Emma in sweatpants, crocs and messy morning hair looking annoyed.
Jun 18, 2022
Of all the strangest x-men characters that have ever been made over the years, I gotta say, this one might be the kinkiest one for this game. Just imagine this character being in this game and her giving you head.

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and yeah, her tongue needs a mask too. the tongue has gotta protect it's secret identity too yk


Active Member
Oct 4, 2019
Because fucking in front of the entire student body is still a bad idea. Someone would report it.
But this terminates the chain of events too early. Let's extend it a bit.

Someone reports it. To Xavier, presumably. Why do we presume Xavier cares? Is there is a school rule that you should be dressed? Why is there such a rule? Are the reasons behind such a rule sensible, or could they be reexamined?

For that matter, does a rule against fucking extend to mere nudity? There are quite a few powers that lend themselves to wardrobe malfunctions.

There is presumably a public decency law of some sort in the region, but the school seems to be on secluded private land.

On the meta level, it seems like there are degrees of freedom that the writers have chosen not to exercise, and I'm curious about that reasoning, too.

One could make a case for each individual girl being simply unwilling to do anything with an audience (or at least an audience outside the harem). Every single one being totally against it may strain credulity as the number of girls grows. Even with a fanatical adherence to canon, it seems unlikely that the issue has come up in canon, and an absolute position staked out on the matter, for every single girl, such that not even one girl could have it as one of her salient features.
I'm not sure how it's not reported in RLE to be honest.
From my memory of RLE, it is reported, and/or Xavier senses it. Each character has a way to get Xavier to look the other way and/or not notice, mostly either using powers on Xavier or blackmailing him. Understandably not the direction you'd want to go for TNH.
and yeah, her tongue needs a mask too. the tongue has gotta protect it's secret identity too yk
Personally I would not mask the tongue. It's better for people to see the tongue with its human face and recognize that at least it's not a Xenomorph face. Don't want people considering that possibility.
4.60 star(s) 164 Votes