4.60 star(s) 165 Votes


Feb 25, 2022
It looks like they're in the desert! Is he metal all the way through? Does he get hot?
Sure does, he's 'organic steel' in his armoured form - I don't think they've specified if he's metal all the way through, Marvel leaves a lot of the smaller details up to the writer or the needs of the plot, but he does conduct heat at least. While he's more or less immune to temperature in that form (and occasionally stuff like needing to breathe, needing food/water, etc.), there's been times when he's nearly melted due to extreme heat. I don't think it's ever actually happened, at least in the main canon, but he's come close pretty often over the years.


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Though, funny fact, one of the times the Sentry died (it's happened a lot), they had a funeral for him and Rogue mentioned that he'd been the first person who could touch her without issue and he was her first. But the Sentry is probably the best and worst example of what you can do with the power of retroactive continuity
I repressed this.

Wasn't Sentry supposed to be a dig at Superman and that's why he dies all the time?

or I'll leak all the fan-fics you've done about Nightcrawler.
Dude... how could you betray me like this?

Can you give an example.
Ringtones, clothing, some music to listen in the MC's bedroom.

Marvel does it all the fucking time apparently so why not?
Consent is a must and our standards are better than Marvel's editors apparently.
Chrichton answers Seed's question.

aww, there goes my mix-n-match bingo board.
Eh we may go back on it. In the far, far future if we make a female MC. Though if a character is confirmed homosexual we're not messing with that.

Can I have their numbers or something?
No. They're mine.

Does Patreon ban any underage presentation or is it especifically sexualization of underaged characters?
Dude they ban games that take place in a high school. Like even if all the characters are 18 year old seniors, they still have to say "College" whenever the school is referenced, despite obviously being a high school.

My bad - english isn't my first language.
Btw, if this story took place in Europe (especially in Germany) - 16 would have been perfectly legal (even 14 is legal). It's really crazy to think how low the age of consent is in Europe. I come from a third world country and even here the age of consent is 18
The market lives by America's rule of 18+.


Apr 19, 2020
Hey, you know what would really suck?

Sitting by Colossus at the beach
Who's the girl?

Ringtones, clothing, some music to listen in the MC's bedroom.
Oh, cool.

Chrichton answers Seed's question.
It wasn't really a question - and the "answer" is what I imagined it to be, it only makes sense. Fans copy t to t, disrespect a story in its entirety, or add massively to it with their own ideas.
I'm hoping it's the last, or at least close to it - but to be honest, against Marvel, you don't really have a challenging competition. All you gotta do is not go from Laura crying about her dead mother on the bus to a short description of how she started to whore herself out, as an example, and you've done a hundred times better.

Eh we may go back on it. In the far, far future if we make a female MC. Though if a character is confirmed homosexual we're not messing with that.
I'd be ok with a female Null if we could get with the boys - with we won't 'cause of the artist - but if it's only girls and all you do is lesbo stuff, you get to what RLE's female main character is all about. You lose half of the content unless you buy a plastic toy.
And all the preg stuff... what do we do without the preg stuff...

Dude they ban games that take place in a high school. Like even if all the characters are 18 year old seniors, they still have to say "College" whenever the school is referenced, despite obviously being a high school.
You can have young adults at a high school setting, but high schools consist mostly of underaged teenagers so I'm inclined to agree with them if the case is to never allow double standards when it comes to any sort of underage presentation in a porn game.
There's a case to be made as to children appearing and having characters in a setting that consists mostly of sex, but I figure it's about time I stopped talking about it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
RLE's female main character is all about.
Didn't even know that was an option in RLE.

But yeah if a female player character ever becomes a thing in this project, it'd be after we completed the male route in its entirety and added dudes.

Though through my insistence(Meaning blame me specifically if you're mad) a female Null wouldn't be able to have lesbian sex until we can have it that a male Null can have sex with dudes.

Which isn't out of the realm of possibility.


Apr 19, 2020
Didn't even know that was an option in RLE.
Was added in 0.9 whatever. I'm unsure of how it's going with 1.0 so far, but it was broken then.

Which isn't out of the realm of possibility.
Didn't you say the artist didn't want to make male dudes having sex? I'm also curious as to how a game that presents sex like this one maintains a first person perspective when you're a girl.
I'm not against renders of a cute dude doing Fem-Null mommy-daddy style, but how is the girl rendered in that scenario.

The only male X-Men I like is Nightcrawler - are there any other twinks in x men?
View attachment 2479910
This is just funny, it's not sexy or sensual. It's just really funny.


Feb 25, 2022
Wasn't Sentry supposed to be a dig at Superman and that's why he dies all the time?
Depends on who you ask, I think. Officially, he's a post-modern/metatextual/other fancy words take on the concept of retroactive continuity itself. He debuted at a time when readers were really starting to sit up and take notice of the industry itself and more 'fannish' terms and concepts, for good and ill.

The original deal was that he was an early Marvel character who'd been completely forgotten about and who was getting a revival. His backstory was he was a Superman-analogue that had defeated his arch-nemesis, but saved the world in such a way that he'd essentially retconned himself out of existence in every single reality, including ours (once again: 90s Marvel was weird as hell). In reality, it was the writers trying to do the kind of weird experimental story DC/Vertigo had basically perfected by the mid-90s and which Alan Moore and Grant Morrison had made a comfortable living out of for about 20 years at this point - if you've read Miracleman, Doom Patrol or Flex Mentallo, you probably know this story already.

Anyway, rather than being an interesting experiment and put back in the drawer with all the other vaguely interesting characters who never amounted to anything, he was folded into the Marvel universe as a whole. See, weird thing about Marvel, they have plenty of Superman analogues, but they've never had a successful one. Hyperion and Gladiator are almost direct rip-offs, but they've never caught on massively. Thor's probably the closest they've got, but he's different enough that most people wouldn't say he counts. So they added him to the Avengers, gave him a big push and... basically made him look like a complete weenie in the eyes of comic fans.

Here's another thing about Marvel: in the old days, the thing that set their characters apart from others was that they had relatable problems. So Spider-Man is a big hero, but he's also permanently broke and struggles to repair his costume and webshooters and has to beg his boss for gigs. Tony Stark is a genius billionaire, but he's also an alcoholic. The X-Men have amazing powers, but they're also a dysfunctional family and the world hates them because they're weird. So, either to differentiate Sentry further or as a callback to that era, they gave him a bunch of mental problems. Great idea, plenty of people have depression, PTSD, mental illness, and in the 90s/00s, no one was talking about that. Buuuuut either they didn't know how to portray that reasonably or the writers that followed were lazy, so it was used as a crutch to get him away from fights or situations that he could solve in five minutes or less. Once or twice would be okay, but it happened repeatedly: bad guy would show up, something would happen that would set off Sentry's PTSD or fears, Sentry would fly off to Jupiter and the rest of the team would say 'oh look, Sentry's fucked off screaming into the night. Again.' At some point, it turned into a running gag and from there, into a way of basically saying 'yeah, we know this guy sucks, but Editorial says we have to use him'. Which was when they started trying to kill him off. But he'd come back. So he'd die again. And he'd come back again. The end result was that they'd written themselves into a corner. A good writer can do a good Superman story in their sleep, but guys like Brian Michael Bendis, who was writing The Avengers and was Marvel's head writer in all but name at this point, were more interested in street-level heroes like Luke Cage and Daredevil, so Sentry would get pushed offstage every chance he got. I'm not going to say Bendis was responsible for 'ruining' the character or any of that nonsense, but he was the guy in charge and the rest of the team took their lead from whoever the boss was, so...

Anyway, he may not have initially started as a shot at Superman, but a bunch of mean-spirited writers who never had any real ideas on how to use him certainly turned him into one. Eventually, Marvel came up with the Blue Marvel, another 'forgotten' Marvel character who was generally agreed to be 'the Sentry done right' and the Sentry's in Comic Book Limbo, having been written out during the King in Black crossover. Incidentally, Bendis would eventually go on to write Superman for DC. The results were... polarizing, to say the least.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Didn't you say the artist didn't want to make male dudes having sex?
Yes, but we can have multiple artists who are skilled enough to produce consistent works. We got a separate guy making clothes I believe. Just gotta find someone willing to draw gay sex.

We'd still prioritize getting out a straight male experience first and add in the gay stuff as time went on.

Then we'd just repurpose everything for a female player character.

but a bunch of mean-spirited writers who never had any real ideas on how to use him certainly turned him into one.
Doesn't this describe like every instance of the writing going south? There are very few instances of "bad writing" that don't come off as the writer simply being mean spirited rather than a lack of skill.

The results were... polarizing, to say the least.
Spill the tea. :LOL:


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2018
I was reading the comments from page 1 (I just found out about this game). Is it still just a shoddy reskin of Roguelike? I like this art style a lot better.
4.60 star(s) 165 Votes