4.60 star(s) 165 Votes


Jul 7, 2017
The point is "you" weren't being an asshole on purpose with that line it's something that just slips if you don't think about it, that's why the entire Nightcrawler scene after is him going "Bruh"

This was the prompting dialogue, then the MC goes on a tirade of...
"Absolutely not, I was just a normal college student before all this!"
"I stayed in pretty good shape during school."
"But nobody can do that as a child..."

Which honestly properly answers her. All of this is fine.
But that's not enough apparently. We need to go full dick and follow up with...

"I grew up in a normal home with a loving family, with normal friends."

Like what? Where did that even come from? It doesn't even follow with preceding dialogue nor with the overall energy of the text.

If you wanted to stress the word "Normal" for Kurt's follow up you could simplify it by
"But no normal kid does that..."

Janglin' Jack

Mar 15, 2023
The only girls in the first release are Jean, Rogue, and X-23. Kitty is an interesting character for a second release. If we choose her that is. :sneaky:
Hah! You keep your secrets, then! I'll be along for the ride, regardless!

Also: Unsure if you're soliciting fan input on future characters that might appear in the game...but if you are, in addition to Kitty, I'm all about seeing Magik and Rachel Summers as well. <3

Keep up the great work!



Apr 28, 2017
Hello community manager, how easy will it be to mod this game? IS this something you're supportive of, or will you try to prevent mods.


Feb 28, 2018
I appreciate the face animations and changing the sprites' light levels to fit the environment, like when Kurt was in the theater. I like the look of the preview in general, nice color palette, really pleasing lighting effects for the day/night cycle. And I like the musical choices.

It's nice to finally get a chance to be friends with Kurt. Kurt's a good dude. I intend to be nice to Kurt. Due to having partial memories of the voice actors for the shows some of these characters appeared in, I try to recreate those voices as I read along so in my case Kurt's dialogue helped a bit. I guess I can see how it might distract someone without that experience in the back of their mind. Thing is, I was under the impression Kurt's is a heavy accent so I'll kind of miss it if it's toned down too much. He called me mein Bruder! (y) That's the shit, no mercy for anyone who tries to kill Kurt :LOL:. Rogue's accent perturbed me not at all. Zero.

I liked X-23's many dialogue choices upon introduction. For a moment there, it captured the feeling of a new game where you don't yet know the boundaries of the total content and it feels truly open. I hope future releases include dialogue options to call her Laura before she gives the green light, to punish retards who haven't paid attention to what she's said up to that point. I hope there will eventually be conversation options that amount to "Yeah your approach to training is intense compared to the others but it's exactly the right one because it's life or death out there."

I've seen it mentioned before that some characters might pay attention to how consistent your tone is, and they'll notice if you suddenly respond wildly differently such as after a major event or mission or whatever. That's fantastic, very interested to see that, because reactivity is awesome and it's obviously something people do who are around you and observant enough.


Aug 5, 2018
Hello community manager, how easy will it be to mod this game? IS this something you're supportive of, or will you try to prevent mods.
I'm not the community manager but I spoke to the lead when dev started. Originally the dev was extremely keen on modability. I can't say if it's still in focus but I can guarantee that he will not try to prevent them.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
I'm all about seeing Magik and Rachel Summers as well.
Those are interesting characters for a third and fourth release. If we choose them that is. :sneaky:

Hello community manager, how easy will it be to mod this game?
Not a programmer so no idea.

IS this something you're supportive of, or will you try to prevent mods.
Originally the dev was extremely keen on modability.
Considering that this project was originally a mod, we'd be hypocritical to try and stop you. Things that have been discussed as easy to mod in are ring tones for your phone and music to be played on the radio in your room.

Considering how early it is, I'd hope that you guys wait until we're a bit into the game before attempting to mod things. Like see if we fuck up chapter 1 first lol :ROFLMAO:

Kurt's is a heavy accent
It's supposed to be. We wanted it to not be super easy to understand but we kinda went to far and it seems most people are broken out of the experience and are like "Oh yeah this is a game."

I'll kind of miss it if it's toned down
Already decided that it will be BUT we are keeping the hallmarks of a German accent. Vs instead of Ws, Zs instead of a Th. "Mein bruder" will also be pried from my cold dead hands. Also with all ESL characters, we plan on them still using their native tongue for expletives and mutterings to self.

"Yeah your approach to training is intense compared to the others but it's exactly the right one because it's life or death out there."
Oh that is an approach things can be taken. We plan on putting the MC through the runner.

Which honestly properly answers her. All of this is fine.
But that's not enough apparently. We need to go full dick and follow up with...

"I grew up in a normal home with a loving family, with normal friends."
This is supposed to be Null having a sort of mental snap. This is linked to people saying we didn't have Null worry enough about his family. The dude is in shock and finding out that a 3 hour intense warm up is his new life is supposed to finally snap him out of his shock and realize that this is not okay for an average human. His immediate understanding after Kurt fills him in is rubberbanding with the shock and also to convey that Null is inherently a good person. We'll give Null the ability to be bitter and later on be an anti-hero but ultimately he is a character that has his own agency.

Think Hawke from Dragon Age 2. While you can express yourself in three different ways, the conversation is still the same conversation.

BUT we can make it a bit more obvious that this is stress build up.


May 28, 2019
Did not play first run when it came out in November kinda disappointing for second release half a year later. Story and art are nice but if this is half a year of content on top of start then its gonna be another decade before its got enough content.


Engaged Member
Jun 4, 2019
Did not play first run when it came out in November kinda disappointing for second release half a year later. Story and art are nice but if this is half a year of content on top of start then its gonna be another decade before its got enough content.
You do realise that the November release was just proof of concept, right? And this current release is just the prologue. Not to mention that the developers are still students in college.
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Jul 7, 2017
You do realise that the November release was just proof of concept, right? And this current release is just the prologue. Not to mention that the developers are still students in college.
Calling the November release a proof of concept is being generous.

It was a buggy collection of randomness and a few nice arts


Nov 1, 2017
Calling the November release a proof of concept is being generous.

It was a buggy collection of randomness and a few nice arts
guess you have no generosity in that cold dead heart of yours?

Anyway, it's a free game, and as many people i've pointed out, an indie project. If people can stomach Oni's RLE timeline, I dont see why anyone would have cause to be so bitter about this one.

Just sayin' :whistle:


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Did not play first run when it came out in November
You do realise that the November release was just proof of concept, right?
Calling the November release a proof of concept is being generous.

It was a buggy collection of randomness and a few nice arts
That was a leaked mess of art and code never meant to see the light of day.

Ron messing around with programming art he commissioned should not be judged as a game. The reason why it was RLE's intro copy pasted was because it was him working things out as a new programmer.

I wouldn't even say that was a proof of concept. The teaser y'all have right now is more of a proof of concept.

second release
This isn't even technically the first. It's a teaser.

Not to mention that the developers are still students in college.
Some of us are. The others are full time employed and have families to feed.

I would understand impatience if we were taking people's money but we explicitly are not so the fact that we are genuinely taking time out of our lives to work on this project 100% out of our own pocket, detracting from our actual incomes, at a net loss should give us some empathy but I guess I still have misplaced faith in humanity. My bad.

I personally apologize to Ragnarprime for having Ron's test build leaked without his consent. I personally apologize to everyone that we have not put out a complete game despite not making any income off of our work. I personally apologize for personal setbacks such as one of our team member's children getting really sick and my uncle battling and losing to cancer.

What I don't personally apologize for is being a sassy bitch. :p

All that aside, I am actually sorry because I have been fueling the hype train extensively and I can understand frustration at me teasing all the time.

Though I ask that people please be patient lest they face my sass... Also all that stuff actually happened. I have been comforting my grieving grandmother but y'all didn't know about that so I'm not going to actually hold it against anyone.


Formerly 'TragicNoScoper'
Nov 28, 2018
You literally get them addicted to your touch and potentially semen. If you get them addicted enough it's insanely easy to get the obedience stat up. I got all girls coming up to me all twitchy begging for a fix at one point.

I'm not kink shaming but exploiting an addiction you're responsible for doesn't sound very consensual.

If this sounds aggressive I'm sorry. There are people who don't know that you can mind break the girls with like a 0 love stat. Try it out if you're up for a challenge.

Aside from that, I thank you for your well wishes. (y)
Yeah, that's fair. I didn't do 0 love run either (maybe one day) since that's not my thing either and quickly dropped using addiction. I also caved in and played the preview to see what is being cooked. Artstyle wise I'm feeling PTSD from a similar looking game that was, frankly, shit, but I like what I see still. Rogue design is my favourite out of what I saw. Writing wise it's fine and I like the little variation you are given at chargen (or having chargen in the first place). Dialogue options are cool too and the general feel of the game reminds of Superheroes Suck where game doesn't go anywhere near concept of corruption and maledom (although I am kind of hoping we will be able to at least give them pet names in this one if my assumptions are correct). As pointed out by others you guys went way too hard on Kurt, dude sounds like he's still learning English instead of having an accent which what I assume the intention was. I don't mind it though, he's memorable in an amusing way even if his dialogue reads like parody at times. Rogue also goes kind of hard but if the goal was to differentiate her from RLE then you succeeded, I like it too. I also like addition of music, makes game less soulless experience. Not trying to be rude here, but I'll see how the game looks like in a year or two and I wish you guys luck and will to last that long and beyond that since you have something really cool going on here. Maybe consider accepting ko-fi or some other form of donations, very few projects can run on pure passion especially one of this scope. Again, best wishes.


Jul 7, 2017
TBF, in RLE all paths are super easy...
I have to literally ban myself from using gifts AND edit the game files to lower their starting stats by 100
4.60 star(s) 165 Votes