
Jan 12, 2023
Yes. We have plans on adding several male characters. They'll have significantly less outfits and girl events will take priority but a commonly joked about thing we want to include is taking Wolverine to a bar, turning off his healing factor, and letting him get shitfaced lol
This sounds amazing, please, PLEASE make this be a thing. Being bros with Wolverine and some other male characters sounds awesome!!

Edit: one more question popped up as a follow-up to the possible roster of characters for the game and I didn't want to make yet another post asking it so I'm editing this one:

Will Wanda and Pietro Maximoff eventually be featured in the game? If so, will they be counted as mutants or not? They are Magneto's children iirc but Marvel has done so many retcons on so many characters that I no longer am confident in what I remember (and lost the will to follow the comics because of it).

They were initially mutants, with Wanda being an extremely powerful beyond omega level mutant. But lately (and in the Marvel movies) neither she nor her brother seem to be mutants. Pietro's power was never mentioned as being a mutation prior to his movie demise and Wanda's power now seem magical in nature, in line with the kind of abilities Dr. Strange possess. What approach (if they even appear in the game) will the dev team take with these two?
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Jul 9, 2022
Great job guys!! I'm close to wrapping up my first play through, and the only feedback I have that I haven't seen mentioned is that...

1. I really wish your bank account appeared when you're taking girls out to eat/ to the movies.

2. The twist that you give Null's powers is interesting and I look forward to seeing where you guys take it from here. I hope he doesn't fall victim to power creep in later chapters; I think that part of the appeal of an X-Men game is being part of a team, which is undercut if Null can solo Apocalypse.

3. Maybe it's just the way I played, but it feels like the game pushes you towards the polygamy route. In my first game I wanted to romance one and friendzone the other two, but somehow I ended up romancing all three.

4. There is no way on God's green Earth that Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters feeds their students motherfucking cornbread for breakfast.

5. X-23 is best girl. Fight me.


Aug 10, 2017
Yes, it's possible. But you should tell them that you are in favor of polyamorous relationships or face the consequences:devilish:
Thanks! On my first playthrough, I cannot date Jean for some reason even after I confess to both Rogue and Laura and play through Act 3. So I start over and date Jean first and then Rogue. Now, I only convo with Laura for being a "Friend" but "More than a friend" doesn't seem to trigger. I'll try to proceed a little more then...
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Mar 22, 2018
Thanks! On my first playthrough, I cannot date Jean for some reason even after I confess to both Rogue and Laura and play through Act 3. So I start over and date Jean first and then Rogue. Now, I only convo with Laura for being a "Friend" but "More than a friend" doesn't seem to trigger. I'll try to proceed a little more then...
Have you fulfilled all the requirements of the quest? If so, then wait a few days and the event should start
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Mar 22, 2018
3. Maybe it's just the way I played, but it feels like the game pushes you towards the polygamy route. In my first game I wanted to romance one and friendzone the other two, but somehow I ended up romancing all three.
Wdym? You can always say no to girls if you don't want to start a relationship with them.


Jan 12, 2023
How? I can't seem to parse the console at all to be able to do anything in it.
If you or anyone reading this is on your first playthrough, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you do not use these cheats. Just making that clear. The game is pretty good, with a slow but decent pace and progression. If anything, maybe the cash grind is a bit much atm if you are aiming to buy all the things, but the relationship grind is really not that bad. I thought it was quite organic, truth be told, even if it took a while.

With that out of the way...
After enabling the console you can use these:


Maybe there are xp commands for Laura, Jean and Rogue as well, but I'm not sure what (if anything) they affect in regards to the characters. I do see some popup messages saying that they have lvled up every once in a while though ("Rogue is now level 4" kind of popup message).

The love and trust commands you'll probably have to use multiple times since they are capped by the main story event and unlock in increments of 250. You can still use those commands though, only when there is an action that affects a character's love or trust, if they are above the allowed cap for that moment they will lose love and trust to keep them in the current max cap.

For instance: if you use the love=1000 command right at the start of the game, when you interact with a character it will say that that character lost 750 love in an interaction. That's because at that point in the game, the cap is 250.
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Engaged Member
Jun 4, 2019
Bug report:
After having penetrative sex with Laura for the first time, I took her on a date, went back to her room.
After asking to make out with her and fondling her breast, asked if we could have sex. She said something to the effect of "Good, I was about to force you inside" and "You're not leaving until you come inside at least once".

The bug - well, the whole hud and UI disappeared and I can't advance that action. Can still rollback to do other actions instead.


Game Developer
Jul 18, 2019
Just a suggestion for the future, make an option/switch etc to prioritize custom outfits instead of random with default as well.
Bug report:
After having penetrative sex with Laura for the first time, I took her on a date, went back to her room.
After asking to make out with her and fondling her breast, asked if we could have sex. She said something to the effect of "Good, I was about to force you inside" and "You're not leaving until you come inside at least once".

The bug - well, the whole hud and UI disappeared and I can't advance that action. Can still rollback to do other actions instead.
Both of these fixed in 0.2b, which has been sent to beta testers! 0.2b will also come with an Android version :)


Jun 1, 2020
hi just started kinda and i cant seem to date x23 and jean. I'm already dating rogue and ive told her about my plans for a harem and yeah I cant seem to get the promt to date them. Any ideas? :)

PS yes its in mission and ive exceeded the stat requirement to gets past the dating phase i just need 3 dates which i cant seem to do

EDIT: yeah i cant progress rogue too both stats are stuck at 250
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Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2016
Great game

I liked it a lot. I left some initial impressions of the good, the bad and the things that could be improved.

The good thing is, great story with very interesting chapters that make me interested in progressing in the game.
incredible cgi and character design (although the orgasm animation is missing for them)
good costume editor easy to understand menus

the bad
Clothes do not provide any love or trust points no matter how much you buy and with other gifts there are still times that they earn, for example, 15 love points for a gift but then nothing more

too much grinding

Unclear mechanics, if it is true that there are "two" routes for each girl, it should be much clearer in some way, just as, for example, what the score is for when you are in the locker room menu

no use in leveling up characters
The wardrobe change is useless because then they dress however they want.

and with the hair options it doesn't matter what you choose, it doesn't change in the movie above or in the one below XD

Buying remote control vibrators is of no use, there is no option to use it and with other toys like the anal plug, the same is true, so whether the girls wear it or not does not change the game (I suppose it will not be added to the game yet)

some minor error

what could be improved

grinding and slow progress is currently a minor problem but if the final idea is to add about 15 girls I thought it could make the game very heavy and repetitive which would be solved quickly
For example, when you level up your character, you earn more points when you interact with girls, not just 2 or 4 points because it makes progress very slow, especially at high levels when you have to do it with all the girls.

limiting the game to one route per girl means there are supposed to be "two" variables but that limits you to the fact that in the end you do the same with all the girls
I'm not saying that it has to be like rogue like and they become insatiable sex-addicted nymphomaniacs or take an evil route, but perhaps differentiating the variables better would make the game more interesting so we could add other options to the game, for example, make someone bring out their exhibitionist side. another is role playing with cosplay... although if the girls have a dominant option, even if it were a difficult route, the reverse option should be included

The sex menu does not bother me that the sex options appear in a separate menu a priori makes certain interactions impossible, such as having 2 girls at the same time or perhaps sleeping with one of them and waking up because she is giving you a blowjob or being able to spy on them while they are they masturbate or things like that

Too puritanical, the girls as the game progresses should be more open to sex and it doesn't matter at all that you have a girl with the maximum attributes that it is at night and an empty class is going to refuse to do anything because she needs more "intimacy"

I understand that showers are initially more modest when they shower, but at high levels I don't see the point in showering with clothes and then putting on a towel to cover their shame so that you don't see them OVER their swimsuit (and even less so when they change and therefore they get naked in front of your face XD)

and this is a question more than something to improve but I suppose that when the game progresses the girls will have unique scenes for each character because if all the scenes are identical between all the girls it can be boring

and finally I got a SERIOUS error

If you stay at night in the shopping center, any option is blocked and you cannot open the map or advance time or anything.

For now, that's all. If I remember more things, I'll say it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
These are some of my thoughts about this. I really think that "locking in" a character's behavior should be done only if it is 100% clear how that character will behave towards you and others, and the inability to change those after the "lock-in" happens is about the one thing I disliked.
Your post has a lot to dig into and I'm gonna talk to the devs about it but the above bit is something we're working on.

Will Wanda and Pietro Maximoff eventually be featured in the game?

What approach (if they even appear in the game) will the dev team take with these two?
They will be mutants and they will be Magneto's children. Some retcons will not be considered for adaptation as it is very clear that some were made just to shake things up rather than improve the story.

1. I really wish your bank account appeared when you're taking girls out to eat/ to the movies.
This is a good suggestion. I'll pass it on to the team.

2. The twist that you give Null's powers is interesting and I look forward to seeing where you guys take it from here. I hope he doesn't fall victim to power creep in later chapters; I think that part of the appeal of an X-Men game is being part of a team, which is undercut if Null can solo Apocalypse.
If you think you understand Null's powers. You don't. ;)

Though being part of a team is represented by the cumulative trust requirement to progress the plot.

3. Maybe it's just the way I played, but it feels like the game pushes you towards the polygamy route. In my first game I wanted to romance one and friendzone the other two, but somehow I ended up romancing all three.
Yeah, this has been and is still being discussed. Some on the dev team think it's fine, some don't. Right now, just don't text them for a date.

4. There is no way on God's green Earth that Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters feeds their students motherfucking cornbread for breakfast.
Why? It's not a standard college. Some rich dude is just teaching kids out of his mansion.

5. X-23 is best girl. Fight me.
Other than the f-bombs, I don't disagree.

hi just started kinda and i cant seem to date x23 and jean. I'm already dating rogue and ive told her about my plans for a harem and yeah I cant seem to get the promt to date them. Any ideas? :)

PS yes its in mission and ive exceeded the stat requirement to gets past the dating phase i just need 3 dates which i cant seem to do

EDIT: yeah i cant progress rogue too both stats are stuck at 250
Yeah, these are both noted issues.

Both only affect some players so we're looking into what's going on. We'll get back to y'all when we figure it out.
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Active Member
Dec 9, 2018
The game really looks excellent. Models, backgrounds, story... but, in my opinion, it makes the same mistake as Rogue Like in one concept, "the transparent protagonist" in the sex scenes.

I think the "comic" concept looks great in this game and should have taken it in the form of floating "vignettes" when performing sexual action. Let it show (as it already happens in many actions) the hands or the head of the drawn character.

For example, that a small floating vignette appears on screen when you suck the girl's nipples showing the detail as if it were a comic book and disappears when you stop doing it.


Jun 14, 2017
I Love the art style for the game so far. I was wondering if the team has a singular artist or multiple artists working full-time on this project? Often times the main bottleneck for big projects like this is the creation of art for the game. My main concern, although might not be warranted in this case, for a game of this scale is that I've seen other projects fell apart or have wildly mismatched art direction due to an artist leaving or being replaced midway through development. I wish the team nothing but the best for this project.
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