
Aug 6, 2016
I don't think art quality is inherently tied to ability to change style so I would not call him a "bad" artist. His linework looks nice aesthetically to me and is competent at conveying what's supposed to be happening in each panel. I do think 90's Marvel was the only time he did good work as a costume designer and his influence on the aesthetics and storytelling in DC in the 21st century has been a net negative, but that's a completely different topic of discussion we don't need to get into.

What I have been trying, and apparently failing, to convey to you is that while you clearly have knowledge of animation and secondhand knowledge of the comics industry from friends who have worked in both mediums, you demonstrate an obvious lack of firsthand experience with comic book artists and their works. Which is why I suggested you avail yourself of google. If you're gonna have a discussion of what western comics look like, what Jim Lee's art looks like, and whether or not he's capable of or interested in changing styles, it might behoove you to actually look at his art. Y'know, read some Marvel and DC books. Be familiar with the three decades of comics we're talking about.
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Active Member
Aug 8, 2017
you demonstrate an obvious lack of firsthand experience with comic book artists and their works.
a) Do you have firsthand experience?
b) I once had a part time job doing the beta for a western comic.
c) Did you take art classes? Do you know what you learn in those classes? Like, a lot. Anatomy to realism to abstract to pencils to water color to charcoal. Just saying you do only one style well is pretty much saying you didn't take those classes. I would argue he can, he just doesn't because his art obviously shows he knows his anatomy as well as shot composition and sense of balance and movement that are the bread and butter of art classes.

Of course I know what Jim Lee's style looks like. I own that X-Men fold out issue he's iconic for.


Aug 6, 2016
a) Do you have firsthand experience?
The answer to that question is "I do" but I don't think you realize what the question MEANS because you're phrasing it like a gotcha. So just so we're clear, in the context of you repeating back to me what I said to you..."firsthand experience with comic book artists and their works" just means reading the comics those artists made. Seeing them with your own eyes. I don't need to be told what Jim's style is by a second person because I have read comics Jim Lee has made. I'm an active reader of DC and Marvel and have been since the 90's. All I'm asking is you should fucking look at the guy's work if you want to have a conversation about his work. Owning one issue of X-Men isn't the same thing as seeing pieces from his entire career and comparing/contrasting them.

Anyway, I also graduated college with a minor in studio art, so yes, I'm familiar with all the things you're implying. None of which changes the fact that the standards in comic books are vastly more limited than those of other commercial art fields.
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Active Member
Aug 8, 2017
The answer to that question is "I do" but I don't think you realize what the question MEANS because you're phrasing it like a gotcha. So just so we're clear, in the context of you repeating back to me what I said to you..."firsthand experience with comic book artists and their works" just means reading the comics those artists made. Seeing them with your own eyes. I don't need to be told what Jim's style is by a second person because I have read comics Jim Lee has made. I'm an active reader of DC and Marvel and have been since the 90's. All I'm asking is you should fucking look at the guy's work if you want to have a conversation about his work.
Look, I'm gonna stop here. We're getting way off topic here. My initial point was simply, Chebulski just had to do his job and the work would have been better. A connoisseur doesn't trump actual people that make the thing. You can assume and believe all you like. I've been there. I've done that. I know the art theory and the background and I also speak the language. No amount of twisting of reasoning is going to change my past. The point stands. Though if you want to continue down this point, I recommend engaging in this post because what you're so sure of is not what someone else is so sure of. And, honestly, I live in Taiwan now. My local book store carries wall to wall mangas, not western comics. Not my monkey, not my circus. The same with most others that have touched on this topic, I'm not mad or even insulted at what Chebulski did, I'm just disappointed at what could have been.


Aug 6, 2016
My local book store carries wall to wall mangas, not western comics. Not my monkey, not my circus.
Which is why I'm trying to impress upon you that American comic books are...a ghetto. They always have been and they've actually gotten worse since Cebulski got away with pretending to be Akira Yashida.

Jim Shooter was only 14 years old when DC hired him to write one of their top books based on scripts he submitted by mail. That's a story from the 60's for historical context but here's some in recent memory: on multiple occasions they've hired artists with Stephen Universe-esque noodle-armed styles whose only prior experience was a self-published tumblr webcomic, solely because you can pay them anything, they don't know their own worth or what the industry scale is.

I've seen a man draw a spaceship by tracing Legos and not even bothering to leave out the circular studs. In a book published by a subsidiary of fucking Disney, who have more money than God.

I just want someone like yourself who admits to being more fluent in other art fields to know that this is the difference between Jim Lee's line of work and yours.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
As a Spaniard, I take offense at your insinuation that my people are NOT loud and obnoxious. We try very hard to stand out. :p

Oh, I misunderstood. I thought you mean the quality was just as bad, not the amount of tropes. My bad.
No worries.

Yeah, that is true. But I feel like they aren't relying on the tropes to define the work, but rather, the work lends itself to the tropes
Oh totally. I enjoy Isakai despite the fact that I am 100% aware that they are derivative and trope-filled.

Like, a romance story will commonly have a "Will she/won't she" trope because that is common in romance in general. Which, admittedly, a lot of works in the US at that time was trying to do the latter.
Maybe it's just because I've spent several decades of my life reading manga but Japan is fuckin' obsessed with will they won't they. Far more than the West. The West, which broadly includes America, England, France, Spanish, etc. focuses a lot on being in a relationship. Unless we're talking about teen dramas.

I was planning to watch it before the movie came out, now I wonder if I should...
As mentioned, I wasn't commenting on the quality. I find it silly but that's why SEED takes place in an alternate timeline separated from Amuro and stuff. Different galaxy, different tone.

None of us really feels that there's really mistreatment towards Krillan and Tien and especially not because of them being Chinese.
I mean Krillan is the comic relief and Team4Star had a running gag about how "owned" Krillan gets.

Tien outright gets ignored and forgotten several times.

There's also the fact that Akira Toriyama is known for disliking the Chinese.

Since it was based on "Journey to the West"
The original Dragon Ball was but I don't remember Sun Wukong being a member of an alien species who were named after vegetables.

Thanks I hate it.

Care to elaborate?
Sure sorry about that.

Morality isn't a factor.

It's just Jean dealing with her anxiety by doing incest play instead of proper therapy.

Laura progressively becoming more abrasive and stalkerish.

Rogue deciding to let her boyfriend direct all her life choices because of touch starvation.

None of those are healthy coping mechanisms in response to their issues. Does it make them happy? Yes. They are satisfied with the arrangement. It's 100% consensual. Is it a healthy arrangement? As someone in the field of psychology, no.

Though all Super Heroes need therapy and it's a joke in the comics community because genuinely, all but TWO psychologists in all of Marvel comics have secretly been villains.

assertive personality
No. Marvel just gave her one as well as Wolverine's mask with no build-up. Our version will have build-up.

What made you decide on Nulls powereset?
Maddeninggg would legitimately kill me if I explained anything about Null's powers.


New Member
May 21, 2018
does anyone know the update schedule? I'm coming back every few days to check but I'd much rather have some dates to look forward to :)
Oct 21, 2023
Don't take any of this below 100% seriously, just banter/debate/joke.
Does it make them happy? Yes. They are satisfied with the arrangement. It's 100% consensual. Is it a healthy arrangement? As someone in the field of psychology, no.
I love YOU. But You are awful Community Manager xD

You made it sound like choosing the sub paths is... bad choice?
Morality isn't a factor.
Does it make them happy? Yes. They are satisfied with the arrangement. It's 100% consensual. Is it a healthy arrangement? As someone in the field of psychology, no.
I find all of this a little bit... contradictory, no? If I'm not choosing healthy arrangement, then I am choosing un-healthy one. And "un-healthy" path, taking the rest of context in this game, does kind of sounds like immoral choice.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2018
What...... is that what it was suppose to be? Incest play? I never connected it to that.


Aug 9, 2016
"Though all Super Heroes need therapy and it's a joke in the comics community because genuinely, all but TWO psychologists in all of Marvel comics have secretly been villains."



Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
And "un-healthy" path, taking the rest of context in this game, does kind of sounds like immoral choice.
Depends on what set of morals you're going by. They're objectively happier in the unhealthy, but sexy, route.

Not going with the quirks deprives them of comfort and their level of overall happiness is decreased.

After that is established then it becomes a philosophical debate of is it better to be happy or to live with uncertainty and insecurity.

Null... nulls them... to their anxieties by being an outlet. If you push back and help them solve their issues directly rather than distracting them in a way that they can be happy despite their issues.

Is this overly complicated? Yes, yes it is. My plan has succeeded! :devilish:

I love YOU.

But You are awful Community Manager xD

Incest play?
Dude... She repeatedly refers to you as her little brother and her as your big sister and enters a romantic relationship with you with the dynamic of her being your nurturing, and authoritative, big sister...

"Though all Super Heroes need therapy and it's a joke in the comics community because genuinely, all but TWO psychologists in all of Marvel comics have secretly been villains."

And I see exactly two who aren't villainous or haven't done villainous things. :WeSmart:

Literally. Some don't have images and very little info.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2018
Dude... She repeatedly refers to you as her little brother and her as your big sister and enters a romantic relationship with you with the dynamic of her being your nurturing, and authoritative, big sister...
Yea, but there are tons of "older sisters" in a non blood related way, that has that attitude.
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