
Jun 6, 2021
Ok maybe this is too mucch like real life but how do the sex games work - I've just started got Jean and Rogue on thier backs but how do you play it to give them pleasure I just seem to end up clicking the actions randomly - can't figure out if there's a pattern I'm missing or number of click etc - any help gratefully accpted


Jun 15, 2022
Too bad this is a shitbox. I'll just wait until it's completed and try it then. Having to replay the whole thing again every time saves are broken with no ctrl-skip option = no thanks.
Your choice. You can either help out and be a part of what is happening... or whatever... When you play a game in development, the only problem is the people that do not understand what "in development" means. Have a great time complaining about nothing.


Mar 28, 2018
So is there a way to turn the tides on Laura and make her more subservient like in the OG game or is that not a thing yet? You have the option for her to back off, but trying that at all didn't seem to do much.


Engaged Member
Mar 9, 2018
The only thing I noticed was some slow downs tbh haven't gotten into the meat of the updates yet because the sex is a bit of a slow burn. I'll keep going at it until I get them then see how I feel tbh.


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Cracks knuckles.

Okay time to be community manager.

It's best to have a solid foundation to work with so I don't think anyone should have issue with you guys making sure things are refined and properly set in place before moving along too far.
People are complaining that this game is basically still in Alpha despite having so much content. We will make it that the game won't require a new save unless it's actually impossible to not need it.

I remember playing huniepop, I had to resort to cheat engine to give a girl an orgasm. Dreadful
Gid gud scrub.

the HD version of rogue like?
No. In fact we actively advise people continue to play Rogue Like as our game has a different focus.

Old saves not working, huh?
It was said they wouldn't when we released the new update.

I guess it's not really worth playing right now if it actually requires new saves all the time.
You would be missing out on half of the added content if you don't start a new one for this update. Also this game is in active development.

I don't understand this mindset when most games on this website often require new saves. Like it's the norm. It's rare that a game NEVER requires a new save.

Also, hopefully there's gonna be a lot more X-Men women in the future
There will be.

On the other hand, as a player you don't feel like playing the same beginning over and over again to get the new content.
New content was added to earlier points in the game.

There's mini story events for each girl in each season
I wouldn't call the story events mini. We did add random sandbox interactions though which I would call mini but I believe it makes the world and the girls feel more alive.

A suggestion for the those people would be to Just wait until 3 or more updates comes so that they'll have plenty of Content to play.
For people complaining about the game still being an alpha, this is sound advise.

when can we expect the new animations in live 2d to be implemented?
When they're ready. Lame answer I know but I assume you'd prefer them to function properly.

Also, are you guys planning of adding kitty pryde like in the original?
who will be added i kinda hope we get kitty who is prob flat or close to it or magick
We're following the comic timeline. If a girl shows up in the comic, we've at least looked into viability of adding her.

Also there is no original. This is not an update or replacement for Rogue Like.

Why, to be different from everyone else?
Kinda yes, kinda no.

We did want a different presentation so people aren't staring at the bottom of the screen. The character sprites and facial expressions are a lot more active in their movement and we're proud of some dynamic things we do with the backgrounds that we made it that people would have to move their eyes from just one location.

We however do not want to inconvenience people if we can help it though.

I just noticed that the character location icons have disappeared from the map. Now, in order to find a character, you must first read out where he/she is. The menu is to the right of the map.
Things got cluttered real fast so we decided to nix them.

I just discover this game. How is it compared to Rogue-Like: Evolution ?
More focus on the story and you can't turn the girls into cum addicted sluts. No judgement if that's your thing but that's just not a feature planned for this game.

It was inspired by Rogue-Like: Evolution but is more story driven and more of a dating simulator mixed with actual superhero storyline.
Also this.

Also sorry for asking this much but can you disable save protection for android ? I'm trying to edit the save but the game won't load my new edited save.
Save editing will genuinely break the game. We've streamlined things that you won't need to cheat to get points.

She's more restrictive than Laura so a lot of options are not usable early on
We've intentionally made things non-uniform. Oni's game may have different starting points but pretty much everything is the same.

We decided to make each girl a different experience in what they're comfortable with to make things less repetitive.

It was much easier to figure this part out in Oni's since it was simpler
And you're free to play that game if all you want is simple sex. We've never said otherwise.

the mouth/lipstick is for progression
the X mark is no progression
This is factually incorrect.

X mark means no quirk. No quirk equals they behave closer to the comic book.

People say we didn't add an explanation but we did. Nightcrawler explains it and it's showing the dev team that people are actively skipping the tutorial and then complaining that they didn't have a tutorial.

Any saves guys ?
You'd be missing out on 90% of the content.

It was still absolutely on point for the character and helped really establish her mindset, but just didn't have the tragedy to really twist the knife.
This is because she's older and has just a little bit more of her shit together. Just wait until you're there for NEW trauma. The phoenix saga is a hell of a trip.

Getting creative can make some things possible. With Jean, for example, if you get her warmed up with making out and heavy petting (and she'll take her bra off) you can suck on her breasts while you stroke her thighs. I've managed to make her orgasm like that relatively early on.
Then I guess it is more of a skill issue?

Is summer the latest contents?
Yes. We wanted to fix and streamline some things. Next MAJOR update will be to finish chapter 1. The plan is to make chapter 1 feel like a complete game.

Since I currently don't care about the girls, so them being fleshed out won't really affect me, I'm thinking of skipping this update. Is there anything that I'd miss out on by waiting for the next one?
A lot of story. We have platonic routes for each girl.

Although if you really don't like any of the girls, we have discussed the possibility of a chapter skip option as the game gets further into development.

anyone know the console command for shame limit
Using cheats breaks the game because of how event heavy it is. If you want all the girls naked to have an orgy in the quad, play Oni's game.

We're not a replacement.

Will saves be compatible again next time? It would suck to really get into this now only to start over again next time.
We will do our best. As said earlier, we're gonna make sure we don't break saves unless it is genuinely impossible otherwise. It's the unfortunate state of being an in development game.


Feb 25, 2022
Honestly of all the extra content, Jean's was the weakest in terms of pulling at the emotions. It was still absolutely on point for the character and helped really establish her mindset, but just didn't have the tragedy to really twist the knife. The hyper-focused Jean of version 0.2 has nothing on Jean of 0.3.
There is some background stuff I've written that will hopefully make it into the game someday that deals with this. Trust me when I say there's a lot more to her backstory than she's letting on.
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Aug 5, 2018
I need some information on the acutal sex actions with the girls. I have not been able to make any of them climax and not been able to advance beyond touch breast or grab ass. Funny how this makes me sound...really it is a game only problem.

Anyway, I know I am missing some part of the mechanic. Any clues would be helpful I have advanced several times in the story, have the three girls as girlfriends. But still not beyond the initial sex attempt. Thanks
Are you pressing the "play" button? at the bottom of the action list there is play, pause, and auto play.
You can just progress the story w/o them cumming. Do the events, boost stats, unlock more actions. Once you get fingering or playing with themselves unlocked and usable it'll be impossible to stop them from cumming.

Is summer the latest contents? Cant go pass lv 5
I'm not able to level up past 5. Is that supposed to happen?
Yeah. It also means you can't unlock all the skills. Your choices are more stamina or more cum, I think.
Hey peeps, from the comments I'm gathering that you have to start the game from scratch and that the story ends at the same spot the previous build did, with various stuff sprinkled before.

Since I currently don't care about the girls, so them being fleshed out won't really affect me, I'm thinking of skipping this update. Is there anything that I'd miss out on by waiting for the next one?
If you played the first version and didn't care about the girls' stories and just liked the sex scenes, skip this build.
If you didn't play version .2, then play this. This isn't a vn so where the story ends doesn't matter too much, you can keep playing with the sex scenes by "the end".

Will saves be compatible again next time? It would suck to really get into this now only to start over again next time.
IIRC, they're focusing on adding stuff like clothes and more minor adjustments for a little while. I'll personally get you a save if they do.
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Forum Fanatic
Sep 3, 2017
For what it's worth, the music wasn't playing until I toggled mute on then off again. Not sure if anyone else experienced this.


Jul 8, 2019
being an arrogant ass is not how you "manage the community", literally never goes well in any other game and thread. also games that force you to start over tend to offer saves or straight up a menu option to start where the new content comes in.

you do you and be miserable tho'
The man answering questions and responding to comments is arrogant? Are you high?


Engaged Member
Jun 4, 2019
being an arrogant ass is not how you "manage the community", literally never goes well in any other game and thread. also games that force you to start over tend to offer saves or straight up a menu option to start where the new content comes in.
Found the ungrateful shit.

I mean, Shiny could have easily decided not to take the time to answer so many posts. Especially on the launch day of a new version of the game. Shiny could have easily just sat back and not done anything.

But yeah, go ahead and act like an entitled karen.

You're being ignored now.


Jun 3, 2019
I hit the tab button accidently, and the words "Skip mode" flashed in the upper right corner. Control worked for skipping after that. This is without using UNREN.


Aug 15, 2018
How to get more clothes for the girls ? I't doesn't show anything news in the mall. I already finished all main quest.

bang Umang

Nov 15, 2023
Start from Roguelike to Null Hypothesis, nice game looking forward to the next update more girls plz either from X-Men or Brotherhood


Active Member
May 21, 2018
There seems to be a bug in my save. I'm pretty damn far in the story (Spring), with all relationship variables in the 400-600 range, but the option to date Laura or Rogue isn't available to me, only Jean. She gave me the go-ahead to date them, and I've done all their special events before moving on to the next chapters so far, but no dice.

Can anyone tell me if this is a bug and if it can be fixed?

Edit: I should also add that I haven't cheated or anything, though there were plenty of rollbacks.
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