There is a problem with loading save where it just takes you all the way back to a really old save, losing hours of playing in the process. Will this be fix anytime soon?
I don't know how this is possible. This is also the first report of this "bug". I'll need more info to help you with this.
Can't play the game. It just opens in white and doesn't respond.
I'm gonna need more info. What system are you playing on?
If the girls have max love\trust, does polyamory\friendship system add anything, or do you need to start over to see the new content?
To my knowledge, there was no big event added. Just a lot of sandbox stuff that can be seen at any point as long as their relationship is high enough.
Our UI guy was taking a break and then his PC broke. He's back now so most likely next update.
showers that cost stamina during the afternoon, but not in the morning?
Might be an oversight. I don't think showers should take a time slot when compared to other time consuming activities in the game.
I often get the red mark just to open the map and find no active events at the time.
We're working on it. The system is a little bit finicky.
I've been arguing for a Harvest Moon system. Where everyone is at a specific time and place.
Though we don't want to throw the baby out with the bath water as the Americans say so we wanna see if we can finetune it before scrapping it.
I have a bit of nitpick with Colossus. I am assuming he's in his late teens or early twenties. All event are taking place in mid-2000's. In that context word "comrade" you can hear from him sounds very bizarre. Is he a member of some left-wing political organization? Or a time traveler?
that word as an address to someone virtually disappeared in early 90's.
P.S To be completely honest, I don't really like this word in English, I think it sound very awkward. Just thought would be good to point out and discuss thing I thought was right.
The soviet union collapsed in 1991. The game roughly takes place in 2005. So it's been gone for 14ish years.
Colossus I believe is 20 or 21. So he had lived in the Soviet's farming communes for a third of his life before the Soviets collapsed.
So it's not anachronistic.
Aside from that, the lore of the comics and our game is that Xavier just telepathically downloaded an English dictionary into the brains of Colossus, Nightcrawler, and Magik.
However, he didn't actually teach them how to use the language so it's a lot of awkward translation as they grow to understand it properly.
Plus something that neither the writers nor I will confirm, but he could just be fucking with you the same way that Nightcrawler types his accent out when texting you.
weird bug. my outfits don't always keep their recolored status
The clothing system also doesn't ever work properly. Whether the characters wear their custom outfits or not is always a crapshoot, and even when they do, they always seem to revert to one of the default outfits eventually no matter what.
Huh, I'll mention it to the dev team.
Anyone else having issues with the room keys? Rogue and Jean gave me theirs, Laura didn't yet. I had the option to use them for a short while, but now it went away and the keys are not in my inventory at all. I can't just enter the girls' rooms either, I have to always knock. Not a big deal but it might be a bug.
I'll mention this to the dev team. Can you provide a save for us to look at?
any prediction on when the storm will be implemented?
Chapter 2.
Though be patient. We are holding off on Chapter 2 until we get all the core systems completed.
How long is the playtime/content for this game?
We held a poll and on average it takes 5 hours if you stick with one girl and don't go for completionism.
That time is obviously extended if you go for all three girls, do the side content, and go achievement hunting.
@ShinyBoots1993, have you consider bumping it to 2048*2048 or even 4096*4096?
I have no idea what this means.
I'm just the talky guy who collects feedback.
So far, is it possible to do anal only(keep them virgin and hopefully, the game recognizes your decision) and threesomes?
Not yet. Eventually but we got things higher on our priority list.
No. the Devs are against this play style. No anal allowed without fucking their pussy first.
Please don't put words in our mouths. None of us are against it. We just didn't include it at first because most games tend to go that route of progression.
We have a list of characters that we think make sense to be anal queens and girls who'd be fine with anal first.
No ETA on when they'll be included but please don't make assumptions that can mislead others.
We tend to not pronounce the g at the end of multi-syllable words ending with 'ing' but have no trouble with the g in single syllable wordes ending with 'ing'. The example above is the writer making a mistake and using a completely different word. It should have been spelled "progressin' ", just replacing the g with an apostrophe since not pronouncing the g is the only difference in the pronunciation of the word. Progression is a completely different word. Words are not hard for us, we just have our own way of saying them. To us, your the ones not pronouncing the words right.
Our writers are from New Jersey and Scotland respectively. I just slapped them with a limited guide basically saying "Okay these are the Southern sayings actually used in Mississippi."