'Early development'. Right... Because six updates in total with only claim to fame is fixes, alterations, and minor additions, all of which could sensibly be added with chapter updates and progession of the story is worth the pussy footing around with development. If you guys were ontop of things and weren't, imho, trying to milk this for its foreseeable worth, you could have put up the next chapter by update 5 or even this one. Not the case it seems.
And you can happily disagree with me or make excuses on why development issues have hindered things or whatever bullshit all you want. But it won't stop me from saying this: You guys have a rather promising game here. Artwork, animation, and story (even if its us being the constant punching bag and every chapter we end up in the fucking hospital) is really good compared to Rogue:Lite. Yet... some here, like myself, are likely expecting a bit more with each update. We hope to add more gals to the harem like Kitty and Boom Boom and Storm for starters. But it's been the same 3 gals for the last 5 updates with simple add ons.
Somethings gotta give.