What are we looking at, updates with the 2nd semester or intermittent updates as and when stuff is completed whilst you work on the 2nd. Or updates then 2nd.
This can change but the general rotation of updates is as follows.
1. Main Story
2. Girl Story*
3. Side Quest
4. Repeat
In between these there will be bugfixes and tiny updates like new clothing and music. Bug fixes of course.
Also have you played behind the doom, it's art style is similar in a way although that's gone in the direction of full scenes.
Not a fan of the premise. I'll give it a look over.
How is the direction of the sandbox, sometimes things are hard to follow because of the nature of sandboxes.
Uh so far I think we're going with a list of locations to visit. You won't be clicking on doors and stuff. I personally like that route but it's not handled very well most of the time and it's better just to label things so you don't accidentally click down a hallway and end up on the opposite side of the mansion.
Do we go to Xavier for tips.
Some yes. He also gives you tasks in between missions.
I have to say children can make things go awry, but the introduction of kitty is good.
Kitty would probably be aged up to 18 so you can romance her. The 70s and 80s were kinda weird with the tension they put a 19 year old Colossus and a 13 year old Kitty...
For "young" characters. We basically aged them in a way that they'd be legal and mentally mature by the chapter they're introduced in.
*As in specific storylines such as comic one shots not connected to the arc we're adapting. Girls will have plenty of content in Main Story updates.