Ok, I'm entirely stuck on 31, a little help here? It says just play and it will go up to 34 but I've been on a loop for days of no progress, go to work, do the filing with Micheal while he stares at our pussy, go eat, do the void, workout with Zack, go home, rinse and repeat, I've tried going to lunch at different places, I've tried working out solo, I've tried masturbating in the public restroom, nothing works. Seducing or Watching TV with the husband doesn't seem to change anything.
Neither the void nor the Micheal loop seem to be progessing at all, and with the Micheal office loop I have no options to do any other work in the mornings, with the void loop there's no work in the afternoon either, talking to Jason at lunch just gets interrupted by Blondie McDickhead so that's a no go too.