Development Update - October 12, 2021
Greetings everyone. I am just checking in to drop a line or two about how the new release is coming. So far so good. This release is returning to the more "episodic" versions of previous releases, which seem to be more popular anyway. That means that this release is going to have a hard ending. It also means there is going to be a lot of story development. Whereas lately Stacy has been just kind of going with the flow and indulging in her newfound desires, she may just finally hit a breaking point.
So far I have planned several big scenes including a new Morgan scene, a new Douglas Harper scene, another web camming scene with Polly, and new strip club scene, though this certainly isn't all of them. There will be a few new sets including a cemetery and a nice restaurant. There will also be at least four new characters, including one we've heard a lot about already but never have not yet really seen.
All in all, it's going to be packed with a ton of new content and make some big strides in the story. I can't wait!
These are my own thoughts, not the devs-
Looks like we may be reaching the end of slutty Stacy

I just hope she goes out with a bang before that happens