Anna Exciting Adventure, I love this game, it is better made in terms of choices, it is not boring like this game. And the dialogues in this game are for idiots. It seems like Staica should have another path in this game when she goes to ask this guy about the amulet, but again she has no choice since he doesn't want to help her with the amulet, among other things. Staicy says that she should wear pants to work so that others won't see her panties when she climbs the ladder in the archives, but she can't wear pants because the creator didn't give her a choice. But the creator abandoned the second path for some reason.
Again it's a matter of Point of View. I love both games don't get me wrong however just like you say about the pants, I can say the same about Anna. Anna Chapter 1 was Phenomenal but it has gone downhill IMO since then. Nobody is forcing her to do almost anything, no corruption, no real choices at all. The story as it stands last time I played was "O my BF who Cheated/Betrayed me and is in a coma needs his medical bills paid and I have to do anything and everything to pay them" the story is so flimsy its annoying. Chapter 1 - Her boss was corrupting her, her bar manager was corrupting her etc, now it's more like "I guess I'm a slut and that's that. Huge generalizations but the point is their are no real choices.
The choices here I love, the choices for Anna you love. There really is no who's right and who's wrong just a difference in what we want to see an MC do and go through. Anna does have better fidelity Graphics by far but I love the slimmer trimmer Stacy over Anna but again it's subjective. Some guys love Selena Gomez, I on the other hand think their blind and have never seen a beautiful Latin woman before. (I was raised around a large Latin community in NYC and saw STUNNING Latin women everyday so I think Selena Gomez is highly overrated but that's my opinion.)
The Story imo is way better than Anna's atm, what's behind the pendant? what forces are at work manipulating our heroine? How do the monks, her boss, even that annoying prick Bruce fit in? It's an intriguing Story, that I want to see answered and the story completed. With Anna what is the motivation behind the story? Where is it going? I have no idea and I don't think the devs do either but again that just my opinion.
We can go to the animations section of this board to look at pretty renders and animations but it is hard to find a truly interesting story here imo.