J.S.Deacon, Loving your game so much as always. Would love to see Stacy and Jason get a visit by Jason's dad and he stays with them for a while and eventually fucks Stacy and then at some point Jason and his dad fuck Stacy together. Would also love to see Stacy's dad get the same opportunity. How about Jason's sister or Stacy's sister? I guess what I'm saying is get a lot more family involved with Stacy. Are there plans for pregnancy? Would love to see Stacy fucking around with a baby bump. Just ideas, friend. Please don't ever end this game, never!!
It would also be great when the Enchantments flash on the screen, it should show what number of enchantment it is, so we have a running total. Would love to see stats for sex acts, corruption and enchantments. Stacy should be doing some sort of prostitution, taking money from strangers, like in the subway, or at the park. All these side events, she keeps from Jason.