i am going to be a bit lazy, but how do I get the go + since I "finished" the game or is there some key element that I missed and if so is there a guide on it since when I looked at scene guide there was nothing about it?
There are a few game over + scenes, which one are you looking for?
- You can lose a fight to the bear, in the sewer tunnel, and you get dragged off to his lair for sexy times and a mini game to try and escape.
- You can lose the fight to the apes or varren in the lab and they take you off to their lair where you can try to escape.
- There is the Alpha (reptile/alligator) that chases you through the halls that can lead to a game over + where you have to make friends with local lizards and try to escape. <- this might be a different monster, I can't remember for certain.
- There is a game over + with the slugs in the vents if you allow it to grow to full size, where you experience various hallucinations and you have an option every so often to try and break free from the mind control.
- There is an actual game over with the tentacle creature you can encounter in the vents.
- I think there is a game over + with the spiders, where you end up playing as AMI to go rescue Tali and if you take too long it results in an actual game over.
There might be others, but I cannot think of anything offhand.