3.70 star(s) 18 Votes


Mar 6, 2021
Thanks for the feedback. Not at home actually. Will resolve that end of week.
Strange didn't see that bug on playtest
Here are few suggestion if you're willing to listen:

Try to focus on making the game easier... Like instead of just adding soooo much new content make the already existing content easier to do :

- Get rid of the whole find the needle in a haystack mechanic ... why tf would you even force us to click blindly on the screen untill we catch all the "hidden" easter eggs? ( If you must keep it in place either as a placeholder or a permanent mechanic take a look at , it has the best implementation that I've seen so far -partially revealing the hidden objects while you hold a button in the top right corner​
Make the quests more verbose!

- Like that guild quest , if it's not in game it shouldn't be shown at all , instead it keeps saying wait for the party to return - which they never do?​
- Or the quest for making your body - it took me 2 playthroughs to realise that during the cutscene it tells you that you got a new skill which you need to use to make ingredients... I missed that cutscene which is GG , nowhere does it mention that again , not even the tutorial - which trust me is a big mistake in itself. If the game is so complicated that it requires going through tutorials...I kept raiding in hopes of getting those ingredients​
- Or the whole quest behind rallying neighboring lords together - It should say in the quest that you need to go back to the shop keeper in order to continue , on my first run I didn't know how to complete that part of the quest or how to even donate to neighboring lords ( It doesn't let you, it is locked behind that quest ) , so I kept training my army and Ishtar kept growing stronger untill her vampires were legit 100% dodge and strong enough to oneshot me...​
- Another issue with the quest of building your body are those damn alcohol bottles ! It should say which nobles drop them and that they don't spawn if you exceed certain warning level... I mean the whole thing with important resource not spawning at all is bs , it should be reworked such that it promotes MORE raiding instead of holding you back , but in the short term you can at least make the quest more informative such that new players know what the fok is going on and what they need to do...​
Fix some bugs:
- Town economy : You can't dismiss your godelin army , meaning if you have too many of them your finances can go into negative and you can't do nothing about it ( Sure maybe you can send them to die and whatever but it's too much work and too much thinking for something that can be solved with simply adding a button to dismiss units )​
- You can't go back to the city ? Or at least idk how you are supposed to ... Like how do you retake the adventurer license ?​
Overall I really like the game , you've put in much effort into it but you really need to refine what's already inside the game before you continue on adding more stuff in...

Some of it is too much, like we have enough stuff to juggle through already so what's the point of making it even harder ...

I think vilage economy should work more like passive income of some sorts.

And Conquering cities needs to reworked eniterely - Remeber the part where you are Conquering the bandits in the forest? Like after you conquer all the bandits it becomes useless , you can look at the forest map but you can't do anything... Well you should have instead made it such that map expands and starts slowly showing you more and more cities for you to take. ( Why does this even matter? Well game is tooooo much fokin grind ... After we push through all of the issues I listed above and we get to some sort of end game , instead of things relaxing it keeps getting more and more grindy?! I legit quit my 4th run after being slapped with the whole fokin map of cities that I need to take over ... It's too much work and more important than that - game doesn't tell you shiit if it's even necessary to do that or not!

This is the thing I don't like about this game the most - there's too much unknown and too much grind and these two don't mix together !!!

You can't expect us to grind when we don't even know what are we supposed to be doing xd​
I wasted soooooo much time doing dumb shxt like raiding hundreds of wagons , doing bounty quests or overall doing random shiit trying to progress a quest when the quest in question was locked behind something else enitrely... Wasting time like this is demorilizing , and makes the game annoying af - You don't have microtransactions , so why are you sandbagging us all like that :ROFLMAO:
PLEASE make it easier, and for the love of god stop adding more annoying content !
3.70 star(s) 18 Votes