I never played the game myself (the whole prostitution premise's being not my cup of tea, really), but I heard good things from people who valued the atmosphere and the writing - of course, that needs a bit of imagination, appreciation and willingness on the part of the player's, and not everyone brings that to the table, obviously ... But there undoubtedly
are people who enjoy reading, as wild as that sounds, and I guess this is a game for those people.
One thing, however - 2018, man, look at the fecking date. This game is from way before AI art proliferation was a thing, so please, judge it by what it is.
I would even propose that writing that much text
without any 'fucking pictures' takes
more effort and makes the author even
less 'lazy as fuck', but one can argue about that, too, of course. Or just spew expletives.
As far as I understand, though, the game never pretended to be full of juicy pictures and sexy images, and everyone who downloads it knows what he is getting into (and off to) - namely, text only.
In the end, nobody forces you to play it, eh? Why all the anger and name calling?
And now I feel old. Fucking kids these days ...