Much like the original Lolth, my Lolth tends to act on divine whims rather than divine wisdom. The gods of the forgotten realms are not especially wiser or more virtuous than most mortals. They are simply immortal and powerful. Religion is very much transactional, the drow do not pray to Lolth because it is the right thing to do, but because she grants them great power, eternal lives and huge dingdongs.Food for thought percolating in my mind recently for all the lurkers here and the OP.
Is Lolth in the habit of intervening directly to answer any and all prayer(s), or does a Drow have to catch her eye and favor immediately before so with their actions?
As in what Eli was doing with Caliope in Chapter 5 on the Maryl -> Syn variation and the subsequent divine intervention?
She can hear every prayer, no doubt, but will answer only when and if she is in the mood.