Ren'Py - Abandoned - The Red Room [v0.5b] [Alishia]

  1. 2.00 star(s)



    Good renders
    Beautiful characters

    Awful, frustrating, annoying gameplay
    There is no walkthrough!!!
    Easy to get lost
    Navigation system is garbage
    Boring grind
    Unsatisfactory rewards completing tasks
    Some unavoidable fetishes
    Too many choices that don't have any impact
  2. 4.00 star(s)



    tl;dr Im not a great fan of playing female/futa MC but even i find it pretty good and thats something. While it seems i found more bad than good things, i really liked the game.

    Starting with bad since it coul be a no go for someone:

    • There is ntr and some of it is not avoidable
      • Nothing happend so far in front of MC but there are implications/scenes pics where landlady/mother is full of cum
    • Some of the propotions are over the top
      • MCs manager is faker than a blowup doll, the police woman has a cock like a baseball bat ect
    • Its not in the game yet but is does seem that you cant get around that MC gets fucked too
      • For every character you got goals and with some of them, you are the recieving one. And it seems like you need to get all the goals to "win" the game
    Now the potentially bad:

    • It seems like the game got abandoned at some point and most of the problems ppl have with the game is that its pretty "old" and still not far into the game (also accusing def of milking), meaning that it could take ages till/if even completed.
    • While the game has a decend amount of lewds, there are just a few with interacting with others.
    • Futas seems to have different cocks (horse, dog, human so far) And nothing really explains ist so far though at one point it is mentioned that you can "buy" it i guess
    Last but not least, the good points:

    • At the moment, the story itself isnt that strong but i guess only because there isnt much of the "Red Room" story so far
      • The dialogues and the scenes are well written though
    • The renders are great. MC is hot af and i cant wait till she fucks her twin!
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Very nice graphics, not alot of content for 4 years in development. So I'd almost dare to wager that this will never get finished. Sad, since it caters to quite a few obscure fetishes, and does so well.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    These are beautiful graphics; the women are varied and interesting. Grotesque when needed, captivatingly beautiful otherwise. The only complaint I would say is that there are too many moments with dead time - pointlessly interacting to pass time to see an event that does not progress the story further or just having to fast forward time because there is nothing else to do. Also, the MC development is done very well. I believe the changes.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Review of version 0.3b.
    First thing: this could, or could have been (if it's an abandoned project), one of the most contemporary successful games. The story is quite original, the images are top quality (more if you consider that most of them have been realized in 2008). The eroticism is really well conceived, that's a common trait of VNs developed by females, but most VNs are very lacking on that subject.
    Changes do matter so you get different scenes depending on your choices.
    At the moment the game seems abandoned, is it worth play it? Absolutely yes, in my opinion. There are so many worst games that get played just because they are at an advanced stage or completed.
    I'm not into some kinks that are present in the game, nonetheless, I still enjoyed it because they are enveloped in an interesting story, and I appreciate originality and surprises when I approach an artistic product (VN, film or book). I really wish Alishia gets back on this project and make it worth her time, she has all the skills to reach success and earn good money from it.

    Bad aspects that need a fix:
    - more effort should be done by the dev to avoid repeating tasks with the same results, too much grinding is not funny. She was inspired by Big Brother, she should avoid the mistakes of that game. Some dialogues should improve.
    - a few grammar errors (that's almost the normality for every game).
    - exploring the house should be easier, there should be a map with the current location of each character. I totally missed two rooms for two hours just because they were difficult to discover.
    - I wish there were more images for each lewd scene, because the quality of them is really astonishing.

    Note about final vote: I give it 4 stars because it has great potentiality, and the images alone are really worth your time. At the moment is more a 3/5 or 3.5/5.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved where this game was going which makes it so disappointing that it got abandoned. Not a ton of futa games like this on here and that made it a little more interesting. Still good to run through in its existing state.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Review as of 0.3b.

    Given the current Abandoned-status, this isn't worth the time for new players. It's more a framework and intro than a game right now. Those 4 and 5 stars reviews? They indicate what the game could have been before it was abandoned. It's a real shame as this was really promising. High quality renders and the framework for a great sandbox game with an interesting premise and unusual kinks.

    The game starts with a prologue of sorts, which is basically a regular VN with dialog options. It's a bit long winded and bizarrely gives you dialog options even when there is only one option to choose, but that's OK.

    Then, after the prologue, the game switches to a sandbox. Unfortunately, there isn't much to do here yet and you basically get to spend a few hours cycling through rooms to improve relationships with characters, with zero pay-off. As far as I know, the first and only two quests you receive can't even be completed yet, because they haven't been implemented. So that time spent talking to people is pretty much wasted.. The in-game clock eventually runs out and the game unceremoniously ends.

    tldr.... Very promising start, but was abandoned too early. Unless it gets picked up again, definitely skip this.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    As of version 0.3b

    The game is really promising on all aspects IMO.
    The renders are really really good looking and crisp.
    The characters are interesting.
    The premise sound great, don't know if there are other games like this but its the first one for me, so sure, i'll be happy to see how it envelopes.

    Its a shame the developer abandoned this.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    I couldn't make it past 20 minutes. "Feces was money" level of english, every character is repulsive and unlikeable.
    Story makes no sense, it's a goddamn mess.

    Look for a CG rip if you're really desperate for the fetishes here, don't subject yourself to reading this.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    A clever milking scheme but a game? No. So sad anyone supports this farce. Poor, limited gameplay after years of “development” alongside constant excuses and broken deadlines. Wake up and stop funneling money into this developer. Alishia has earned nothing but scorn.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Had potential. But, I got turn off real quick as seeing Lexi, she's an ugly bitch if I ever saw one. And had no much choice in many things (and even those choices don't seem to affect things).
    The renders are Great, but some character designs (Ugh), well.
    Honestly, I think if this was more like a normal reality show but erotic, where we could pursue an LI it would be incredible. Nina is perfect and fun, and the only actual reason I liked it for a time, but even so, most characters are super uninteresting. the writing is average, and the way the MC just accept shady deal is too unrealistic to accept, even trying hard to ignore.
    In the end, I'd say, if you don't care about plot or writing, and just want a game to FAP. Go ahead, if you want something more than that. Well, I think you may be disappointed, as I am. :(
    I love futa/trans MC, but this MC has zero charisma and even if she's pretty, she dull and really dumb.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    High quality CG's, all manner of body types, futas... I mean, DO I need to say more ? This is just pure unadulterated smut and I am here for it ! I think what I like most about this is that it is exaggerated, but only slightly, so it doesn't feel distracting and actually servers as a visual style. Basically a more tame style of SquarePeg3D. I hope this doesn't get abandoned and gets finished, because like I said, this is just pure porn in game form, it will get you off, and sometimes that is all a game needs to be.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Obtuse grindfest that simultaneously has 0 actual content. Its barely an proof of concept and apparently several years to get to this pre-pre-alpha demo.

    Translation is less anus than most, but it mentions things that arent currently implimented and the one implied quest isnt even a quest or completable
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Review on v0.3b


    This is probably the best version of a grindy sandbox game there could be. But... it is still a grindy sandbox game with a lot of the usual problems like just having to wander around the house trying to find characters to talk to and having to up your relationship by performing repetitive actions. But still, I feel like with a few tweaks to the gameplay, this could actually work (like adding character icons to the rooms so you know where to look for them). Overall, the whole thing seems pretty well implemented and a positive aspect is the quest interface that lets you know what you need to do to progress which gets rid of a lot of the typical guessing you have to do in these games.

    Apart from the hit and miss of the gameplay elements, the rest of the game is pretty good. The renders are absolutely gorgeous, all of the characters are super hot while also being very unique in their own right. I'm sort of missing some animations in the sex scenes, I don't know if that will be added at some point; generally I don't think animations are really necessary, but especially if you have renders this good, you'd think the dev would be up to the task and they would help to make the sex scenes feel less static.

    The story... well it is what it is. Yeah, it's a bit weird and constructed but I think it sort of works. The most unbelievable aspect of it is that the MC would agree to this weird and super shady deal so quickly, maybe you could add in some sort of pressure or something that forces her to take part in it.

    The writing is clearly done by a non-native speaker, so much of the dialogue is just very off and strange, so a native speaker should probably overhaul much of this. In some instances I even had difficulty parsing out what the dev meant to say but generally, it wasn't too bad. At least there were almost no typos.

    Content-wise, the whole game is a bit too heavy on the whole NTR and netori thing for my taste. It seems like you can avoid it but it's so omnipresent that I feel like you'd miss out on half the lewd content if you avoid NTR. I'm also not a huge fan of overdone incest but since you have other love interests in this game besides your family, I'm sort of fine with it. But it seems like the story is only really interested in your sister, your mom and your grandma, the other potential sexual interests seem more like an afterthought to spice up the variety in the sex scenes. Ah well.
    Of course you have to be into futa stuff but I guess that's not a surprise since the game has a futa/trans protagonist tag. It seems that the whole futa stuff is really well done though, with a pretty unique approach that combines both typical Japanese-style futas with a pussy under their dick and your sort of more realistic futas that just have a dick and balls without female genitalia. I'm more of a fan of the latter than the former, but this way there's something for everybody. Plus, one character that apparently has a horsecock? xD That should be fun when we get to more content with her.

    Corruption aspect
    Otherwise, this is to some degree your typical (incest) corruption game which I'm generally not a big fan of. I don't really understand making the player work for sex with every single character, like, the MC already has a girlfriend from the beginning, why not have them in an active sexual relationship already? I like my sex more spread out in these games, having to work for it harder with some characters than with others. As it is right now, the game suffers from the typical early development stage of endless teasing and maybe masturbation while real sexual content won't be included until much later because apparently in these games, your sexual relationship with every. single. character starts at 0 at the beginning and you have to work your way up with all of them. Which just makes no sense when you have a girlfriend that you could just fuck from the start and a mother with whom it's obviously gonna take more time.

    So for me the best aspects of the game are clearly the visuals with all the characters being super hot, the futa content which I just have weakness for, and the fact that the sandbox gameplay actually sort of works here with a few caveats. But in many ways, it suffers from many of the same problems that other games like it do, so I can't rate it too highly.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1957082

    This isn't a complete game, and seeing there is only one quest here, I'm looking at this as a demo, and what demo used to mean in the "olden" days was a promise of what features a game will have on it's release.
    1. Renders are top notch ->
      • zoom in on Lisa's breasts during massage is just wonderfully detailed;
      • rooms are nice - love the amount stuff is there and secret gallery and easter egg hunt are a great addition, maybe to make them a little bit distinct would cool
      • characters are gorgeous and attractive as it should be
        • Nina is the attractive pornstar and looks sort of ageless, and Julianna on the other hand (by the look of her face) looks old and yet hot. I don't know how you managed that... lmao
      • very erotic scenes, lets just say the build up the upcoming love scene good (irl as well, suffice to say)
    2. Gameplay ->
      • I forgot what was the short name for the core concept, so you will forgive me for that, basically you go from room to room finding items you can store in your inventory to unlock dialogue options with other characters or even use for your own (MC) pleasure - loved the Nina's swimsuit scene
        • Personal input : if MC was wearing her cumstained swimsuit was sex crazed out of her mind, I think it would be perfect for her to like "sex/dream" walk to Nina and Jessica during their massage and let them catch MC drooling and jacking off to them. I would just cum instantly seeing that. (TMI I know, sry :))
      • Through spending time with characters you up their rating towards - building desire which is cool concept - but the grind sucks sorry to say. I mean it becomes a grind because the renders are the same, but at least dialogue changes which is very welcome.
      • Character roster updates, which is cool, and there are status info. there as well, such is the character "preggy", dick size, breast size, small bio. and such. Very cool, love that option.
      • Quest are a really cool edition - you have the binary (usually) options in dialogue, but then there are quest which lead you toward a goal, and by the looks of it, you choose which one to solve first or do tasks for both. It's a nice change, and with the inventory management, I found it entertaining.
      • Room extra features - You can doll up for the character in the bathroom and get extra points for the relationship during dialogue but reduced for another, which is also a very cool concept - hope it's a different render for each character doll up. You can order stuff on PC, have specific interaction with character considering the room you're in. It's nice.
    3. Kinks -> I've seen a lot of renpy's trying to capture all of the kinks or go crazy with the count, trying to appease wide as possible audience, but that is a mistake, and the approach in Red Room (I believe) is the way to do it. So far
      • Body hair - love it, it's done subtle it has a backstory (feminism), and would appreciate the option on other characters to grow some body hair aswell (hairy armpits, pussy, legs, balls - if MC). Personally appreciate the body hair on Mia and Jessica, love the kink, although it's a bit softcore for me. I would love the option to increase the bodyhair on characters - through relationship
      • Futanari - attractive girls with good proportioned dicks, what's more to say
        • Futa pregnancy - I haven't seen this one before, hope dick gets swollen as well as belly. This could be actually pretty cool - spontaneous swollen dick ejac, lactation, pussy squirt.
        • Even added a horse cock character, a perfect addition
      • Beautiful female characters
      • Muscle Futa's - a rare kink, at least in experience in renpy's
        • I think Kendra is the lead in dom' kink ? - speculating
    4. Plot ->
      • Ill be direct and short as possible. Nice prologue, cum render is 10/10 and the face hilarious - though do not care for the streaming part - it's meh to me. Characters are diverse, Lisa is secretive, Jessica calls Nina "Frau" so some Z German shit is going on + she's got a bought horse cock, Mia has some mysterious background which keeps MC in suspense (and the player), this keeps you going, repeating grind kinda slows it - BUT it is the demo.

    Version at review time : 0.3b
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has a whole lot of potential!
    Especially after reading most of tasks that came from Red Room staff.
    Love how main character looks, she's beautiful and hot, and addition is really look good on her! ;)
    Can't say that for other character's as well I don't really like Mom (I can't really say what's wrong but I just don't find her hot) or Mia (She's hot, just a bit too hairy, but her mom is top notch!)
    Nina is mostly reason I instantly downloaded this game and can't wait to get into action with her.
    Character and story development so far is great, can't wait for update!
    Thank you!
  17. B
    5.00 star(s)


    This game shows a ton of promise. There is a good character variety, arts are great, the story is interesting and it has the potential of being one of the best games in F95 Zone. Thus I gave it 5 stars for what it has shown to be capable of and what it might become.

    However, despite having almost 2 years, it's still too short and early in development. When the Red Room show actually starts you can't complete your first task because it's a sex scene that has not been implemented yet. Sure, you can do quite a good number of things on the side, but it really sucks to get a game over after 6 days of receiving the task.

    That is quite frustrating, but I do see this game being very good in the future. Considering how developed it is after almost 2 years since the beginning of its development, I'd tell you not to play it in 2020 or even 2021. Wait and give it a try in 2022, it will probably be developed enough by then.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    While MC is described as a futa/trans(Those who have both private parts/ one transitioning to another) or as a "girl" really MC has only a dick so not a "futa" or transitioning hes just a sissy guy.

    Right away it is clear its a full sissy sub game so if your not heavy into that you probably wont like it, i really dont know why the creator would not just say what type of game it is before hand.

    There's stories of full cucking, hard core feminists, oh and dont forget the vegan who like all vegans will tell you shes vegan right away.

    No consistancy in the "story" like dating a full year without any nudity at all, let alone sex, but happy to be a nude camgirl and then signing up for an anything goes show.

    The whole police incident is stupid and the rest of the story gets even more rediculous, like who the hell would agree to rules like that(even if you were not a shy virgin)

    The characters dont act like real people, her sister abandoned her to get arrested and there is no anger at all, nothing, after all she did in jail, really do game creators not know what anger is?

    Almost all choices are pointless with most just being different wording of the same thing, there are some that get you different scenes but nothing to change the direction of the game or the attitude of anyone in it.

    The art and quality of the game are the only good things about it but you really need to be into gay/sissy sub to enjoy it.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    I just can't stand games like this. You've got these good visuals, an intriguing situation, and yet the developer insists on the player haphazardly wandering around the world until they guess which triggers advance the story.

    I can't think of a more frustrating game over screen in a video game on this site. Why does a game like this even need a game over screen? To increase frustration? To make the player feel like a failure when the developer poorly communicates the next objective?

    This is a good looking game with terrible game design. Honestly the moment someone comes up with a hack mod to disable the time limits I might actually play this thing. But as of now I'm not supporting this until someone else comes along and fixes the developer's mistakes.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is a perfect example of wasted potential. Looked very promising at the beginning, with some nice looking characters and intriguing plot, and turned into stupid grindy fest.
    Don't know if author loose her spark but this new direction of the game development feels facepalmingly awful.