Since I am usually not bothered with full reviews I just spill out a quick one:
This project should be a lesson to many a dev around here how to make a good product. Without knowing the dev's age I dare to say this has to be a pretty mature person that knows how to address an audience properly that crosses multiple cultures and languages. I seriously enjoy the non-intrusive infos whenever words, abbreviations etc leave room for either interpretation or are uncommon for outsiders - this feature alone earns several stars in my book.
Bringing back the oldschool feel during character creation by asking a few questions instead of putting some arbitrary numbers into some attribute-like thing was a great start. This combined with very few easy to understand mechanics for energy, time and money made this enjoyable right from the start and gave me a proper feeling of being 'me' as the player.
Even with several ingame days of seemingly no progress I felt encouraged to stick with it and keep on playing - just to be surprised several times by the story's turns. No unneeded animations disturb the flow, there is room for my own fantasy to fill gaps and holes and the choices of relationships are nicely spread out to offer real variety.
togs-games Very well done and proof that good story and product dont require the latest assets and fancy shit