bree. that's the cookie

unless this has been updated since yesterday then i am on current build.
i'm not knocking the info, just the wording as it can very easily be misconstrued as insulting the reader's intelligence. the current wording makes assumptions and i merely suggested an alternative, an adjustment any proof reader would highlight.
it is only meant as an observation and having been around a few proof readers in my time, it kinda rubs off a bit

but i would also like to apologise, as i just re-read my own post and it does look like i made a mountain out of a molehill and though i feel the point valid, it was not my intent to seem so offended, so for that i am sorry.
considering i only tried this yesterday for the first time and it kept me intrigued right up until the end, i would say you have done an excellent job so far. it is solid, apart from the odd niggle here and there, and an enjoyable read so i do hope you remain unpressured and continue to enjoy the process of creating your art