2 cents...
I got a bad feeling about his consistency from the get-go of the re-release. I did a re-work of the broken English and grammar and spent a couple days punching up the dialogue to include actual turns of phrase and colloquialisms and a few jokes that, in his initial translation, went over like a fart in church. He threw me a few bucks to do it, for which I was grateful. Then...when he released the bugfix and a few edits, after 8 or 9 emails about how much he liked the script, he shit-canned it. None of what I spent my time and HIS money editing was used, so for me, that speaks volumes to his organization and overall commitment to promises/schedules/deliverables. I don't feel burnt because he paid me and, ultimately, that's his loss, but you've got better odds of the Titanic finally reaching New York than this game ever being finished.
Thank god this is the interwebs and with a little effort, hacking a secret military spy satellite in geosynchronous orbit over the mid-west, ID'ing the limousine by the vanity plate "MR. BIGGG", repositioning the transmission dish on my roof to 17.32 degrees east, hitting WESTAR-4 over the Atlantic, bouncing the signal down into the Azores, up to COMSAT-6, beaming it baaaaaack to SATCOM-3 transponder number 137...I can find other readily available FAP material.