what did u expect ? its a usual reaction when ppl get scammed, or being assfucked like this.
its a normal way to express the disapointment, and disgusting behaviour from the devs for his paetrons and donors, and the community here.
or do u prefer that your forum is getting swarmed by scammers like this, and will loose members, and reputation because of such devs ? just to delete postings who are telling the truth , dosent help or solve the problem after all.
u delete 2 pages of postings .. what u think will happen, tomorrow u got 2 new pages of postings.
or uz prefer a censorship like this after all. if so, than u should clearly state it in the forum rules, that members are not allowed to speak negativly about a DEV and his game, and scamming tryes
or is it ok for u to see that members of your forum get tricked into "new" games and donors, and paetron payings , becaouse a game is getting reuploaded after some months, without any aditional content, just to attract new donors , and apetrons.shouldnt u as a mod in this forum protect your members of any harm ?