Ren'Py - The Secret: Ghosted & Thrilled [v0.] [Aorrta]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The art,the story and the characters are great and that is the only good points have for this game sadly the english needs to be better and whatever choices you pick does not matter the game picks for you and the game makes the mc fuck anything that has legs not letting you the player decide if you want to have sex with them or not. This why i'm giving this a 2 star if the game let us have our choices i would give this more stars.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    One day you'll catch your Grandkids masturbating to this and it'll still have less than 4 hours of content. I played this once, years ago. And I played it from scratch today, only to finish it within an hour.

    Of course it's already been rebuilt from scratch, but is missing old content. Of course it's got friendship/affection change notifications. And there's a money system, but it's not really in use. The code is littered with unused variables. And it typically starts with you filthy rich, beating skanks off your dick until you get betrayed. Years later it's *just* getting to the point where you're working at your old company in a probationary period to get rich again. There's significantly more effort spent animating scene transitions than there is on the actual game. Lipstick on the blueprint of a pig.

    Rather than finishing (or arguably starting) the story, the developer makes holiday render slideshows. And there's more effort spent on unused systems than on writing or rendering.

    Is there, like, an online course that teaches prospective visual novel developers cheap , low effort ways to string people along without actually working? 1 minor update and 1 point release in a year. At some point, it's got to be more effort to fake like you're working than to actually do the work. To be clear it's not about update frequency. 2 updates a year is fine if they're significant. This is years old and is going nowhere.

    This is a really pretty (but buggy) demo that gets updated periodically, but doesn't get much content. If that's what you're looking for, then there's no better use of your time.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    I remembered why i didnt play this game
    MC still lookslike a child and every woman much taller than he like in two times
    Its so cringe
    Only couple of womans looks like really womans and attractive but another more like dinosaurus with muscules of 20 year training like Dwayne Rock ( Ilove rock but not them)
    First sex scene looks very bad
    To much useless animation in game w/o any point
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Basically to make it clear the game looks beautiful.
    Then the torture begins to begin with it is absurd what you have to do an absurd amount of grind .. to get nothing ... then we have an idiot Mc who acts like a 15 year old adolescent and to finish off the personality of the retarded mother and he does not believe his son: v let me tell you that my mother and father would always believe me because because I am their son and they love me.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    After seeing the reviews, I was shocked at the quality of the renders. Even the sex scene with someone you don't know had a realistic plot point where some other games just explain it as, "they horney". The wanting of revenge on the douche boyfriend kept me immersed. Hope to see a ton more of this!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved this game! It really is very good. The images are of great quality, The plot is ok and the girls are very beautiful and cool. I loved them all.
    hoping it continues, it has a lot of potential!!
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Great renders but that is where it ends. Everything else is mediocre at best. The game is linear with no real choices to be made. The MC is supposed to be 23 but looks 14. While the woman are beautiful, the sex scenes are lacking because no work was needed to make them happen.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    043. :coffee:
    it is a VN with sandbox ui and i dont think that approach fits it rn
    >house routine (shower&eat) felt unnecessary and office navigation seemed bulky .
    >no build up for existing scenes ( so such are more like anti-blueballing measures. it is fine if build up will be made for main npcs later )
    >it is short on content. maybe 1h or so. (if u dont read)
    * if a typical sandbox is planned then this games needs more questchains and locations (for the sake of time-location tracking) and i have a feeling that lots of updates/time is needed for it to become a sandbox

    >renders are good. some faces looks natural but most are weird to a different degree (hopefully no crackhole eyes and wax doll looks)

    >not sufficient qol.
    -no txt skipping (a must have for me.)
    -no txt rollbacks (not of much use rn but i think i messed up with vicky date as i had no idea what was the conversation about so had no clue about what option to choose)
    -tricky phone - when using 'settings' it actually ends your gaming session.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I must say the restart of the game really paid off. The game feels good and looks good as well. Curious to see how the story will progress with the next updates as I think there is a lot of story archs that could develop.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    8 clicks to get into the office, click through one scene with good renderings, 8 clicks to get out of the office, 10 clicks to get to the next day's unskippable splash screen, repeat ad nauseum. I can't be arsed to find out if there's a plot to take over the 'totally not a brothel' agency, the incessant procedural grind for NO purpose made me delete the game with prejudice.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I’m writing this review because people are spreading false information about this game. I have a assumption that those people who rate this game so low are doing this mainly because of the developer but not the game.

    The renders of this game are top notch and the story is mediocre. This alone makes this game better than 90% of the games on this site. For me it’s a 5 star game because of the foot fetish content, which in my opinion is the best on this site.

    I also read that the game doesn’t have a quick rollback feature which isn’t true, at the introduction scene there isn’t a quick rollback feature but later you can rollback like in any other vn game.

    In my opinion this game is very well made and it’s worth to download (most definitely if you have a thing for feet and high heels ).
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Art looks great!, but all the rest is really terrible. It plays like a Unity game.

    Text is too small, and can't change it. No settings for Auto-forward etc. No quick menu. No (sc)rollback. Very odd save/load menu. Weird music popups if the music is turned off. The non-skippable 'intro' animation repeats every 5 minutes.

    It's definitely not a VN. It requires silly intervention every 30 seconds. Click here, now click here, now choose this, now pick up your phone, now close your phone. There's a backback and a map and a time of day. Sounds more like a sandbox game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is great! The graphics are great, all the models are gorgeous, especially mom and sister! Thanks to the developer for the update! The main thing is that you buddy continue to work on this project. Good luck to you!
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    This game has very good visuals.

    This game has mediocre plot and characters. Butchered because it was made as an incest game but became "landlady" game. Which of course creates a narrative clusterfuck as the main theme of the game can't be focused on.

    This game has unintuitive UI with most of the time spent trying to navigate. Actual plot progression is very short when you take out all the time wasting.

    Now that the technical part is out of the way, let's talk about the elephant in the room, which is development. And yes dev practices/policies are part of a review. Just as mainstream media would include commentary about scummy microtransactions in their review of a game, despite MtX not being actual gameplay. This game has been around for years and yet the dev vanishes (for various different reasons each time) with development practically on hold. And each time returns to revive the game with very minimal content updates before vanishing again. Meanwhile Patreon is up and running of course.

    On top of that, the most extensive update that has happened to this game over the last year, was not to add content. It was to remove content instead (incest). Something that of course ensures Patreon stays up and running, no matter if game is being actively developed or not.

    Taking all that into account, I think new players can consider themselves informed and put 2+2 together as to what this game is truly about.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    amazingly hot models, but unfortunately everything that was wrong with the original is still wrong with this one. almost makes me wonder what the reboot was for anyway? hopefully someone makes a mod that makes this game playable cuz it's such a waste of quality renders.
    would've given it 3 stars but no rollback makes it a 1
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    I would give :

    5 stars for graphics

    0 stars for story and plot (usually 1 guy think he is smartass ego maniac instead to work with good writer and stick only to 3D design , he showing very poor pathetic story not even 10 years old child have such a bad imagination and scenario )

    1 star for lies and delay - guy started same game almost 4 or 5 years ago, then disappear with some usual excuses like every milker from Patreon and screw dozen my friends who followed him 2 years

    Overall rating is 1 star.

    I really think'd about 2

    but since me and couple my friends already spread words about liar Aorrta , I would be hypocrite 2 faced to praise something and betrayal my friends.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Im giving it a 4 for its potential, best transitions ive ever seen, you can tell the developer put a lot of time into it, also the best renders and leg/foot content ive seen in a long time, the girls all are slightly different, and the developer gives you some good sex content with side characters. However it seems like the games been on hold for a while, so if the game doesnt finish i will have to rate according to the version its stuck on, which doesnt deserve a 5 yet.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Tech Demo made to eye catch with minimal work after that.

    Seems like a money grab since it jumps from onhold to terrible update to refresh interest and then back to onhold. Which is a shame becase the opening tech demo was great when it was released years ago. Now wven that is becoming dated.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    The Story is terrible .There was like 10 sec of animation at the beginning. the rest is just pictures Bunch of useless annoying navigating around a map for no reason. needs fast travel system. takes to long to load new scenes
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game, you have to play it.

    1. Great graphics, animations and transitions are excellent.
    2. All the girls are super hot, but even better, they are different in their own way.
    3. if you are a foot fetishist - download it without even thinking. Probably one of the best games for you.
    4. Hot sex scenes.

    1. MC as I get it smth like 20-23 years old, but he looks like a f*cking 15yo kid, that's just weird.
    2. Default pattern - every girl u see wants to fuck u (almost every), kinda annoying.
    3. Not really much content yet, but the potential is huge.

    Waiting for the updates!