Ren'Py - The Secret: Ghosted & Thrilled [v0.] [Aorrta]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I need more. I totally need more of this. The model are amazing and the story really well developed. You really feel something for the characters at the end of the update.
    Lola girl number one, hoping to see more in the future. Like, way more.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great game. Their characters are very sexy. The story is very beautiful. The graphics are very good. I was never bored while playing the game. I really like. I look forward to the next update. I believe that better things will come out.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing renders. Great story, yet is more to come, cant wait for new interactions with the main characters!

    The game gives you quite a few sex scenes from the start.
    It is interesting without grinding for money (yet, as money will appear but im sure it wont be difficult).
    The creator delivers quite well,lets wait and see what the next update brings us
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    wow this game is polished. small things like the transitions, the relatively big soundtrack,
    the photoshooting options etc. made it feel like a tv show. Pretty girls everywhere :PogChamp:
    I can't wait to see more of this. Thumbs up from me (y)
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Started this game for the first time and had no idea who Mary was supposed to be!
    Renders look good but gave up after 5 minutes as it makes no sense now the the (Patreon) "prohibited content" has been removed in this version. I will reconsider playing if someone adds the incest content back in. If so, I will post a new review.
    At present disappointed with it :(
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1011679

    Just an excellent game with a lot of potential.

    + amazing CG
    + all women are super hot
    + no grinding
    + the minigame is skippable
    + story seems interesting

    - the beginning was very focused on one sex scene after the other. Later on it got less
    - no gallery yet
    - afaik choices only matter in 1-2 scenes. it would be great know if there are more or if the game would tell you that you could miss content.

    Other than that, really great game.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game, you'll love it!

    1. Dev found a plausible explanation for the fact that there are so many beautiful girls in the game just throwing themselves at the MC. Granted, the story is a but, err.., exotic, but it is in itself logical, which I am a huge fan of.
    2. Then: renders and girls are absolutely stunning
    3. There is little grind but steamy sex scenes right off the bat. Dialogues are not bad, MC seems a bit of a simpleton, wish he'd have more game in and out of himself.
    4. Awesome soundtrack

    1. The office floor layout is unnecessarily complicated, I still find myself searching for the elevator every once in a while.
    2. Gameplay feels a bit "caged", you are on rails all the time, with little chance of doing things your way.
    3. Too much sex scenes during the same event (e.g. 2x sex on the same flight, 2 blowjobs within 10 minutes) seems a bit crowded, wish the game would stretch the lewd content with some build up and suspense in-between.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Idk about the last version (didn't play) and the dev's work ethics but this is one solid game. The story is sufficient for porn to be embedded throughout nicely. The graphics and top notch and the game has a distinct style and feel to it with the music.

    • It has very high quality rendering. Why not give all scenes animations?
    • The protagonist looks really young.
    • Moving through spaces(office, home) takes time. Reduce the screen fade time to make travel snappy.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    the game has a good story , amazing art work ( i love the models specially Mary, Brenda and Sherry) and the animation is by far one of the best i have play so far and going to subscribe to support and if you don't believe me , all you have to do is try and won't regret it.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Quite possibly the worst dialogue I've ever read, it's even next-level terrible when compared to other porn games. The protagonist is a literal child with an inflated age tacked on in order to justify it.

    The only redeeming features are the renders.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I must say,i really appreciate all the effort that has been put in this remake,i have played the abandoned version,and i can say that there has been quite a lot of rework and it looks absolutely great and very promising.My type of game with a lot of hot stuff without too much effort,after all we are here to enjoy ourselves,not to have a gaming experience.I HONESTLY HOPE THAT THIS GEM WON'T BE ABANDONED AGAIN!
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Is more a 3,5 stars. Why? Hold my beer and read this!

    Whats wrong with this game?
    Technical and visual artistical skills are more than given but the writing and story is poor.

    Get yourself a writer!


    Stunning! Renders are really good and the transition videos are one of a kind. Some of the animations however are really poor. But it seems that the devs mostly changing the animations from image based to full animated videos. So, fingers crossed.


    So far a VN without any major gameplay. No grind, just decisions. Also not 5000 splitting branches. Pretty straight forward with some decisions which matter. Movement is a bit odd and irritating.


    Many bugs which didn't break the game so far. One downer was that you can skip the decorating minigame but also miss some of the story by doing so.
    Also the introductions states that you can take photos and use them as background for you mobile, this isn't implemented yet.
    Many little things which are annoying but not gamebreaking.


    Yes, the biggest downside. Currently it is just, hey wanna fuck? Yeah, use every opening in my body. Also the MC is 23 and looks like 12.
    With proper writing, this could be a masterpiece.

    Still 4 stars? Yeah, this can turn into more in the future. Would be a shame to waste that potential.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Sure seemed like a good choice to start out seeing what this game was about.
    Game itself looks quite good... but thats about it.
    The dialogs cheap and short.. very cheap... Hey we just met, lets have sex. Thats pretty much all the game offers on buildup.
    The actual sex scenes.. pretty meh. They are good looking, but again seriously lacking in storyline, buildup, suspence... well anything.

    The entire plot of the game, is condensed down to four lines... Jups, four lines of dialog.
    Gameplay consists of good looking settings, and no options. Aka, you have to click everything in order to be able to progress. You cant even skip sex with ppl you dont like, or fetishes that you dont like. Everything has to be clicked.
    Still early game bugs that breaks the game. Pantry minigame bug.

    Feet, if you dont like them.. STAY THE FUCK AWAY from this game. Its probably around 80% of the focus in this game. Personally, an absolute dealbreaker as its a turnoff.
    This is a footfetish game sprinkled with other sex.

    For those that like it.. its instantly in your face with sex.. for no reason what so ever.. or even interaction or choice.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Until the part art style changed we had good looking art style. (Hot girls/women etc)
    + There was some interesting features like doing interview with girls but it didn't last long.

    Bad Points
    - We have a lot of annoying and unchangeable effect like going inside of room... Why you add effect for that? Its just annoying to press mouse button for skipping that everytime...
    - There is no skip option! You cant skip and dialogue at all!
    - Art style of game changed from good to terrible... Every girl/woman in this game looks ugly/unattaractive and espacily Marry... She looks awful, she is like 70 years old hag and not attaractive at all. And oh god... Those feet... Feet looks terrible and totaly turn-off... I never saw this much ugly feet drawings in any adult game until today...
    - There is no scene gallery feature... We are living in 2022 god dammit not in early 2000's...
    - MC dont have likeable character.
    - Except one animation all game have cheap 2-3 pictured bad animations. DEV changed and add new animations for new scenes but not remake old ones so you need endure old ones until new ones start.
    -Plot is realy empty and we dont actualy know anyting about plot itself.
    - Story could be interesting but its have a lot of flaw. Some things doesn't make any sense at all like how the hell that guy can take over company that easy? Its not logical at all.

    For The End
    I never imagined this game gonna be this much terrible with new updates... It was game had potencial, so seing it became terrible like this is kind of sad... Only option is literaly remake whole game with new art and changing literaly everyting include story and im totaly sure DEV not gonna do that... So at this point game is not playable or good at all...
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1110269

    the game I tried before was 'TFMS', good, I guess, it's just that there was something 'lacking' from the game, but after being reloaded, I felt it was almost perfect, even though there were bugs and others, but this proved you developers work hard very positively significantly. That's all I can possibly give for this assessment, im keep to support you guys !! Keep the spirit alive!! Your fans won't disappear !! :BootyTime: (y)(y):coffee: -Aorrta- *imtheExpertFansAdultGames*
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    the Game,
    it’s great Designed that looks Really Fantastic.

    - Story has a few weaknesses here and there but knows how to Convince
    what I like is that there are no such pointless and miserably long Dialogues.

    - Great Graphics
    - Great Renders of Female Character Models
    - Good Sex Content and Animations
    - Good Interface

    What bothers me personally, the MC looks somehow totally lost Next to all the Beautiful Girls ( like a little Boy )...!

    ....otherwise a Great Game with an Unlimited Potential.....

    thank's to the Dev. for this Great Game....
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    good gameplay, some typos, but in general well written texts, great renders and a good music playlist. In a way the story is original, although the relationship between mother and child progresses the same as all games in this style (it works well, there's no need to change), at the end of the episode the game leaves you with a certain curiosity about what is ahead to come . Overall a good game, and I hope he fixes the mistakes that have been present so far and does not give up on the project again.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    To be honest, I loved this game. There are so many brilliant aspects of this game I can talk about.
    The graphics and renders are simply the best.
    For me, the story is also great and hopefully it will be more popular in coming days.
    Some of the scenes were so great that I am just surprised how strong impact it had on me.
    Can't wait any longer for the next chapters.
    Just one request though, hurry up and update some more brother.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    My usual disclaimers when writing reviews on here are that A. I am here for the "plot" not the plot and B. I generally dislike visual novels. So take both of those into consideration for my review when thinking about this game.

    The Secret: Reloaded
    seems like its taken a bit of a pasting in recent reviews, I think quite unfairly. I'll sum up a few of the pros and cons I've seen in other reviews and then add on a few of my own thoughts at the bottom.

    • Great visuals - this game has pretty excellent visuals, the women are all hot as hell and the animations, while minimal, are also pretty nicely done
    • Sex scene quality - very regular and fun, plus there's a lot of eye candy here even outside of the sex scenes. Basically, everyone seems to be on the same page that this is primo fap material

    • The writing and premise - I've seen a few reviews talking about how ridiculous the premise is. Literally every girl you meet, including the lesbian, basically wants to fuck you right away and the whole situation is a bit ludicrous. I'll come back to this!
    • All the women have similar body types and huge tits. I put this in "mehs" because I want you to know: it's definitely true. HOWEVER, I personally actually love this, so don't give a fuck about how unrealistic it is.
    • The English translation is very, very far from perfect. It's not SO bad that it put me off, but it's certainly a bit distracting
    • Buggy conversations - I noticed a couple of big issues. Primarily that the game will say the wrong person is speaking (happens VERY regularly) and also that after a while it began to refer to my character as "Username" which was a bit silly. I assume this is something that can be patched though, so not exactly a negative.

    • The protagonist looks like a child - Blatantly the biggest issue with the game. I don't understand what kind of design choice this was (beyond going for a straight shota type of thing) and it just fucking sucks and ruins the immersion
    • The FUCKING, FUCKING, FUCKING, FUCKING decorating minigame. Everyone has complained about it even though it's a one-off, 20 minute segment. That's just HOW hard this sucks. I sincerely hope it either gets removed or at the very least the creator makes sure to NEVER have anything else like it.
    • Why does it have a wee transition screen advertising the game in between every scene? That just annoys me...
    • Akita's hair. Call me nit-picky but her hair style to me is actually far dumber than the excess of crazily busty women. It just... It just looks so stupid...

    Now some of my own analyses from having played V.

    First and foremost, I think everyone complaining about the story is being ridiculous. This is a porn game, and porn games are ALWAYS at least somewhat silly and unrealistic. Sure there are things like Being a DIK where it actually feels like it could genuinely happen, but even then it's still extreme and pretty unusual. Good writing in porn games is the cherry on top, not the bulk, and things like Being a DIK are the exception, not the rule.

    Quite frankly, I even enjoyed the fact that it seemed to not take itself too seriously and knew from the outset that this was just going to be about banging different big-titted babes. On that note as well, I can totally understand that this and the fact that most of the girls have huge boobs is somewhat off-putting to some, but for me it was just gravy.

    Whatever the case, it really doesn't deserve the lambasting its getting for its story, because honestly in terms of what I'm here for (which I assume lots of us are here for) it's pretty cracking!

    Where it DOES disappoint is in its current choice set-up. It seems to be intending to go the route of a dating sim, structured into time-slots. But, this is just a facade and currently there is only one linear route through the game. It's also very, very short currently and is barely starting to get into the plot. However, as it seems to be a relatively new addition, I do think it has the promise to become really much, much better with the addition of more content.

    On this note, there seems to also be an opinion metric in the game, but whether that actually has any bearing right now seems unlikely. Partly because its too short, but also because its too linear. I currently have no thoughts on it, although will say its current presence feels very pointless.

    I also kind of wish it dealt with its kinks a little differently. For example, in one sex scene you are not allowed to proceed until you've done everything... Except I'm really not into feet and the whole foot-job thing kind of killed the whole moment for me, but you have to do it to proceed. Hopefully something else that can be fixed in the near future.

    I think overall, for my purposes this is a 3.5/5 with the potential to be much better if it begins to introduce branches to the story and some genuine choices. I've rated it a 4/5 because I think that it deserves much better than the 1s and 2s it keeps getting. It's clearly just for fapping, but that's exactly what I want and it delivers perfectly.
  20. M
    5.00 star(s)


    Great design for the game and sounds inside game a great Excellent facial expression that and much Exciting There are some glitches however is still under development We wait next update keep on and we sprout you